****************UPDATE TO 1.4 BUG/FIX LIST CONT.**************** First update to the bug/fix list continued May 27th 99: -------------SOME CSET CONFIGURATIONS NOT SAVING From: Cronel pejro@sion.com I just remembered this one I found some time ago when I tried to lower the level to get objects without take flag. Certain fields of the system data are never actualy saved to sysdata.dat, resulting in that they're not persistent across reboots even if they're modifiable via cset... I looked at the whole sysdata and to save_sysdata/load_sysdata and found that the only two that seemed like they should be saved and arent being saved are "level_getobjnotake" and "imc_mail_level". I also found that "imc_mail_level" cannot be cset, and that there's a "max_sn" that is never being used as far as I can tell. Hope it makes it into 1.4a --cronel ------------CON_GET_NEW_CLASS or WARRIOR DEFAULT FIX From: Tandaur tandaur@ix.netcom.com Ok, i recently came across a bug in the class selection during character creation. The way stock is, if you enter an invalid class name ie. L, it will set your class to 3 (defaults to warrior). The way i fixed it is basically to do the same check for invalid races in CON_GET_NEW_RACE. Here is the little fix: in comm.c in the CON_GET_NEW_CLASS case, in nanny. after : for ( iClass = 0; iClass < MAX_CLASS; iClass++ ) { if ( toupper(arg[0]) == toupper(class_table[iClass]->who_name[0]) && !str_prefix( arg, class_table[iClass]->who_name ) ) { ch->class = iClass; if ( ch->class == 8 ) /* stop paladins from getting messed by */ ch->alignment = +500; /* having too low an align to start with */ break; } } add : /* patryn / tandaur - ok lets fix this wrong class thing */ if ( iClass == MAX_CLASS || class_table[iClass]->who_name[0] =='\0' ) { write_to_buffer( d, "That's not a class. \n\rWhat IS your class? ", 0 ); return; } NOTE: you might not have that paladin align fix in your code, so don't freak out if it isn't in there. Other small problems -- pre-auth and missing help files. ---------------------MORE PALADIN STUFF -------------SPELL SOLOMONIC INVOCATION ALWAYS FAILS From: G.S.Wilson gswilson@home.net I'm having trouble with the spell 'Solomonic Invocation'. Everytime I try and cast it, it says 'I failed'. I'm the right lvl, my skill is 95% and i'm a good (1000) human Paladin. - From: me Zylara If you do a slookup 'solomonic invocation' you can see that the value, which is the vnum of the object create by this spell, vnum 65 does not exist. Flags: 16384 Guild: -1 Value: 65 Info: 520 Code: spell_smaug ^^^^^^^^vnum 65 So you just need to create object vnum 65 in limbo.are and use the slookup see what some of the setting need to be...like it is a light that is a silver cross. A Paladins holy symbol needed for casting some of the spells a Paladin gets. Here is how mine looks...prolly not like RoDs but its only an example. ostat 65 Name: paladin holy silver cross symbol Vnum: 65 Type: light Count: 1 Gcount: 1 Serial#: 1309 TopIdxSerial#: 1309 TopSerial#: 1309 Short description: a gleaming silver cross Long description : A holy cross lies here, gleaming brightly. Wear flags : take hold Extra flags: glow magic bless metal Magic flags: none Number: 1/1 Weight: 2/2 Layers: 0 Wear_loc: -1 Cost: 0 Rent: 0 Timer: 0 Level: 8 In room: 0 In object: (none) Carried by: Zylara Index Values : 0 0 -1 0 0 0. Object Values: 0 0 -1 0 0 0. Affects wisdom by 2. Affects affected_by by 4. --------(detect evil) Affects intelligence by 2. You may want to add a program that only lets Paladins wear it. ---------------------PALADIN NULL TITLES From: DruidDarky@aol.com Paladins don't have titles past (forgets what level) but after I think 40 or 45, they start using the Immortal Titles. Open your class file for Paladins, and think of some titles to insert;) Kilth - From: me (Zylara) All I did on this was copy and paste the next to last few titles out of Cleric and Druid, since they are both the same and pasted them into the right place in the Paladins class file found here: ../dist/classes/paladin.class then at the end of that same file I deleted the last few title that where set to NULL. 6 titles. Remove these: Add these before Imm titles start: Title Title (null)~ Avatar of an Immortal~ (null)~ Avatar of an Immortal~ Title Title (null)~ Avatar of a Deity~ (null)~ Avatar of a Deity~ Title Title (null)~ Avatar of a Supremity~ (null)~ Avatar of a Supremity~ Title Title (null)~ Avatar of an Implementor~ (null)~ Avatar of an Implementor~ Title Title (null)~ Master of all Divinity~ (null)~ Mistress of all Divinity~ Title Title (null)~ Avatar~ (null)~ Avatar~ -----------NEPHANDI RESTRICTION/problem if you add more classes From: "Benjamin M. Walsh" s0206237@hawkmail.monmouth.edu Don't know if this was reported yet or not, but in 1.4 you still have the alignment check for the nephandi class. This means that when someone creates new classes in addition to the old ones their 10th class will have the following restriction: In update.c comment out as follows: /* Nephandi alignment restrictions -h */ /* if(ch->class == 9) { if(ch->alignment>-250) { set_char_color( AT_BLOOD, ch ); send_to_char( "Damn you heathen! Go forth and do evil or suffer the consequences!