To add your site to the queue, use this form. Note that this will not include your site in the Final Fantasy Webring. Your site still needs to be reviewed before entry. Please don't send mail about your addition into the queue unless the form isn't working. Once you have put the images and HTML code on your page, mail a ring member about entry into the ring.

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Site Title:

If you only need to edit site information, use this form. This can change your password, description, title, keywords... everything but your ID.

Site ID:

This is how your Webring segment should look.

This Final Fantasy Webring site is owned by Adam Perry.

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If you decide to join, cut and paste the HTML fragment listed below. You must do this in order to enter the ring.

<!--Begin HTML fragment (start cutting here.) --> <CENTER> <FONT Size=2> <a href=""><img src="ffring.gif" align="left" border=0></a> <a href=""><img src="ffnext.gif" align="right" border=0></a> This <a href="">Final Fantasy Webring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE">Your_Name_Here</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> <FONT SIZE="2"> Want to join the <A HREF="">Final Fantasy Webring</A>? Click to learn more!</FONT> <BR><BR> <FONT Size=3> <BR><BR> [<a href="" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </B> </FONT> </CENTER> <!--End HTML Fragment (you can stop cutting now.) --> IMPORTANT: You still need to change the _SITE_ID_HERE_, etc. to meet the actual information. (i.e. Where it says Your_Name_Here put your real name.)
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