This is just sort of a direct translation of the X-Com: UFO Defense. The spacing is kinda' messed up but here it is.
AN R.P.G. BY: The WormSpeaker
1 Turn is 10 seconds.
1 round is one bullet.
Energy: Energy is equal to the stamina stat and is replenished at a rate equal to 1/2 stamina up to a maximum of the energy stat (that is equal to the stamina stat.) energy is drained equal to the Tu's used to move in an energy draining way. for the most part we will not worry about this unless you are going to do a lot of running or if injuries and stun come into play.
Tu Costs List.
Movements (those that drain energy.)
Walk Forward on level ground. 4
Walk Diagonally on level ground. 6
Walk up Stairs. 8
Walk down Stairs. 6
Walk through Rough terrain. +1
Walk on shallow sand.(Sierra) +2
Walk through light Vegetation.(Grass/Wheat) +3
Walk on deep Sand.(Sahara) +4
Walk through heavy Vegetation.(Corn/Bushes) +5
Walk through shallow Snow.(Knee Deep) +6
Walk on Ice.(Frozen Lake/Ice Flow/Glacier) +7
Walk through deep Snow.(Hip Deep) +8
Climb up one Level.(Tree/Ladder/Rope) 50
Climb down one Level. 20
Jump.(Through a Window or Over a Small Fence) 30
Other ?
Movements (those that do not drain energy.)
Hover up or down one Level. 8
Fly Forward.() 4
Fly Diagonally.() 6
Turn 45
. 1From Standing go to Kneeling. 4
From Kneeling go to Standing. 4
From Kneeling go to Prone. 5
From Prone go to Kneeling. 8
Other ?
() This may go down if the unit is a faster type.
Actions (these do not drain energy.)
Medi Kit. 10
Aid Kit / Bandages 40
Motion Sensor 50%
Other. ?
Load a Weapon. 15
Unload a Weapon. 8
Open a Door. 4
Fire a Weapon. see wp.
Physical Attack.(2 meter range.) (Dam: Str + Wp) 20%
Prime a Grenade. 50%
Throw Object. 25%
Manipulation (these do not drain energy.)
Take Item from Floor to hand. 8
Take Item from Shoulder to hand. 3
Take Item from Leg to hand. 4
Take Item from Belt to hand. 4
Take Item from Back Pack to hand. 8
Put Item from hand to Floor. 2
Put Item from hand to Shoulder. 10
Put Item from hand to Leg. 10
Put Item from hand to Belt. 8
Put Item from hand to Back Pack. 18
Put Strap on or take Strap off.() 6
Grab or Release strapped item. 1
Transfer Item from hand to hand. 2
Other. ?
() A Character may have up to two weapons
or other items on straps across his/her shoulders.
These rules assume a grid playing field of 2 meter squares.
On a hex playing field of 2 meter hexes, the diagonally movement is ignored and 1 tu for one hex facing
Encumbrance and Carrying Equipment
The number of "boxes" (the size value) of all objects carried is the encumbrance value of the equipment and the encumbrance is subtracted from the characters available Tu's.
You may reduce the encumbrance value by 20% of the characters strength stat, and if you are wearing powered or flying armor you may the armors strength stat to the characters for this purpose.
In no case may the encumbrance value be less than zero.
You may rotate the items how you wish in 90
increments as well as invert them.The only exception is that nothing larger than size C may be put on the belt.
You may carry any thing up to size H in one hand or size I+ in two hands.
You may carry two things of up to size F on straps. (such as weapons or a bag that can carry 4 units.)
Or one item of up to size H.
Weapons larger than size H require a special strap, gyro, and pad system to use. (the system requiers 18 turns of 100% Tu's to put on and 2 turns to remove.
Size A Grenades, Clips, etc... 1
Size B Pistol, High Explosive, Fusion Bomb, AC/HC ammo, etc... 2
Size C SMG., etc...
Size D Rifles, Stun Rod, Rocket, etc... 3
Size E Sniper Rifles, Heavy Rifles, etc... 4
Size F Small Launcher, etc...
Size G MPMG's, etc...
Size H Hvy. Weapons, Rocket Launchers, etc... 6
Size I Cannons, etc..
