The Metamage

          by The Cat.Dragon, Robert H. Nichols ,
         (with help from ``The Monk?`` IceNET #1 AT WWIVNet 6274)

Specialist Name:
Allowed Races:
     Humans, elves, and half-elves may be metamagicians. The requirement
     for a broad base of magical skills excuses the other races from
     joining this school.
Ability Requirements:
     Metamagicians must possess an intelligence that is no less than 17
     because of the extreme technical discipline of metamagical studies.
     Additionally, due to the rigors of channeling pure magical energy, the
     constitution of a metamage must be 16.
Saving Throw Modifiers:
     must be lawful
     This rare and esoteric school deals with the study of the scientific
     and logical underpinnings of magic itself, as well as the casting of
     spells that modify the operation of other spells. It is usually only
     open to individuals that attend a large college of magic, although it
     is not unheard of for a lone metamagician to take on apprentices far
     from such a school.
Bonus Spells And Acquired Powers:
     A metamagician can memorize an extra spell at each spell level,
     providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school
     of metamagic. They also gain a 15% bonus when trying to learn or
     research spells from the metamagical list (see below).

     As metamagicians rise in experience, they learn progressively more
     about how to control magical forces. Their bodies, in fact, become
     little more than vessels for the magical powers inside of them. This
     influence over magic manifests itself as a magic resistance of 5% when
     the metamagician reaches 11th level. With each experience level that
     the metamagician attains after 11, another 5% resistance is added on.
     Thus, a 16th level metamagician has a 30% magic resistance. The
     metamagician must concentrate to receive this magic resistance. While
     doing this the metamagician is unable to cast spells, but he is not
     precluded from attacking with melee or missile weapons or performing
     other actions.
Oppositional Schools:
     The discipline of metamagic is a study of magic in all of its forms.
     Thus, there is no true oppositional school to metamagic. However, due
     to the mathamatical and metaphysical logic that the metamagician
     learns, wild magic spells are antithesis to the metamagician. Because
     of this, spells belonging to the wild magic school that are not listed
     below can not be learned by a metamagician. Those wild magic spells
     listed as part of the metamagic school are difficult for the
     metamagician to learn and thus the metamagician does not gain his 15%
     bonus to learn spells when attempting to learn these wild magic

The Study of Metamagic:

Due to the logic and study that metamagicainas use in learning magic, the
metamagician must take an experience point penalty of 10% to represent this
extra time and study required to learn all of the different methods open to
him. (Note that since the metamagician must have an intelligence of 17 or
better, he automatically gets an experience point bonus of 10%. This is
already accounted for in assigning the 10% penalty; actually, the
metamagician receives a 20% penalty that is partially counteracted by high

Metamagic is the type of magic that affects other spells. The effects that
can be gained by utilizing metamagic vary from increasing the range of a
spell to decreasing the casting time, to removing the material components.

Metamagic is a demanding field of magic to study. Not only does the
meta-magician have to be intelligent beyond what normal magic calls for,
but they also must be healthy and strong of body in order to handle the
magical forces that metamagic submits upon them. For these reasons, a
meta-magician must have an Intelligence better than 17 and a Consitiution
of 16 or better.

The following spells are considered members of the metamagic school of
magic. Note that some of these spells are also members of the school of
wild magic. Even though wild magic is the opposition school to metamagic,
some spells do "cross over."

The sources of these spells are given in paratheses behind the name of the
spell. If there are no paratheses, then the source if the PHB.

     CS - Waterdeep - Ciry of Splendors
     D??? - Dragon Magazine and issue #
     FR - Forgotten Realms Adventures
     SH - Sha'ir's Handbook
     SOL - Secrets of the Lamp
     TM - Tome of Magic
     VSC - Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast
     WH - The Complete Wizard's Handbook
     NS - New Spells (see below)
     7S - The Seven Sisters

First level spells:

   * Alteration (NS)
   * Animate Mist (NS)
   * 1 Cantrip
   * Conjure Spell Component (TM)
   * Copy (WH)
   * Cyril's Attempted Enhancement (NS) *
   * Detect Magic
   * Find Familiar
   * Hornung's Guess (TM) *
   * Identify
   * Know School (FR)
   * Nystul's Magic Aura
   * Pilpin's Prompt (NS)
   * Read Magic
   * Reveal Magic (CS)
   * Storm's Frozen Moment (7S)

Second level spells:

