1.59 Meg Sunday May 30, 1999 Zipped Data
1.24 Meg Sunday May 30, 1999 Zipped Data
If you already downloaded my previous version and are having problems with the mud crashing when a note is posted, download this board.c file and replace your old one with this corrected one. Then recompile. Sorry for any problems this caused anyone.....I just took out three lines that I was not suppose to when I was removing IMC from this file. DOH!!
8.79 KB Sunday May 30, 1999 Zipped Data
With these new files I uploaded, I tested this for compiling with CygnusB19. *****Note I have not found any sites with cygnusB19 still available***** First get Smaug unzipped and setup on your computer (making sure to tell winzip to use long file names). For help with this, open the ZY_help.txt file that is found inside both of my downloadable files.
After you get the cdk.exe file downloaded, double click on it to start the cygnus install. It will do everything it needs to. After the install is finished, added a tmp and bin folder to your hard drive. Use the find files or folders option in the windows start button to find the cygnus file called sh.exe and copy it into the bin folder. Open your config.sys file and added this line to it:
shell=C:\ /e:4096 /p
Save and close the config.sys file and reboot your computer.
Then open up cygnus's BASH shell window, with the shortcut that cygnus install put into your start button.
cd c:/smaug/src/
then type
make smaug
and it should compile smaug with out any errors at all, it did for me.
That was cygnusB19 right out of the box.......I have not tried B20 yet.