
All times are in Dalereckoning. Year names are given where appropriate. The nascent Present Reckoning time-keeping system uses the Time of Troubles (1358 DR) as 0 PR.

 -2637 Mezro, in Chult, is founded by Ubtao.
 -2488 Empire of Raurin (Imaskari, Artificers) destroyed.
 -2135 Mulhorand founded.
 -2087 Unther founded.
 -1967 First Mulhorand-Unther War.
 -1961 Mulhorand and Unther agree on common border; peace between these nations to the present day.
 -1088 First record of trading at the future site of Waterdeep.
 -1075 Orcgate Wars in Thay.
 -1071 Orc god Gruumsh kills Mulhorand deity Re: first known decide.
 -1069 Orcs in Thay defeated; many flee north and west.
c. -900 Rise of Narfell and Raumathar.
c. -700 The Vastar of the Orcs in the Vast.
 -734 Gilgeam becomes king of Unther.
c. -400 Augathra the Mad travels the world.
c. -200 Records indicate that the Tethyrian royal family rules Tethyr. Candlekeep founded; calendar of Harptos begun. First Dalesmen cross
 the Dragon Reach to Cormanthor.
c. -150 Narfell and Raumathar destroyed.
 -137 The Chultian city of Mezro is sacked.
 -52 First permanent farms in Waterdeep area.
 1 The Year of Sunrise The Standing Stone erected; Dalereckoning begins. Empire of Shoon in Calimshan.
 10 The Year of Dreams
 20 The Year of the Fallen Fury The Shieldmeet becomes an important date in Faerun.
 25 The Year of Many Runes Church of Deneir founded.
 26 The Year of Opening Doors Cormyr founded by Obarskyr family.
 75 The Year of Clinging Death Plague racks the civilized Realms (Empires of the Sands, Vilhon). Alaundo the Seer arrives in Candlekeep.
 112 The Year of the Tusk Date of oldest recognized map of Cormyr and the Dales.
 163 The Year of the Screeching Vole Last reported use of the Ring of Winter, in Cormyr.
 c. 200 Anauria noted as being destroyed by goblins. Southern barbarians invade Unther and Mulhorand.
 261 The Year of Soaring Stars Laying of the Mythal at Myth Drannor. Myth Drannor created for all races.
 c. 300 Asram and Hlondath recorded as having been destroyed by the desert ‹ exact date unknown.
 c. 350 Crearion of Northkeep. Shoonish warriors battle on the Fields of the Dead.
 400 The Year of the Blue Shield Northkeep sunk beneath the waves.
 c. 450 Shoon Empire collapses in what is now Calimshan.
 500 The Year of the Flame Tongue
 600 The Year of Fire and Frost
 640 The Year of the Fanged Beast
 First mining and trading encampments at Zhenthil Keep.
 661 The Year of the Bloody Tusk
 Death of Lord Eltargrim of the elves. Height of Myth Drannor.
 679 The Year of the Scarlet Sash
 End of second Untheric Empire.
 712 The Year of the Lost Lance
 Beginning of the nycaloth-led assault on Myth Drannor by the Army of 
 714 The Year of Doom  
Fall of Myth Drannor.
 720 The Year of the Dawn Rose  
Gathering of the gods at the Dancing Place. Founding of the Harpers.
 756 The Year of the Leaning Post  
First fisherfolk settle in Aglarond.
 796 The Year of the Gray Mists  
Merrydale becomes Daggerdale following vampiric infestation.
 800 The Year of the Black Fist  
Rise in the power of Bane in the Realms. Drow influence in the  now-Ashaba valley at its height.
 834 The Year of the Leaping Lion 
 Castle Greatstead (Grimstead) built on the borders of Shadowdale.
 863 The Year of the Wondrous Sea
 The Chultian city of Mezro disappears.
 864 The Year of the Broken Branch
 Castle Grimstead destroyed by drow.
 882 The Year of the Curse
 Nimoar's Hold built at Waterdeep's bay.
 884 The Year of the Singing Arrors
 The elves destroy a large mercenary force in Sembia.
 896 The Year of the Empty Hand
 Extensive poverty and famine from here to 900 DR.
 900 The Year of the Thirsty Sword
 Widespread war; strong leaders emerge.
 902 The Year of the Queen's Tears
 The Rotting War in Chondath decimates the country. Chondath renounces 
 claims on Sembian city-states. Cult of Dragon creates first 
 906 The Year of the Plough
 Drow driven from the Twisted Tower. Shadowdale founded.