   * Chaos Shield (TM) *
   * Expose Magic (NS)
   * Fool's Spell (NS)
   * Improved Find Familiar (NS)
   * Improved Identify (NS)
   * Invisible Object (NS)
   * Magic Missile Reflection (7S)
   * Misdirection
   * Paldeggeron's Accurate Arrow (NS)
   * Protection From Cantrips
   * Release Familiar (NS)
   * Secret Darkness (NS)
   * Secret Light (NS)
   * Sense Shifting (TM)
   * Vocalize (FR)
   * Vocalize (WH)

Third level spells:

   * Alacrity (TM)
   * Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown (TM)
   * Analyze Device (SH)
   * Augmentation I (TM)
   * Dispel (NS)
   * Dispel Magic
   * Dispel Silence (FR)
   * Double Spell (D188)
   * Elminster's Multiple Mouths (7S)
   * Far Reaching I (TM)
   * Lightning Reflection (7S)
   * Non-Detection
   * Proof from Teleportation (FR)
   * Ritual Strength (SH)
   * Squaring the Circle (TM)
   * Weapons Magic (NS)
   * Wizard Sight (TM)

Fourth level spells:

   * Anti-Gate (NS)
   * Dilation I (TM)
   * Divination Enhancement (TM)
   * Extension I
   * Far Reaching II (TM)
   * Galather's Gnostic Chain (7S)
   * Laeral's Gesture (7S)
   * Mechanical Disruption (SH)
   * Minor Globe of Invulnerability
   * Minor Spell Turning (TM)
   * Mordenkainen's Celerity (TM)
   * Neutralize Components (NS)
   * Otiluke's Dispelling Screen (CWH)
   * Phase Trap (FR)
   * Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer
   * Remove Curse
   * There/Not There (TM) *

Fifth level spells:

   * Distance Distortion
   * Extension II
   * Far Reaching III (TM)
   * Lower Resistance (TM)
   * Oathbinding (SOL)
   * Reconnect (SH)
   * Safeguarding (TM)
   * Stealweb (7S)
   * Storm's Spell Thrust (7S)
   * The Sighing Chain (7S)
   * Vortex (TM) *

Sixth level spells:

   * Analyze: Potion (NS)
   * Animate Blood (SH)
   * Anti-Magic Shell
   * Augmentation II (TM)
   * Construct Undead (SH)
   * Contingence
   * Dilation II (TM)
   * Double One Effect (NS)
   * Extension III
   * Globe of Invulnerability
   * Guards and Wards
   * Imbue Undead with Spell Ability (FR)
   * Invulnerability to Magical Weapons (WH)
   * Jonstal's Improved Double Wizardry (D211)
   * Legend Lore
   * Mordenkainen's Lucubration
   * Project Image
   * Spell Mirror (7S)
   * Tattoo of Power (SH)
   * The Howling Chain (7S)
   * True Seeing
   * Wildshield (TM) *

Seventh level spells:

   * Analyze: Scroll (NS)
   * Duo-Dimension
   * Hornung's Surge Selector (TM)
   * Intensify Summoning (TM)
   * Limited Wish
   * Spell Turning
   * Spellshape (TM) *
   * Spelltrap (FR)
   * Spelltrap (FR)
   * Steal Enchantment (TM)
   * The Simbul's Spell Sequencer (S)
   * The Simbul's Spell Supremacy (S)
   * The Simbul's Synostodweomer (FR)
   * Wardmist (VSC)

Eighth level spells:

   * Analyze: Armor (NS)
   * Disruption (??)
   * Dweomerdeny (7S)
   * Mind Blank
   * No Restrictions (NS)
   * Permanency
   * Polymorph Any Object
   * Presper's Double Wizardry (7S)
   * Sertan's Spell Immunity
   * Spell Engine (FR)
   * Sylune's Absolute Immunity (7S)
   * To Whom It May Concern (NS)

Nineth level spells:

   * Alamanther's Return (7S)
   * Astral Gate
   * Chain Contingency (TM)
   * Eye of Mystra (7S)
   * Eye of Power (7S)
   * Gate
   * Khelban's Dweomerdoom (CS)
   * Mordenkainen's Disjunction
   * Special Extension (NS)
   * Spell Invulnerability (FR)
   * Spell Invulnerability (FR)
   * Spellstorm (7S)
   * Spellstrike (FR)
   * Spellstrike (FR)
   * Stabilize (TM) *
   * The Simbul's Spell Trigger (7S)
   * Time Stop
   * Virus Charm (FR)
   * Wish

* - Wild Magic spell

New Spells

Most of these spells are the creation of myself and my friends. However,
some of them come from varied sources, among which are the Net Book of
Magic and various postings over the year. No credit has been assigned to
each spell (though it should have). Any simularity to a spell designed by
another is unintentional and, if you let me know, I will ascribe proper

Alteration (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V,S
Duration: Until Dispelled
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: N/A

This spell will adjust the size of one piece of non-magical clothing to fit
the wearer. It will not, however, increase or decrease the size of a piece
of clothing by more than 50%.

