Freestave (Wizard Kit)
Description: A freestave is a mercenary wizard who wanders the Realms much like the standard mercenary fighter, selling his magical talents to the highest bidder. Many evil mages in the employ of the Zhentarim are freestaves who have found an employer interested only in results and not methods.
A freestave must be able to stand the demands of travel, and hence a minimum Constitution of 9 and Strength of 9 are required in addition to a minimum Intelligence of 9.
Preferred Schools: The preferred schools of freestaves are invocation/evocation and abjuration, although almost any type of specialist will find his talents in demand for appropriate lines of work.
Barred Schools: Freestaves are not barred from any school, although necromancers rarely find consistent employment as mercenaries or have the temperament for such work.
Role: Freestaves serve as the wizardly equivalent of mercenary warriors. They contract themselves out to various employers for a variety of tasks. Many evokers serve in mercenary armies providing magical support. Many diviners serve army commanders directly providing valuable information. Conjurers are often used to "soften up" an area with numerous monster attacks before an invasion. Enchanters make excellent interrogators and spies. Illusionists supplement guerrilla campaigns with great effectiveness. Abjurers are often employed to protect high ranking commanders and to cancel magic employed by opponents. Transmuters and generalist mages provide a large arsenal of magic for general purposes.
Secondary Skills: No particular Secondary Skill is recommended or required. A freestave receives his Secondary Skill either by choosing or rolling randomly, whatever is normal for the campaign.
Weapon Proficiencies: As mage.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: (Warrior) Endurance, Riding (Land-based), Spellcraft. Recommended: (Wizard) Engineering, Ancient (Military) History, Reading/Writing; Running,  Blindfighting; Tumbling.
Equipment: The freestave may buy any equipment he chooses, keeping whatever money he might not use. A freestave may be loaned powerful items such as magical wands by his employer for the duration of employment.
Special Benefits: A freestave can often demand access to new spells or training as payment from potential employers in exchange for service. Also freestaves are traditionally paid far better than common mercenary troops. Payment of 50 gold pieces a day for a mid-level freestave is not uncommon.
Special Hindrances: A freestave is rarely trusted by his own employer or his fellow troops. Enemy armies often have a corps of assassins who are trained to specifically disable and/or kill enemy wizards. Mercenaries and other soldiers will rarely take a wizard prisoner, immediate execution is the standard operating procedure. Many kingdoms ban known freestaves from their borders. The penalty for discovery is usually immediate imprisonment or death.
From: "Eric L. Boyd" 


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