 913 The Year of the Watching Raven
 Sembia founded under the Raven banner.
 922 The Year of the Spouting Fish
 Battle of Thazalhar in Thay. Red Wizards declare Thay independent of 
 929 The Year of Flashing Eyes
 Chessenta rebels against Unther.
 932 The Year of Fireslaughter
 First Troll War in the North.
 934 The Year of Fell Wizardry
 First Thayvian invasion of Rashemen.
 937 The Year of the Turning Wheel
 Thesk founded along the Golden Way.
 940 The Year of the Cold Claws
 Second Troll War in the North. Ashaba, first Lord of Shadowdale, 
 merges with river.
 974 The Year of the Haunting Harpy
 Castle Waterdeep built.
 975 The Year of the Bent Coin
 Telflamm established as a royal city-state.
 976 The Year of the Slaying Spells
 Mulhorandi invasion of Thay repelled.
 992 Year of the Watching Helm
 Heralds of Faerun created.
 1000 The Year of the Wailing Winds
 1001 The Year of the Awakening
 Many ruins discovered and old magic and undead released.
 1018 The Year of the Dracorage
 Death(?) of Tchazzar, unifier of Chessenta. Rage of Dragons in Faerun 
 and the Heartlands. Peleveran, south of Chessenta, destroyed in Rage 
 of Dragons.
 1019 The Year of the Sure Quarrel
 Assassin wars in the South; many satraps killed by crossbow-wielding 
 1020 The Year of Smoldering Spells
 Thay develops much of its unique fire magic.
 1021 The Year of the Howling Axe
 Thay strikes against the Harpers ‹ liches walk the Heartlands. Harpers
 go underground.
 1022 The Year of the Wandering Wyvern
 Refunding of the Harpers.
 1030 The Year of Warlords
 Zulkirs established in Thay. Aencar becomes warlord of Battledale.
 1038 The Year of Spreading Spring
 Global warming. Lands of Narfell, Vaasa, and Damara are fully free of 
 ice. Large-scale immigration begins to these lands. Aencar begins to 
 unify the Dales, takes the title "Mantled King".
 1044 The Year of Singing Shards
 Aencar the Mantled King dies. Dales split up into independent, though 
 allied, communities.
 1065 The Year of the Watching Wood
 Brindor is first king of Aglarond.
 1074 The Year of the Tightening Fist
 Zulkirs quell rebellions and rule in Thay.
 1090 The Year of Slaughter
 The Battle of the Bones. Followers of Malar mount the Great Hunt.
 1095 The Year of the Dawndance
 Imphras unites cities of Impiltur.
 1097 The Year of the Gleaming Crown
 Imphras crowned king of Impiltur.
 1099 The Year of the Restless
 New trade routes forged. First modern contact with Kara-Tur and 
 1100 The Year of the Bloodrose
 1104 The Year of the Dark Dawn
 Birth of Zulkir Szass Tam of Thay.
 1110 The Year of the Bloody Fields
 As prophesied, many battles were fought this year.
 1116 The Year of the Empty Scabbard
 The Heralds break from the Harpers.
 1117 The Year of the Twelverule
 Chessenta breaks up into city-states through 1154 DR.
 1150 The Year of the Scourge
 Plague throughout the Sword Coast. Worship of Talona and Loviatar 
 1161 The Year of the Quiet Earth
 Merith Strongbow, eldest of the Knights of Myth Drannor, born.
 1164 The Year of Long Shadows
 Immursk greatest of Inner Sea pirates begins his piracy career. 
 Voonlar founded.
 1180 The Year of Sinking Sails
 Sembia loses fleet in Pirate Isles.
 1181 The Year of the Shieldtree
 1182 The Year of the Tomb
 Cities of Calimshan recognize the rule of the pasha of Calimport. The 
 Malaugrym appear in Faerun. The Harpstar Wars.
 1194 The Year of the Bloody Wave
 Battle of the Singing Sands. Aglarond beats Thay.
 1195 The Year of the Midday Mists
 1196 The Year of the Shrike
 1197 The Year of the Sundered Shields
 Battle of Brokenheads. Aglarond heats Thay.
 1198 The Year of the Lean Purse
 1199 The Year of the Baldric
 1200 The Year of the Buckler
 1201 The Year of Embers
 Death of Immursk the Pirate.
 1209 The Year of the Blazing Banners
 The (naval) Battle of the Fallen. Destruction of Urdogen's pirates.