Size J Heavy Cannon, etc...
Size K Full Back Pack, etc...
Size L Corpse, Armor, etc...
Carrying Chart
/ \ / \
Hands and Back Pack| | | |
\ / \ /
Medi Kit: Contains 10 doses each of spray bandage, heal, pain killers, and stimulants. Takes 10 Tu's to use. size B.
Aid Kit: Contains the same as medi kit except has 20 spray bandages, but takes 40 Tu's to use . size B.
Bandages: 20 spray bandages . 40 Tu's. size A.
Motion Sensor Detects units that moved in the last turn out to 20 spaces. (40 meters.)
In Opportunity fire only snap shots can be used.
it takes two hands to fire a rifle or heavy weapon, to prime a grenade or explosives, or to load or unload a weapon.
characters and aliens have a 90
field of view and fire.
Human and Alien HWP's have a 360
field of view and fire.
Sergeant 1 in 5
Captain 1 in 11
Colonel 1 in 23
Commander 1 in 30
Keep track of how many times each stat or skill is used in a combat setting, for each ten times it is used it may go up, roll a percentile if the roll is higher than the stat or if you roll a 100 the stat in question goes up by 1%.
For each 10 points of damage applied to the character after armor the body part hit receives 1d4 wounds for each wound a character receives the character bleeds for 1 health point pr. turn. at zero health the character is unconscious and will continue to bleed, once the character is reduced to a negative number greater than the characters bravery the character dies. ( bandages will cure one wound, a dose of heal will cure 1d4 health, a dose of stimulants will revive an unconscious character, and a dose of pain killers will return a characters stamina to original levels. these actions take 10 Tu's with a medi kit and 40 with an aid kit or 1/2 that for a medic.) If a body part receives 8 wounds it is in the case of limbs blown off, and in the case of the torso the character is not dead yet but can not be saved and will bleed internally for one point even if the wounds are bound. The head is an exception to the rules, if the head receives 5 wounds the character dies instantly and if 4 or less the character receives stun damage for 30 times the value of the wounds sustained. as well all wounds sustained reduce the characters stamina by 1 even after they have been cured.
Torso wound: Reduces stamina by 5 pr. open wound.
Leg wound: Reduces Tu's by 5 pr. open wound.
Arm wound: Reduces accuracy stat by 10 pr. open wound. ()
() The accuracy penalty is for only the hand holding the weapon if the weapon is one handed or both if the weapon is two handed.
Stun damage is cumulative if it equals or exceeds the current health stat the character is reduced to unconsciousness. stun damage is reduced by 1/5 of stamina stat pr. turn.
Smoke applies 4 stun damage pr. turn you come into contact with it and another 4 if you end your round in it.
Using two handed weapon 1 handed.
S.M.G. -5% acc.
Rifle. -10% acc.
Heavy. -30% acc.
Small Lchr. -20% acc.
Range: -1% acc. pr. space for rifles and heavy.
-3% acc. pr. space for pistols and SMGs.
-2% acc. pr. space for small launchers.
if you have and take the 10tu's to use a laser or telescopic sight you can reduce the penalties for range by 1/2 and if you take 15tu's to use both you can reduce the penalties to 1/4.
Roll 7d10+10
Time Units Tus The more time units you have the faster you are.
Stamina (Energy) Stm Stamina is how tuff you are and forms the bases for the energy pool.
Health (Hit Points) Hth Health forms the HP pool which is how much damage you can take.
Bravery Brv How long till you die of bleeding, and forms the morale pool.
Reactions Rct Weather you or your opponent fires first in opportunity fire.
Firing Accuracy Acc How accurate with a gun you are.
Throwing Accuracy Trw How accurate in throwing you are.
Strength Str How much you can carry, far you can throw, and hard you hit.
Senses Sns Collectively your five senses and how well you can detect enemies.
Intelligence Int Your IQ. mostly.
Appearance App How good you look in tight blue jeans.
Personality Prs Are you fun to be with or just annoying.
Education Edu How many skills you have. (Edu / 4 is the number of slots you have.)
Psychic Psi How well you resist psychic attacks.
