I have finally updated this PAGE!!!!!!

These are some Twisted metal 2 pictures that I have downloaded from Single Trac
. I also included some tips ON ALL THE CARS.

See that generator in the middle with the yellow arrow pointing to it? Put a remote bomb on top of it and watch the stage literally blow up! The explosion will turn the stage into something like a arena. Or just fire some Napalms at the center generator and make it fall down.

See the effiel tower? Use the teleport located underneath it, and place a remote bomb inside the tower. Drive away and rejoice!


To access the secret characters you must do these codes at the character select screen:

Minion- L1, up, down, left

Sweet Tooth- up, L1, triangle, right

To access the secret level do the codes at the stage select:

Rooftops(from the first TW)- down, left, R1, down

Cyburia(also from first TW)- down, up, L1, R1

Suicide Swamp(level from Jet Moto)- up, down, right, R1

Advanced attacks:

Shield- up, up, right

Napalm- right, left, up

Rear Attack- left, right, down

land mines- right, left, down

Invisibility- right, down, left, up

Strategy! All ratings are out of 10.

Mr. Grim:

This motorcycle has THE strongest special weapon in the entire game(except for the hidden character: Minion). Two shots of it and one fire missile should destroy any car. He sounds like the ultimate vehicle, right? Here's the catch: Mr. Grim has the weakest armor(or almost). Also his special take some time to recharge(long time). So, if you're gonna fire one of his specials, make sure your opponent is either frozen or standing still, cause if you miss your about as powerful as Pee-Wee Herman! Now, here is where his speed plays a factor. Drive around your opponents taking a shot here and there, but never stay long enough so he can engage in combat. Hit-and-Run tactics are what make Grim such a hard opponent. BUT if you get caught, you best be holding down that turbo button and get the hell outta there!!! My favorite car in the game

*tip: When you begin any level or two player match, drive to the nearest opponent. Freeze, special, special, and one fire missile should destroy him. Easy kill in about 10 sec into the match.

Special Attack: 10 Meneuverability: 9


The humvee kicks major butt! The special is storng enough to really hurt the enemy, and his pretty good armor lets him take some pretty mean hits. Someone using Warthog should administer Stand-your-ground-tactics. Drive around until you encounter the enemy. Then, freeze him, and unload as much stuff on him as possible. When the freeze wears off, stay put and battle it out. Your armor should hold up(unless you suck!). Or you could ram some people! Either way this car is a good beginner car, because the special is easy to use and hit with. Also, his armor can take punishment.

Special Attack: 8 Maneuverabilty: 8


Okay, all original Spectre fans from TW 1 will be kinda disappointed this time out. (I know I am) Anyways, he's still a good car to use, but I personally don't select him anymore. His armour stayed about the same from the original which is weak, but kind of stronger than Mr Grim's. The special weapon is something that seems to weaken the car though. In the original TW, Spectre could launch his special and make it go through walls and hit someone on the other side of the level!!! This time Spectre doesn't seem to have the same range or power. BUT what weakens this car more is the slow regeneration time that the special has. Prepare to run around A LOT.

Special Attack: 7 Maneuverability: 9


Twister is the loose cannon of the group. In the hands of a experienced gamer, she can do a heck of a lot of damage, and cause havok on the playing field. But don't try this car from the get-go. The extremely weak body armour coupled with the hard to control special attack make for a bumpy ride. Be careful of certain cars while using her spinning special as some (i.e. Thumper) can still hit you. And watch the ledges! being the uncontrollable special it is Twister can easily succumb to a dangerous fall. Built for speed this car can drive loops around the competition, but if they catch you: ALOHA MEANS GOODBYE! Hit and run tactics. oh yeah, the special reproduces faster than rabbits in heat!

Special Attack: 6 Maneuverability: 9


This boy is sure a lot of fun!!! Strong armour, and well built special make for a dangerous combination for this crazy car! CHARGE!! I mean charge. you got the power so use it!! But always know when to run. The best tactic for this guy is to drive past opponents while using his special...It gets 'em everytime!! Don't get into any driving competitions with Axel cause he ain't got none. If in doubt just use the special if you're ever surounded.

Special Attack: 9 Maneuverability: 6


This ain't the same Outlaw!! or is it? The driver is different but the car hasn't changed. Medium armour, good special, and okay speed make for a good car for beginner/medium difficulty gamers to use. The special is always a treat to blast a enemy. Use the same tactic from Axel. Drive past and blast'em wit the special. Also, since she doesn't have the best o' armour, always save a special if you get into trouble. Blast'em! and run because the special throws them all over the place. A personal fav.

Special Attack: 7 Maneuverability: 6


Oh baby! This use to be my favorite car until I started using Mr. Grimm. The special is oh so powerful. Freeze and blast!!! You have to continually blast your opponent to achieve major damage, but when your opponents car catches on fire good-bye!!! Half your life gone! However, with the limited range, Thumper's flame special is hard to use without freezing your opponent first, but it is possible. MY advice: save it, always freeze first. Good armour.

Special Attack: 7 Maneuverability: 7


I dunno. I use to lie this car in the first one, but this doesn't do it for me. It is a pretty good car. All round, well-balanced. The special is kinda lacking though. A more experienced gamer can make this car do serious damage. Try this one out if your on the intermediate level.

Special Attack: 6 Maneuverability: 8


She sure is fun to use. Grasshopper is remarkably very similar to Pit Viper from the original. But Grasshopper's special is way different. Use the special when chasing or facing your opponent and with medium distance between you two. Too far, the special won't carry. Too near, and the special will over shoot. Make sure you use caution when slamming into an opponent because you are practically defenseless. Hit and run tactics are called for on the account of the poor armour but great speed. The special regenerates often enough.

Special Attack: 7 Maneuverability: 8

Mr Slam:

watch out for this guy! Heavy, Heavy damage if you can get the special to work. You got the armour so charge your opponents! Freeze is the name of the game if you want to make use of the special. I have never caught someone in motion with the special. If you did, SEND ME A PICTURE AND I'LL PUT IT UP! Poor handling and speed.

Special Attack: 9 Maneuverability: 6


Major, major disappointment. One of the major bad boys from the original TW, Hammerhead doesn't stack up too much anymore. The fact that you have to run over your opponent from the side for the special to work is ridiculous! This car use to rock, but now it's a tame butterfly. It can still put on a show in the hands of even a intermediate player.

Special Attack: 8 Maneuverability: 9


This guy is real fun. As the name states be as stealthy as possible. Lie in the background and pick your fights. Remember that his special can go through walls, and whatever you do don't(and I stress!!!) DON'T use your special in close combat!! Freeze and attack from a distance. Extremely dangerous in the hands of a expert gamer. Beware! he's hard to use as a beginning car. A personal fav.

Special Attack: 7 Maneuverability: 7

Sweet Tooth:

Hidden character. He's basically the same as in the original. Beware! As a computer opponent, destroy him first. His unlimited supply of Flying Napalms can home in, and cause serious damage.


Another hidden character. Quite frankly, he IS THE ULTIMATE CAR TO USE IN THE ENTIRE GAME! No tactics involved here. Just Drive into any car, shoot any car, and destroy any car. Just watch the adrenaline because he can be defeated. As a computer opponent, hit and run tactics. If you have to do close combat for your particular car's special always freeze. Back to main

If I had done some mistake or something, let ME KNOW!
Also, if you know something about Twisted Metal that I have not posted, TELL ME!