In any RPG, you spend the majority of your time in battle building up your character. Therefore, we have made an effort to make battle in Dawn of the Twilight Star much more versatile and fun than in any other RPG.

The first step in making battle more enjoyable for you was to give you a selection in battle format:


In either case, battle will be the most fun you've ever seen in an RPG to date. In fact, you might *gasp* forget there's a reason you're fighting. Now, let's get into how it works >)


The tried and true overhead-realtime-style battle system has worked for years in games such as The Legend of Zelda, Zelda A link to the past, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy Adventure, Soul Blazer, and many more. We also think this view and type of battle is the most easily displayed and played in real-time combat.

But, as always, we were not satisfied with the basic game play that such a system provides. You end up doing the same things over and over and over ... usually swinging your sword. That to me is just as boring as menu battle. We want the variety of battle options you'd expect from a street fighter such as MK3, SF2, or KIgold - so that's what we've done. >)

Each character (of the 20+ playable characters in the game) has his or her own unique set of special attacks in addition to a basic attack. Each one could stand up to M.Bison, or Shao Kahn any day. We even have a combo system which allows you to link attacks together in a bone crushing display of power. This fantastic arsenel is further supplemented by combination attacks which are completely special to each combination of two or three characters. Oh, they even have special rage attacks when they become ...enraged... don't make them angry... don't say we never warned you. We could keep going with the innovations we have planned... but we don't want to give too much away... even though most of the features we're adding are logical extensions of the current systems.

Oh yeah, did we mention, it's 3D? The battle system was designed around 3D exploration. Battle strategy will be important even in real-time combat, to know how to get an advantage over your opponents. Also, the areas aren't just pretty backdrops for your explorationg... using the environment will be important to success... it'll also be fun and intuitive, and fun, did I say fun already?


Who ever said Menu battle is boring? (well, we think so) So we were determined to make Menu Battle FUN for a change. We started by listing things that made us cringe at the thought of gaining 200,000xp in endless, monotonous, menu battle. Wanna see our list? Sure ya do!

For starters:

Our solution:

Problem 2:

Our solution:

Problem 3:

Our solution:

We think that actually takes care of most of our grudges against Menu based battle.

Now for a tiny list of cool new features that we're adding to both Real-Time and Menu Based combat! The Battle Design document is over 20 pages long (courier new, size 9).

True Critical Hits (not just "extra" damage)
Rage Attacks (automatic "limit breaks" in a way.. but if I explain them more,,, it'll give too much away)
Revenge Attacks (How DARE you hit me? *WHACK* That'll teach ya...)
Weak/Strong Points (on you and enemies)
Skill and Stat Improvment by use

And let me say one more time: We're using 3D for enhanced gameplay. NOT for pretty graphics

If our main concern was beauty, we'd have stuck with 2D... (you may have guessed that I don't like how blocky polygons look... I'm an artist too)

We know ya want to know more.. but as we said before, we don't want to give too much away, or someone else will do it first, and it won't be as unique to our game.

All content, be it text or image, is © 1996 Indigogames.
Squaresoft, Chronotrigger, Shao Kahn, M.Bison, The Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy Adventure, Soul Blazer, MK3, SF2, and KIgold are © the respective company and/or party to whom it rightfully and lawfully is owned.