Animate Mist (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 30 yards
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2d4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 20-foot + 10-foot/level cube of mist or fog
Saving Throw: Special

This spell allows a wizard to shape a dense mist or fog into any shape
within the confines of the area of effect. The shape can then be animated.
The details of the shape and the complexity of the animation are poor at
lower wizard levels, but increase with experience. A first-level wizard may
be able to make a "humanoid-shape" of a given size, but couldn't make it
look like a dwarf. Similarly, he couldn't couldn't animate it, but could
displace it within the spell's range. By third level, the wizard can
animate the shape to the point where it could look like a dwarf (but not a
particular dwarf) and talk.

The material component is a bit of dense mist, fog or smoke. The spell can
"add" mist, but it can't create mist out of nothing. For example, the smoke
from a fire or a fog spell works sufficiently.

Special Note: When cast by a mist mage or a metamage, the mist-shape spell
has the meta-magic ability of increasing the effect or potency of other
spells. If Animate Mist is cast prior to a spook spell, the spook can
affect more creatures - usually 1 die more, or a -2 penalty on the victim's
saving throws can be added.

Cyril's Attempted Enhancement (Alteration, Wild)

Level: 1
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wild mage can attempt to enhance one aspect of the
next spell he casts. This second spell must be cast in the round
immediately following the casting of Cyril's Attempted Enhancement. The
wild mage first casts this spell and states the aspect of the second spell
he wishes to enhance. Possible aspects include the area of effect, range,
duration, damage, or a -2 modifier to targets' saving throws. However, due
to the randomness of the spell, the wild mage only has a 50% chance of
enhancing the second spell. After Cyril's Attempted Enhancement is cast,
the DM rolls 1d6. On a roll of 4-6, the chosen aspect of the second spell
is doubled. On a roll of 1-3, the chosen aspect is halved and a wild surge
is generated from the incompletely controlled magical energies. Regardless
of the d6 roll, the Level Variation roll must be applied before modifying.
If the second spell is not cast in the round immediately after this spell
is cast, the Cyril's Attempted Enhancement is wasted. The material
component for this spell is identical to the spell to be enhanced. Note
that this requires the mage to expend two of each material component in
order to cast both spells.

Pilpin's Prompt (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 week per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The wizard
Saving Throw: None

This spell is used to remind the wizard of an appointment or event. The
wizard decides when and what to be reminded of (within 1 week per level),
and a voice only the wizard can hear will deliver the reminder at that
time. The reminding message can be uo to 20 words long. The material
component is a small piece of elephant hide.

Expose Magic (Divination)

Level: 2
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell will inform the wizard of all of the details of a single spell
cast within one round per level - including the destination of a teleport,
the target of a charm spell, the name of a spell without obvious effect,
etc. The spell does not invalidate illusion magic - the spell will return
an answer consistent with the illusion (i.e. that a fireball was cast
rather than a spectral forces) unless the wizard has already disbelieved

Fool's Spell (Alteration)

Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: none

A wizard can cast a Fool's spell prior to casting any other spell in a
given round; it costs the wizard a +1 to initiative. When the spell's power
is called upon, it makes the next spell cast by the wizard appear to be
another spell. Example: a wizard casts Fool's spell followed by a
domination spell in a court of law. Since other wizards are watching, he
makes the domination spell look like a comprehend languages spell. Only
true seeing or similar magic can detect the use of Fool's spell.

Improved Find Familiar (Summoning) Reversible

Level: 2
Range: 1 mile/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 up to 24 hours
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negation

This spell attracts a familiar to act for the wizard. The wizard may
attract a familiar of up to + his hit dice. The wizard may specify the type
of creature preferred but not the specific creature. Hence they can specify
"a cat" but not specify "Mrs. Pike's Ginger Tom".

