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The ARCO Gallery


Welcome to The ARCO Gallery, in the Community of GrassRoots!
You can visit there all the Rooms: go and look!


 Support Group    WELCOME   HATCHERY    *-Summit School
 Offices             |          |       |
    \                |     Cove/Tunnel  *-Ken Valley
    CSC     SC      SEEDS  |   *****   /
        \ /          +-----+  'Hoods--*-Madison High
Chat ----*-------+   |        /*****  |
      K12   GTC  |   |       *        *-Philadelphia
         \  /    |   |       |       *************
    GRU---LC--*  |   |       C     +-* Tundra    *
Cont.Ed. /     \ *********   R     H * Sky -> ARCO GALLERY *
                \*TAPROOT*--ROADS--O * Mountains *
 Builders ---*   *********   S     M * Caves     *
  Center     |   |           S     E * Foothills *
             |   |  *******  |     S * Forest    *
 MOOInfo ---IC---*  Museums  |     I * PineForest*
             |   | /*******  |     T * Water     *
 Programmers-*  CEC          /     E * Meadow    *
  Center     |   *---Downtown      S * Outback   *
             |   |       \         +-*************
 Generics Lib*  TeenClub  *---Shops & Business


The Sky
   --> Arco Gallery
      --> The Moreno Theater
      --> Plinius Gardens

chat TEATRO miniMOO

Here, you can visit:

Moreno's Theatre

Milano (Italy)

Ambrosius, the_owl, is waiting for you, together with his wonderful dog:

You can get information about GrassRoots by sending mail to with the command: get grass faq

To visit the WebTree component of GrassRoots:
GrassRoots: A Catalyst for Community

To visit the Text-based Virtual Reality (TVR) component of Grassroots:
Text-based Virtual Reality (TVR)

You can visit TVR directly by telnet:
Connect to GrassRoots - MOO

login with userid grass and password changeme
At the GrassRoots login screen type: co guest

ARCO Home Page

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All the Time in the World A Java Applet
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Ambrosius, the_owl