 1220 The Year of the Toppled Tree
 1271 The Year of the Frozen Flower
 1222 The Year of the Horn
 The Harpstar Wars end with the destruction of the Harper King.
 1223 The Year of the Trembling Tree
 1224 The Year of the Swollen Stars
 1225 The Year of the Winged Worm
 1226 The Year of the Bklck Buck
 1227 The Year of the Wall
 1228 The Year of the Tattered Banners
 1229 The Year of the Carrion Crow
 1230 The Year of the Long Watch
 Elf-maidens setting out for a pleasure outing are never seen again. 
 This becomes the basis for the epic poem "The Long Watch".
 1231 The Year of the Bright Star
 1232 The Year of the Weeping Wives
 Destruction of Sessrendale by Archendale
 1233 The Year of Many Monsters
 1234 The Year of the Full Flagon
 1235 The Year of the Black Horde
 Largest orc horde in history masses out of the North. Waterdeep 
 besieged; Calimshan threatened.
 1236 The Year of the Struck Gong
 1237 The Year of the Grotto
 Thesk and Aglarond enter into alliance.
 1235 The Year of the Lone Candle
 1239 The Year of the Bloodied Sword 
 1240 The Year of the Bright Sun
 1241 The Year of the Lost Lady
 A well-respected Tethyrian noble-woman is captured and slain by orcs.
 In her memory, orcs are wiped out throughout the South in a genocidal 
 slaughter. Orcs call this the Oear of Pushing Too Far.
 1242 The Year of the Yellow Rose
 Monastery of the Yellow Rose founded in Damara.
 1243 Year of the Blue Dragon
 Rule of the venerable wrym Anaglathos in Turmish. Until 1247 DR, this
 is the Time Of the Worm in that nation.
 1244 The Year of the Defiant Keep
 1245 The Year of Pain
 Loviatar worship gains great popularity ‹ most of the modern temples
 in the North are founded at this time.
 1246 The Year of Burning Steel
 First recorded use of bombards by Lantan.
 1247 The Year of the Purple Basilisk
 Anaglathos overthrown in Turmish by popular rebellion and slain by 
 1248 The Year of the Cockatrice
 Verovan last king of Westgate dies. Guilds are formed in Waterdeep
 1249 The Year of the Bold Knight
 1250 The Year of the Riven Skull
 1251 The Year of the Wandering Winds
 1252 The Year of the Empty Goblet
 Vine-blight destroys grape crop ‹ no vine!
 1253 The Year of Beckoning Death
 Plague year in Cormyr Sembia, and the Vast.
 1254 The Year of Silent Steel
 Rising power of thieves' guilds results in many assassinations.
 1255 The Year of the Raging Flame
 1256 The Year of the Dusty Throne
 1257 The Year of the Killing Wave
 Tidal wave strikes Calimshan
 1258 The Year of the Wilted Flowers
 1259 The Year of the Vigilant Fist
 1260 The Year of the Broken Blade
 Many peace treaties signed this year. Halacar of Aglarond is
 his sister Ilione, tutor of the Simbul, takes the throne.
 1261 The Year of Bright Dreams
 1262 The Year of the Blaak Wind
 Killing storm raised by a Calishite mage. Guild Wars in Waterdeep.
 1263 The Year of the Tressym
 As foretold by Alaundo, these creatures became widespread
 1264 The Year of the Shattered Altar
 Widespread tomb-robbing and sacrilege.
 1265 The Year of Flowers
 1266 The Year of the Leaping Frog
 1267 The Year of the Groaning Cant
 A bountiful harvest year.
 1268 The Year of the DaYstars
 1269 The Year of the Moat
 1270 The Year of the Tooth
 1271 The Year of the Shattered Wall
 1272 The Year of the Shrieker
 1273 The Year of the Wagon
 Magisters founded in Waterdeep. Joadath noted as being lord of 
 1274 The Year of the Purple Toad
 1275 The Year of the Blade
 1276 The Year of the Crumbling Keep
 The Citadel of the Raven rebuilt.
 1277 The Year of the Beholder
 1275 The Year of Many Bones
 1279 The Year of the Snarling Dragon
 1250 The Year of the Manticore
 Thay nearly conquers Mulhorand before being repulse. Old Skull Inn 
 built in Shadowdale.
