Clan History

In the beginning, there were the gods. And the gods did decide to build a might mud and situate it with mortals of immense powers. And they did create the classes of Mage, Clerics, Thieves and Warriors, each endowed with the power and blessing of the gods according to their choice. And the gods looked upon it and were pleased.

And they notice that the mortals did do battle among themselves and did wage war among the beasts of the land and grow ever stronger. And they did puzzle over the independency and hatred of each other that the mortals possessed. And they did advise the mortals in their godly ways to cooperate and join with each other to overcome the mightiest beasts in the land. And some mortals refused and were set forth to wander the lands alone, fearing death at every turn. And several mortals benamed Eodred the mighty with the swords of speed, Hot, possessing the knowledge of the gods and Aion, with the knowledge of building did put their skills together and form the {DRAGON} clan. And many followed their example and sought to emulate the virtues of the clan: honor, patience and wisdom. And lo, the gods were pleased for the mortals gathered their strengths and defeated the beasts. And they smiled upon the clan and gave it their blessing.

And the fame of the DRAGONS did spread and many, far and wide, did attempt to join its ranks. Only those with the best potential were selected and the ranks swelled. The new DRAGONS did maintain the virtues and took the clan into a new era of peace and prosperity. To this day, it is fabled that even though the clan is hidden, its members show up at the first sign of trouble to protect their brethen and friends. So it is written of the long fabled {DRAGONS}.