Furthermore, the wizard gains the ability to communicate mentally with his
familiar and to use the senses of the familiar while this is being
concentrated on. Hence they can "see" through their familiar's eyes,
"listen" with its ears, etc. No other actions are possible during this
concentration. The range for this communication is 5 miles per level of the

The wizard gains the hit points of the familiar when it is within 12 feet,
and on its death (if not "Released" beforehand), will permanently lose
double the amount of these hit points (regardless of the distance to the
familiar). If a familiar is in range, it must be of the same alignment as
the wizard and will then willingly serve its master or mistress as long as
it does not involve a threat to its life and as long as suitable rewards
are given to the familiar at regular intervals (mice for cats, treasure or
souls for more powerful creatures). Failure to provide such suitable
rewards allows the familiar an additional save vs. magic (at +1 for each
time rewards have been ignored).

The DM determines the likelihood of the preferred creature being within
range and determines all results including the type, size, hit dice and
abilities of the attracted familiar. The range of the spell is one mile per
level of the wizard.

The material components of this spell include feathers, fur or skin etc of
the creature preferred and a total of 1000 gp worth of incense and herbs
per hit die of the summoned familiar. The familiar so attracted receives a
saving throw vs. magic to ignore the summons. The spell may be attempted
only once every 6 months.

This spell is a specialised version of the charm person or mammal spell,
and rewarding the familiar gives a strong chance of an individual offering
his services to e.g. a wizard or dragon for quite a period. Both stand to
benefit from the co-existence.

By introducing this spell to a campaign, familiars should be more common to
all wizards including dragons, drow, etc. It would be quite beneficial for
a dragon to have a human familiar. The familiar is able to arrange delivery
of suitable bribes, slaves, information, treasure or whatever else the
dragon would require. It can always be useful to have such a spy in an
enemy camp. On the same basis, it also means that a powerful witch is able
to have a troll or doppleganger act as her familiar for several years. In
return, the familiar gains treasure, knowledge or power or just food and

The reverse of this spell, release familiar, has a range of 0, since the
wizard must be able to touch his familiar to release it. This version of
the spell has no material components and is permanent. Its casting time is
0, and the familiar is not entitled to a saving throw.

Improved Identify (Divination)

Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One item/level
Saving Throw: None

This spell is the same as identify except that the wizard gets a 20% per
level chance of identifying the item and gets a +2 on any saves versus a
cursed item.

Invisible Object (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 2
Range: 1 yard
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One object not larger than 1 cube feet per level
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes an object to vanish from sight, much like the
second-level wizard spell invisibility (which affected only creatures). The
spell lasts only 2 rounds per level of the wizard or until the wizard wills
it to end. For example, a quiver of arrows or a bow could be made invisible
and carried, and when desired, a moments thought could make them appear.
Note that not even the wizard can see the invisible object, so if he is to
use it most effectively, it may be necessary to make it visible.

Paldeggeron's Accurate Arrow (Enchantment)

Level: 2
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

When cast, Paldeggeron's Accurate Arrow minorly enchants one missile weapon
(i.e. sling stone, arrow, quarrel, etc.) to automatically hit any target
normally within the weapon's range. Effective with "called shots", and
situations of that nature. The missile's enchantment does normal damage as
it were an unaided hit of the same nature. The enchantment instantly wears
off upon the arrival at the missile's destination.

Secret Light (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 2
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 20-foot-radius globe
Saving Throw: Special

This spell is in all respects the same as the first-level spell light,
except that only the wizard can see the light. This of course means that it
can in no way be used as an attack (blinding people, harming certain
undead, etc.). It will cancel magical darkness, as it will be cancelled by
magical darkness, just like light. The material components are the same as
for Light plus two drops of blood and a tear from the wizard.

The spell can be reversed to Secret Darkness, although this normally isn't
very useful. Perhaps if in presence of a blinding light you could cast
Secret Darkness at the light source, so that you wouldn't be blinded. Of
course, you'd better have another source of illumination handy. Also, it
wouldn't save a vampire from the effects of direct sunlight - the light is
still hitting his body, he just can't see it.

Dispel (Abjuration)

Level: 3
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

By use of this spell, the wizard can attempt to negate the affects of any
other single spell providing that at least some part of that spell's area
of effect is within thirty feet of the wizard. The base chance for success
is 50% modified upward or downward by 5% per level the wizard is above or
below the caster of the spell being negated. This spell can also be used to
negate the magical effects of potions (either before or after ingestion),
with the level of potion maker being generally treated as 12th. The
material component of this spell is a piece of gum.

Weapons Magic (Enchantment)

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 weapon
Saving Throw: N/A

This spell imparts a magic upon any weapon it is cast upon. The weapon has
no bonuse


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