\n\r", ch ); worsen_mental_state( ch, 35 ); return; } } */ The above statement should be removed/commented out unless it fits with whatever new class a person makes. Also, there is a restriction on paladin alignment that should be removed by anyone who is creating entirely new classes. -Zanthus -------------MAGIC MISSILE AND FEATHER IN PRE-AUTH From: Jaroslav KUBU kubuj@mvcr.cz My players are not able to use the feather, found in pre-auth. When they zap it on target in battlegrounds, they got answer : You aim a purple feather at a carrion crawler. Aim in what direction? -- From: gfinello@mail.karmanet.it The 'purple feather' is a normal spectral gate's object. It's a staff with some charges of 'magic missile', an attack spell. Unfortunately in the stock 1.4 that spell has been released with a wrong target type. If you type slookup 'magic missile' you will find it has a target of type 'ignore'. Also on RoD it was meant to have a 'ranged attack' capability (note the range field in the slookup response), but this caused some problems and it was disabled. To correct the problem do an slookup 'magic missile' to obtain the 'sn' number of the spell (should be 107), then type: sset (sn) target offensive sset (sn) range 0 sset save skill table Just changing the target should make it work, but it's better to set the range to zero too. -------PIXIES NOT BEING SEEN BECAUSE OF FLYS NOT BEING FLIES From: "Ferret" smaug@roadpizza.com Is there a bug about Pixies, specifically Pixie Mages, not getting keys when they are done with the validate section? If there is, how do I fix it? Thank you. . - Claude --- From: me Zylara In 1.02a flys was spelt wrong and it was corrected in 1.4 to read flies...so you need to find all of the wrong spellings in the programs that where already in the stock areas. I only found these listed below in the newgate.are file, out of all the stock areas: aassign none aassign newgate.are in room vnum 120 mset 106 flags prototype mpedit 106 list mpedit 106 edit 4 act p flies north. /s mset 106 flags prototype in room vnum 119 mset 105 flags prototype mpedit 105 edit 2 act p flies in from the west. /s mset 105 flags prototype in room vnum 100 mset 101 flags prototype mpedit 101 edit 3 act p flies in from below. /s mset 101 flags prototype in room vnum 101 mset 100 flags prototype mpedit 100 edit 3 act p flies in from above. /s mpedit 100 edit 4 act p flies in from the north. /s mset 100 flags prototype aassign none foldarea newgate.are ------------MISSING HELP FILES These help files are missing in 1.4, so you might want to add them into your help.are file. Use hedit and hset. 1.) FOR Syntax: for (argument) (command) Syntax: for (argument) (command) (target) For allows an immortal to perform a command at or even on a large number of targets. The arguments include: all, mobs, gods. Example: for gods gl, you will 'glance' in the room of every god who is online (include link-dead) You can also perform an action on the argument target. Example: for mobs poke #, you will perform the 'poke' social on every mob in the game. 'For' does not override private flags. 2.) BOARDS Syntax: boards This command displays statistics on all boards in the game. Example: imm.brd Vnum: 1200 Read: 50 Post: 51 Rmv: 55 Max: 50 Posts: 1 Type: 0 The first column lists the board's filename (imm.brd) Vnum - object vnum to which the board is attached (object vnum must be present to read the board, allowing a board to be placed in one or many places by simply placing that object where needed) Read - minimum level required to read that board Post - minumum level required to post to that board Remove - minumum level required to remove notes not addressed to 'All' Max - maximum number of posts the board is set to hold Posts - the current number of posts on the board Type - 0 = note board 1 = mail board See Also: BSTAT BSET MAKEBOARD 3.) BSET Syntax: bset (board filename) (command) (argument) Example: bset immortal.brd vnum 1200 BSET is used to set fields governing an individual board's operation. Filename - filename to store the board's information (set first) Vnum - object vnum assigned to the board (see 'help boards') Read - the mininum level required to read the board Post - the minimum level required to post to the board Remove - the minumum level required to remove notes from the board NOTE: notes addressed to 'all' can be removed by anyone Maxpost - maximum number of posts the board can hold Filename - filename to store the board's information Type - 0 = note board 1 = mail board Board groups: (example: bset druid.brd read_group guild of druids) read_group - group that may read that board, regardless of level post_group - group that may post to that board, regardless of level extra_readers - char. who may read the board regardless of their level extra_removers- char. who may remove notes from this board regardless of their level or membership in a reader_group See Also: BOARDS MAKEBOARD BSET 4.) BSTAT Syntax: bstat (board filename) BSTAT is used to display the fields of an individual board. (see 'help bset' for an explanation of each field) See Also: BSET BOARDS MAKEBOARD 5.) MAKEBOARD Syntax: makeboard (board filename) Example: makeboard newboard.brd Used to create a board file, which can then be defined using 'bset'. See Also: BSET BSTAT BOARDS ***************END OF 1.4 FIRST BUG/FIX UPDATE