 1251 The Year of the Cold Soul
 1282 The Year of the Many Mists
 1283 The Year of the Crawling Clouds
 1284 The Year of the Dying Stars
 1285 The Year of the Blacksnake
 1286 The Year of the Rock
 1287 The Year of the Smoky Moon
 1288 The Year of the Roaring Horn
 Last ogre Tharkul falls. Human kingdom of Thar established.
 1289 The Year of the Sighing Serpent
 1290 The Year of the Whelm
 Dragonspear Castle falls.
 1291 The Year of the Hooded Falcon
 1292 The Year of the Wandering Waves
 1293 The Year of the Talking Skull
 1294 The Year of the Deep Moon
 1295 The Year of the Ormserpent
 1296 The Year of the Black Hound
 1297 The Year of the Singing Skull
 First recorded mention of Drizzt Do'Urden. Massacre on Watcher's Knoll
 of Tyrists by Joadath.
 1298 The Year of the Pointed Bone
 1299 The Year of the Claw
 1300 The Year of the Starfall
 Thieves' guild destroyed in Waterdeep. Joadath of Shadowdale dies. 
 Aumry and Sylune become lord and lady of Shadowdale.
 1301 The Year of the Trumpet
 1302 The Year of the Broken Helm
 1303 The Year of the Evening Sun
 Fall of the human kingdom of Thar.
 1304 The Year of the Stag
 1305 The Year of the Creeping Fang
 1306 The Year of Thunder
 Moonsea War. Mulmaster vanquished by alliance of other cities. 
 Vangerdahast of Cormyr founds War Wizards.
 1307 The Year of the Mace
 Azoun of Cormyr born.
 1308 The Year of the Catacombs
 Dungeon exploring comes into vogue. Lhestyll becomes the Open Lord of 
 Waterdeep. Construction begins on Lhestyn's (later Piergeiron's) 
 1309 The Year of the Sunset Winds
 1310 The Year of the Storms
 1311 The Year of the Fist
 1312 The Year of the Griffon
 Darkhold seized by the Black Network. Teziir founded on the 
 Dragonmere. Red Sashes operating in Waterdeep.
 1313 The Year of the Shattered Oak
 1314 The Year of the Shadowtop
 The tree of this name flourishes in this year. Piergeiron becomes the 
 Unmasked Lord of Waterdeep. Rhigaerd II, King of Cormyr defeats the 
 border raiders.
 1315 The Year of Spilled Blood
 1316 The Year of the Gulagoar
 1317 The Year of the Wandering Wrym
 Great Plague of the Inner Sea also called the Dragon Plague.
 1318 The Year of the Tired Treant
 1319 The Year of the Fallen Throne
 The kingship of Sossal ends in bloodshed.
 1320 The Year of the Watching Cold
 The Simbul becomes queen of Aglarond.
 1321 The Year of Chains
 The Harpers reorganized. Twilight Hall founded in Berdusk.
 1322 The Year of Lurking Death
 Monstrous attacks at a 50-year high.
 1323 The Year of Dreamwebs
 Great Plague declared over. Thayvian wizards attempt to control
 through dreams; they are discovered and destroyed.
 1324 The Year of the Grimoire
 Many old magical tomes were discovered in this year, sparking a 
 renewed interest in magic.
 1325 The Year of the Great Harvests
 Beer and wine of this year are legendary.
 1326 The Year of the Striking Hawk
 1327 The Year of the Blue Flame
 1328 The Year of the Adder
 1329 The Year of the Lost Helm
 1330 The Year of the Marching Moon
 1331 The Year of the Leaping Dolphin
 1332 The Year of the Sword and Stars
 1333 The Year of the Striking Falcon
 Amnian Trade War. Founding of the Council of Six and the unification 
 of Amn.
 1334 The Year of the Blazing Brand
 1337 The Year of the Snow Winds
 The Evereska Charter claims the Greycloak Hills for the elves. 
 Rhigaerd II dies in the waning days of this year.
 1336 The Year of the Highmantle
 Azoun IV takes the throne of Cormyr.
 1337 The Year of the Wandering Maiden
 Charles Oliver O'Kane becomes mayor of Ravens Bluff.
 1338 The Year of the Wanderer
 Wandering Wyvern built in Sevenecho. Queen Sambryl takes throne of 
 1339 The Year of the Weeping Moon
 Aumry slain; Jyordhan becomes lord of Shadowdale.
 1340 The Year of the Lion
 Battle of the River Rising in Featherdale between Sembian and Cult of
 the Dragon forces; death of the wizard Mhzentul.
