The Nut that started this page

Hrm, I don't know what the hell to write. I'm 26 now, of Guyanese descent (that's Guyana, look it up). I'm a medical student so my time to mud is limited severely but I try to get on at least once a day to say hi etc. I'm usually run around with anyone who has some bit of mud knowledge and I tend to group a lot now to kill stuff. You'll probably see me running with Dragons or just older characters like Islaine and Dentin (haha). I also make a point to harass Firebird daily. If you see him, do the same. That's my mud life as Wor and Malcolm, my warrior/mage chars. My goal has been achieved and I am now the highest level mortal on the mud, but of course that's only numbers wise. Any mudder knows levels don't make the man.

IRL, I'm just as much a nut as I am on the game but I'm probably one of the sanest in my clan (Clan Psycho House we should call it). But it makes the mud a bit more interesting. I have studied boxing and martial arts a bit, for about 6 years now and I try to keep that up but... well you know, things change. I play a lot of racquetball now (it's almost as addicitive as mudding) and do muscle toning. I'm about 6'2", 250 lbs and cute as a button (wait, nope, that should be as ugly as sin). Ah well. Haha. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm beautiful in the sight of blind people. Just kidding. Anyways....

I started reading alot again. Dunno, I tend to stick to the classics and I like folk tales, myths and legends. Ah screw it, I just read if it appeals to me. I've read most of Louis L'Amour's books, I'm just finishing up The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and I have about four more waiting for me including Moby Dick and The Count of Monte Crisco. I read alot about politcal movements too, fiction and nonfiction. Like Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. I don't know, I just seem to like the struggle. Empowers me. I also listen to music alot and I tend to pretty much listen to everything but I have to be in the mood for most of it. I listen to reggae, calypso, hip-hop and classical regularly. Strange combination but that's me.. strange.

I grew up in Guyana for 13 years before I immigrated to the US. My accent isn't apparent to most people unless I get excited or angry. I'm a country boy at heart because I like the peace and quiet out there as well as farming small scale. It's the self-sufficiency that draws me there. I have a great knack for annoying people and breaking down their belief systems semantically. I've been working on that for about 5 years now. Mental power over physical anyday. I tend to discuss politics, religion and sex most of the time but I just like group discussion with conflicting opinions. Stimulates the mind ya know. Maybe I can get a pic up here sometime (gag!). Firebird is probably just waiting for that opportunity, heh. That's me in a nutshell.

For your viewing pleasure, the long awaited pics of me and my mudder friends:
From left to right, Jay aka Thanos, Kareem aka Soulsucker, Errol aka Gokou, Cleon (he doesn't mud), and myself, Wor

Me, when I still had dreads

Only picture I could find where I was by myself and not getting into trouble

Hall of Heroes

Fantasy Art Gallery
