
Note to casual browsers - This is just an experiment to see if I can make my songbook "transportable", for playing along with friends. This is not meant to be for public consumption so no apologies for taste. 

Under each hyperlink are the words, and either chords or tabs. Many of these arrangements are not exactly the same as the originals - they are my interpretation, or how I perform them. Again, no apologies. 

Kevin Ayers

I don't exactly have a Kevin Ayers obsession, just a similar voice-range, which makes it easier for me to cover his songs than other people's.

Some of these arrangements are mirrored to the Kevin Ayers fansite "Why are we sleeping", but there may be newer versions here (I occasionally discover I have been playing in the wrong key or something).

whatevershebringswesing.gif (29107 bytes)

shooting at the moon.gif (19072 bytes)

bananamour.gif (15098 bytes)


Tim Adams
Noumea 12 June, 2000 to 21 March, 2006  
tim (AT)