I'm having a C1 feral run. You do know a feral run is like a wolfing, with cobs, right?  Send in your norn to me. I have some rules though.
1) I'll only accept 1 norn per person. 
2)Please keep in mind that I do NOT have the life kit yet. All the stores I go to don't seem to have it. I also do not have any other type of 3rd party norns, so don't send those either.
3) I will accept 6 norns total. A seventh norn will be one of mine.
4)There must be at least 3 females.
5) I incourge you to send norns of breeding age (able to breed). New-borns don't now right from wrong. And old norns will die early in the run.
6) Tell me what your norns like for cobs. Do your norns like the Grendel Friendly Cob? Mine do.
7) Give me a disription if your norn. Send in name, age, sex, generation, and likes/dislikes including cobs, ect.
8) You don't have to, but you should recomend this site to people and tell them to send in a norn. The run will take place a lot quicker. Since my site gets few hits don't be surprised if the run starts a month from when you sent in your norn.
9) You don't have to, but you should also send a .gif or .jpeg picture of your norn so I can display it on this page.
10) The norn MUST be born in your world. No downloading norns off the net and sending them to me.
11) Do not send any norns that are sick. That could cause the run to be a complete failure.
12) I prefer a norn that was raised in Albia, not Terra Nornia or whatever. Norns develope differnt antibodies in different worlds, making them more vulnarable when in another.
13) Maybe send some names for your norn's children.
Keep a copy of your norn, it may not survive, even with cobs.
I have no idea when the feral run will start. I have  gotten one norn. If I don't get a norn soon, I may just call the whole thing off.
I don't know when it will stop either. Maybe when there's one norn left, or when there's only norns of one sex.
I'll keep tract of what the norns do. I'll give points to the norns for lenght of living in the run, number of children each as, ect. I'll also make a map showing where a norn was hatched, and where a norn died. I'll then compare maps to other runs that I'll have in the future.
I need 5 more norns for the run. I actually got one!

Send me a norn!