Go to the last character in multiplayer mode and press:
hold L+R and press <C hold L and press ^C hold L+R and press < on the control pad hold L and press > on the control pad hold R and press \/ on the control pad hold L+R and press <C hold L and press ^C hold L+R and > on the control pad hold L+R and press \/C hold L and press \/ on the control pad
Other Cheats
Level Difficulty Cheat
Dam 00 Agent Paintball mode
Facility 00 Agent Invincibility
Runway Agent DK mode
Surface 1 00 Agent ????
Bunker 1 Agent 2X Throwing knives
Silo Secret Agent Turbo mode
Frigate 00 Agent No radar
Surface 2 00 Agent ????
Bunker 2 00 Agent ????
Park 00 Agent Fast animation
Archives 00 Agent Invisibility
Streets Agent Enemy Rockets
Depot 00 Agent Slow animation
Train 00 Agent silver PP7
Jungle Agent 2X Hunting Knives
Control Secret Agent Infinite Ammo
Caverns ???? ????
Cradle 00 Agent gold PP7
Aztec 00 Agent 2XLasers
Egyptian 00 Agent All Weapons