Well, after lots of searching and surrfing, Sliders chat is now here. This chat is real-time. Here are the requiremnets to chat with others:

1. A web browser that supports Java applets.

2. A fast connection. (optional, but it keeps the chat moving fast).

3. A love for Sliders. (Required)

I have put lots of hard work into setting up this chat, so please follow the rules.

1. No foul language unless everyone else in the room doesn't care. If everyone else doesn't care if you use foul language, then go right ahead.

2. No harassing other chatters.

3. Most importantly, NO FLAMING!!!! I hate it more than anything. If I see any flaming, the chat will be password protected and I will make sure that you will not gain access.

If you encounter a problem please don't bring it to me. I cannot control who comes in or out (for now). If this is a serious problem, then I will make an exception and listen to your problem. E-mail your problem to me.

© 1996

If you agree to these rules then click below to agree and enter the chat


Other Sliders sections I provide

My main sliders page

My Sliders sounds page

My Sliders trivia contest