The TALI unit


The anachronym, TALI, stands for Tactical Assault, Long-distance Infantry.

The unit itself has no programming or "computers" as they are currently known, what-so-ever (a point that, as you will learn, makes this the perfect tool for this particular mission). However, the unit receives information from the remote USER's thoughts. As with the ATTACK suit, the TALI unit has been perfectly tuned to receive instructions from Talianna's thoughts and commands.

Talianna pioneered the use of these "Remote Units", and has become extremely proficient in their use. Many TALI units have been created. They share very similar qualities with the ATTACK suit, but they are made as companion units, assisting live infantry in battle. They come equipped with powerful weaponry and useful tools. Don't leave home without one.

Weapons Systems

The TALI unit was designed as an assistant or side-kick for the human infantry. Thus, its systems are powerful as backup firepower and for jobs no man could accomplish. Talianna will be controlling these units, (as likely, you'll use more than one as they are destroyed >)

Weapon Systems:

Extending Pincers
Ultra Beam
Missile Launcher
Heat Seeking Missiles
Sonar Guided Torpedos
Grenade Launcher
Flash Bombs

Defense Systems:

All Armor for the ATTACK suit applies to the remote unit.

It also uses the same shields (on a different energy meter)


Other Systems:

This is a basic tool that you have to begin. It allows you to access computer systems and uplink to them.
Different Pass Codes may be needed, and will be cracked over time.

This device is a permanent part of the unit. With it, you can communicate with any other computer.

Laser Torch




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