The High Elves are one of the most ancient and civilized of all the races that populate the Warhammer World. From their island home of Ulthuan the High Elves have sailed and explored more of the known world than any other race - from as far afield as Norsca and Cathay.
Incredibly refined, the High Elves have a reputation for being haughty, and rightly so the High Elves would say, for the settlements of other races are not fit for the beasts of Ulthuan. When it comes to culture, none can touch the glorious cities and developments of the High Elves.


High Elves may be the most subtle of all races, but do not underestimate them in times of battle. Although elegant and graceful, all Elves are deceptively strong. High Elves are masters at the arms they bear - be it swords, spears,lances, or bow


There are several types of High Elf elite infantry. The Sword Masters are perhaps the most feared of all - troops wielding the Elven greatswords so superlatively that they get the bonus for double-handed weapons without the penalty (striking last).
The shrine of Asuryan is protected by the Phoenix Guard, mighty warriors armed with halberds. The personal bodyguard of the Phoenix King himself are the White Lions of Chrace, renowned axe-wielding troops that are famous for their ferocity and strength.
The Shadow Warriors are from the outer provinces of the North, survivors of the many Dark Elf raids. These troops can skirmish, as they are well-used to guerrilla warfare. The Shadow Warriors prefer hit-and-run attacks, and still hold a bitter grudge against their arch-enemies the Dark Elves.


High Elves do not depend on cumbersome and sometimes unreliable war machines like other races, the High Elves prefer to put trust in their high quality infantry and bow skill. The exception to this is the Repeater Bolt Thrower. Operated by a crew of two, the bolt thrower can rain a shower of deadly steel-tipped darts into the foe. Due to the power of the bolt thrower, no armor save is allowed - a devastating weapon against heavily armored knights!


The flower of Elven Warriors are without a doubt the Knights. There are several different types of Elven Cavalry, but all are mounted on the speedy and agile Elven horses.

Silver Helm Knights and the Dragon Princes of Caledor are both excellent shock troops. Armed with lances, these units can charge across the battlefield and straight through opposing units. The Dragon Princes are a little more heavily armored than Silver Helms, giving them added protection.

The Reaver Knights are made up of the youngest and most headstrong of the nobles' sons. Tirelessly patrolling the most dangerous areas, the Reaver Knights can fight with either bows or spears. While not as devastating on the charge as Silver Helms or Dragon Knights, the Reaver Knights are more flexible and not as expensive points-wise.

No mention of High Elves is complete without touching on High Elven Sorcerers. The powerful magics and fiery blasts of wizardry have won many battles for the High Elves in the past. In fact, the High Elves are some of the most potent Sorcerers in all the Warhammer World. Wise High Elf Generals try to include at least one Wizard in all their battle forces.


I woud say that the high elf army is probably the most well rounded army. They have good ground troops and great flyers. Calvary is weaker than most but that is where the bolt throwers come in. Every army usually has one or two of these bad boys. Chariots are also another good addtion to the high elf army. I would suggest on getting the book even though the stats are here. You get things in the that I don't have time to include such as history and well history. Play smart and the High Elves will kick some ass for you.

23 Archers(lt armor, longbows
11 Spearmen(hv armor, shields, spears)

17 Silver Helms(lances, barding, shields, hv armor)
1 level 1 Mage
1 General (Elf Steed, lance, Armour of meteoric Armour, Bow of Loren)
1 Archer Champion (Lt Amour, Lg Bow and The Sky Arrmow of Nies)
*18 White Lions (Standard, Champ and Mus, Standard of Shielding)
*Prince Imrik and Dragon

* denotes used only in high point games
This army has won quite a few bloody battles for me and lost some too. Overall Choas Dwarves are no threat, skaven are very dangerous, Wood Elves are also a pain, Bretonnia is a minimul threat, Undead dies real easy, Lizardmen also fall with effort.


Well the High Elves in my oppinon are the most well rounded army in the game, ofcourse thats because they're my babies so I guessed I'm bias. Anyway, when if come to the high elves you have to vary your strategy depending on which army you are facing. For instance if I am facing the wood elves I drop my number of spearmen and bulk up on my archers in an attempt to out archer them(which proves a challenge!) and I also add White Lions to compensate against Dryads and War Dancers. Skaven on the other hand is a different matter all together. They require bulk in the missle fire department(Bolters, Archers, Dragons, ect.) because of their cheese factor. A mage drawing Firery Convocation is also a bonus! The most important part of playing the game is developing your own strategy and playing style. Have fun and kick some butt...

This page was created by The Lone Gunmen