On 28th November 1897, Pope Leo XIII appointed Saint Pascual as Patron for all the Eucharistical Congresses and Associations all over the world. In order to commemorate the first century of this date, several initiatives were done. The Church has been completed by elevating two twin bell towers at both sides of the main front entrance, mainly funded by popular donations.
The Spanish National Eucharist Congress was celebrated in Vila-real in September 1997, and the Spanish National Mail Company edited a postal stamp with Saint Pascual's image and a special ink stamper for this date. This has been thanks to the efforts of the Vila-real's philatelics association "Rei en Jaume I" that has also edited a book titled "San Pascual, Vila-real y la filatelia".
With a total weight of 3360 Kilograms and a diametre of 150 centimetres, the biggest rollover bell in the World is installed at Saint Paschal Baylon sanctuary belltower. Named "Sanctissimum Sachramentum", it sounds the note DO3, being part of a set of 12 units of different sizes, manufactured by Fonderie Paccard in France, and funded by a local family.
For the second twin belltower, a carillon composed by 72 bells covering 6 music octaves, manufactured by an expert bellfoundry company in the Netherlands, is now being installed. The biggest bell, named "San Pascual", weights 2229 Kilograms and corresponds to DO1, therefore becoming the biggest of Spain -the monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial in Madrid starts with a Re1 of 1610kilos-.
This carrillon, with a total weight of more than 12 Tons, is one of the biggests in the world, is computerized and can play bell concerts automatically as well as manually.
The carillon was exhibited in early March, before starting installation works, in front of the monument to Saint Pascual, also a donation from Mr. José Gómez Mata.
On 17th of May 1998, an Opening Concert was performed by the prestigeous Belgian carillonist Aimé Lombaert, with the attendance, among other authorities, of the Segorbe-Castellón Bishop and the Valencian Regional Government President, in which compositions from Tarrega, Rodrigo, and others were played. To be pointed out the performance of the "Himno de Villarreal", during which the powerful melody of the carillon was complemented by the local music band La Lira.
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Courtesy of the "Valencian Bell-players Association"