The Singing Rocks are a tiny group of islands in the Sea of Swords.  It is due west of a point almost exactly between Memnon and Myratma, and for that reason, it is considered the boundary point between Calimshan and Tethyr waters.  It is also an important navigation point for sea captains afraid of drifting too far west in their travels.
     The Singing Rocks is worthy of mention, however, not for its navigational importance but for the odd phenomenon thatgives the islands their name.  Sailors passing close by the islands report beautiful singing, as if by hundreds of women.  The music has an elusive, haunting quality, but does not seem to have the charming effects of the song of the harpy or siren. Rumors as to what this is range from, the music caused by a  powerful old magical horn that was lost in the islands centuries ago, or the souls of many women slaves that died when their ship sunk near the islands, and some say that it is a powerful enchantment cast by a group of female devout clerics who sing in unison, after they were shipwrecked on the islands to try to attract other ships to save them.
Recent investigation supports another theory
     "The Singing Rocks are islands that have nothing to do with the magical singing going on around them.  If one goes off at night and  enters the water at about 150 feet from shore, the mystery becomes clear.  A magical line is seen glowing underneath the waters.   This line forms three 6 pointed stars which meet in the center  with an alter.  The stars are the symbol of Liira (Our Lady of Joy).  The estimate age of the magic stars and the alter is over 900 years.  It would seem that this alter is where sea elves who follow Liira  would come at night to worship their goddess 
The singing is most likely the remnants of some ancient ceremony of happiness or joy that was performed by the sea elves at the alter." 
---From the Private Journals of Lady Kyrie of Baulder's Gate
Sagely Secrets Made Known


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