Version 1.0.1
Wasteland Game.By:
0.0 Introduction.
GO0.1 Weasel Words. (Legal Stuff)
0.2 What Badlands is and is not.
0.3 What can you do?
1.0 Character Creation.
GO1.0.1 The steps of character creation.
1.1 The Attributes.
1.1.1 Strength.
1.1.2 Intelligence.
1.1.3 Dexterity.
1.1.4 Agility.
1.1.5 Constitution.
1.2 Attribute effects.
1.3 The Character Classes.
1.3.1 Soldier.
1.3.2 Survivalist.
1.3.3 Medic.
1.3.4 Rogue.
1.3.5 Mechanic.
1.3.6 Scientist.
1.4 Skills Categories.
1.4.0 Skills levels, specialization, and points cost.
1.4.1 General.
1.4.2 Survival.
1.4.3 Combat.
1.4.4 Weapons.
1.4.5 Scientific.
1.4.6 Technical.
1.4.7 Rogue.
1.4.8 Skill listings and descriptions.
1.5 Basic Equipment.
1.5.1 Soldier starting equipment.
1.5.2 Survivalist starting equipment.
1.5.3 Medic starting equipment.
1.5.4 Rogue starting equipment.
1.5.5 Mechanic starting equipment.
1.5.6 Scientist starting equipment.
1.6 Experience and you.
1.6.1 Soldier experience table.
1.6.2 Survivalist experience table.
1.6.3 Medic experience table.
1.6.4 Rogue experience table.
1.6.5 Mechanic experience table.
1.6.6 Scientist experience table.
1.6.7 Experience chart.
2.0 Game Mechanics.
GO2.1 Skill Checks.
2.2 Saving Throws.
2.3 Combat Mechanics.
2.3.0 Actions.
2.3.1 Initiative.
2.3.2 Strike vs. AC and Dodge.
2.3.3 Attack Action. Single Shots. Bursts. Burst for Accuracy. Burst for Volume. Melee Attacks.
2.3.4 Armor and Damage. Penetration and AC. Damage and Soak.
2.3.5 Damage, death, and healing.
2.4 The Combat Round and how it proceeds.
2.4.1 Normal Full Combat.
2.4.2 Cannon Fodder Combat.
3.0 Equipment.
GO3.0 Encumbrance and you.
3.1 Weapons.
3.2 Armor.
3.3 Medical Supplies.
3.4 Other Equipment.
4.0 Setting.
GO4.1 The Holocaust
4.2 The California-Nevada border locations.
5.0 Monsters.
GO5.1 Monster "General" Actions.
5.2 Monster listings.
5.2.001 Rabid Dog
GOA. Contributors.
B. Version information.
C. Character Sheet.
D. Updates.
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