Indigogames is a small Computer Game development company composed of eight friends working together over the internet.  We combine our individual talents to create games that we'd love to play. We're funding the development out of our own, meager pockets. No salaries, paychecks, or any other payment comes our way. Our only reward so far, is a job well done... when we get done, and the fun we have doing actually making games.

A brief history of Indigogames can be found here.

The company is divided into four departments of development.  Take a look inside of each department to see exactly how we operate!


Staff Personal Webpages and Profiles:

Fred Doughty
Cory Helson
Frank Miller

Mikael Kinunnen
Richard Wikstrom
Josh Jersild
Jason Lewis
Mathew Burbank


Job Opportunities



© 1999 Indigogames All rights reserved.