 1341 The Year of the Gate
 1342 The Year of the Behir
 1343 The Year of the Boot
 1344 The Year of Moonfall
 Retreat of the elves from Cormanthor begins.
 1345 The Year of the Saddle
 Jyordhan slain by Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep. Time of No Lords
 (until 1348) in Shadowdale.
 1346 The Year of the Bloodbird
 Bhaal banished from Moonshae Islands. Kendrick becomes high king of 
 Moonshaes. The Friendly Arm built. Naval Battle of Lisen Sands.
 Selfaril becomes High Blade of Mulmaster.
 1347 The Year of the Bright Blade
 Zhengyi the Witch-King rises in Vaasa. Alemander IV dies in Tethyr.
 "Ten Black Days of Eleint" ‹ Tethyrian civil war begins.
 1348 The Year of the Spur
 Khelben gives Pendant of Ashaba to Knights of Myth Drannor. Doust  Sulwood chosen to be lord of Shadowdale.
 1349 The Year of the Bridle
 1350 The Year of the Morningstar
 1351 The Year of the Crown
 Warlock's Crypt discovered. Plague in Baldur's Gate.
 1352 The Year of the Dragon
 Gondegal the Lost King of Arabel. Barbarians of the Ride destroy 
 Zhentarim force en route to Glister.
 1353 The Year of the Arch
 Randal Morn kills Malyk of Daggerdale. Doust Sulwood retires to 
 Arabel. Mourngrym Amcathra becomes lord of Shadowdale.
 1354 The Year of the Bow
 Prosperous harvest in the Realms. Mulmaster's New Fleet destroyed in 
 battle. Maalthiir becomes ruler of Hillsfar. House of the Lady 
 (Tymora) established in Shadowdale.
 1355 The Year of the Harp
 Zhentil Keep takes Citadel of the Raven as its own. Retreat of elves
 from Cormanthor reaches its peak. Yulash falls in civil war. Zhentil
 Keep and Hillsfar move troops to Yulash. Shaerl Rowanmantle sent by 
 Vangerdahast to Shadowdale. Shaerl and Moumgrym wed.
 1356 The Year of the Worm
 Selfaril of Mulmaster and the tharchioness of the Tharch of Eltabbar
 in Thay known as the First Princess of Thay outside of Thay exchange
 gifts. Scardale attempts to take over the Dalelands and is crushed. 
 Cormyr seizes Tilverton. Lyran the Pretender attacks Shadowdale. 
 Flight of Dragons over the Dales and Moonsea. Death of Sylune of 
 1357 The Year of the Prince
 Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym. King Virdin of Damara killed in battle 
 with Zhengyi. Horustep III (age 11) takes the throne of Mulhorand.
 1358 The Year of Shadows (O PR)
 The Time of Troubles; gods walk the Realms. Destruction of Bane Bhaal 
 Myrkul and perhaps other gods. Ascendancy of Cyric. Dead magic and 
 wild magic areas appear in the Realms. Mourngrym and Shaerl have a 
 son Scotti.
 1359 The Year of the Serpent
 Zhengyi is destroyed. Damara united by Gareth Dragonsbane. Tuigan  horde united beneath its Khahan.
 1360 The Year of the Turret
 Tuigan horde invades Faerun. Crusade against the Tuigan. King
Azoun IV  kills Khahan.
 1361 The Year of Maidens
 The Banedeath ‹ holy war in Zhentil Keep. Orthodox Banite worship 
 driven underground in that city. The Revelation of the True World of 
 1362 The Year of the Helm
 1363 The Year of the Wyvern
 The Way Inn destroyed by hordes from Dragonspear. The Battle of 
 Daggerford. Ring of Winter reappears in Chult.
 1364 The Year of the Wave
 The Way Inn rebuilt.
 1365 The Year of the Sword
 Alicia of becomes high queen of the Moonshaes.
 1366 The Year of the Staff
 First Princess of Thay marries Selfaril of Mulmaster.
 1367 The Year of the Shield
 1368 The Year of the Banner
 1369 The Year of the Gauntlet
 1370 The Year of the Tankard
 1371 The Year of the Unstrung Harp
 1372 The Year of Wild Magic
 1373 The Year of Rogue Dragons
 1374 The Year of Lightning Storms
 1375 The Year of Risen Elfkin
 1376 The Year of the Bent Blade
 1377 The Year of the Haunting

Forgotten Realms Notebook volume 2                page 3


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