Acc. 5% of acc. is added to the over all Acc.% to hit if you are a novice in that weapon.
unskilled 0%.
if you are skilled in that weapon 10%.
if you are proficient 15%.
if you are Professional 20%.
if you are an expert 25%.
if you are a master 30%.
Choose skills from anywhere except 1 slot for novice, 2 for skilled, 3 for proficiant, 4 for expert, 5 for master level skill.
Militar opperatives are conciderd skilled in all human weapons, novice in familiar alien weapons and unskilled in unfamiliar alien weapons. on to this you may spend some skill slots to increase these.
Level Skill Percentage Weapon Percentage
Unskilled 0% 0%
Novice 10% 5%
Skilled 30% 10%
Proficient 50% 15%
Professional 70% 20%
Expert 90% 25%
Master 95% 30%
Blast Radius
Tiny 5
Small 9
Medium 13
Standard 15
Large 17
Huge 21
Giant 31
กกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก Size 5 blast. (standard grenade.)
กกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก Size 11 blast. (alien grenade.)
กกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก Size 15 blast. (large rocket.)
at the center of a blast if it is a grenade or mine the damage is dealt to the under armor (full damage)
other wise if it is a missile or rocket damage is dealt to the side facing the path of the weapon.
if you are not in the center the facing that is towards the center is hit.
for every space away from the center damage is reduced by 25%(1/4) till the last space of the blast then damage is null. (ie. 100 point mine. 1space away 75, 2 away 56, 3 away 42, 4 away 32, 5 away 23, etc...) just multiply by 0.75.
The first number is the accuracy and the second is the Tu cost.
Human Technology Weapons:
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size B Pistols
14mm semi auto pistol XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 50%(15%) 70%(30%) 25 16 1
9mm semi auto pistol XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 60%(15%) 80%(30%) 20 20 1
6mm semi auto pistol XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(15%) 100%(30%) 15 22 1
Glock 21-9 XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 65%(15%) 80%(26%) 25 18 1
Desert Eagle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 50%(20%) 70%(35%) 32 6 1
Westerson semi auto pistol XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 60%(18%) 78%(30%) 26 12 1
.38 Special revolver XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(15%) 90%(25%) 30 6 1
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size B Auto Pistols
6mm Auto Pistol 15%(40%) 30%(30%) 60%(20%) 75%(30%) 15 40 1
9mm Auto Pistol 20%(44%) 35%(35%) 70%(30%) 80%(40%) 20 25 1
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size C Submachine Guns
6mm SMG 20%(45%) 35%(35%) 60%(30%) 85%(50%) 15 50 2
9mm SMG 25%(50%) 40%(40%) 65%(40%) 90%(50%) 20 30 2
Mac 15 SMG 20%(50%) 35%(40%) 60%(40%) 80%(50%) 25 20 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size D Rifles
30/30 Rifle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(30%) 110%(90%) 40 8 2
Hunting Rifle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 80%(25%) 120%(80%) 35 8 2
Magnum Rifle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 80%(30%) 120%(90%) 45 6 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size D Assault Rifles
Mk. IIV Assault Rifle 25%(45%) 35%(35%) 60%(25%) 110%(80%) 35 20 2
M-17 25%(45%) 35%(40%) 60%(30%) 100%(70%) 40 30 2
AK-97 10%(20%) 20%(15%) 60%(25%) 100%(70%) 30 70 2
Goshawk 20%(50%) 30%(40%) 50%(30%) 90%(80%) 45 20 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size E Sniper Rifles
High Fire Mk. 3 XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 80%(30%) 120%(90%) 50 6 2
Colossus Hvy. Rifle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 40%(50%) 80%(90%) 60 4 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size G Man Portable Machine Gun
MPMG Mk. XX 10%(25%) 20%(20%) 40%(40%) 60%(80%) 40 100 2
Sausage Maker MPMG 15%(30%) 25%(25%) 40%(45%) 60%(85%) 45 80 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size E Sniper Rifles
Mk. VII Sniper Rifle XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 60%(50%) 170%(100%) 50 12 2
Black Hawk XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(45%) 140%(100%) 45 16 2
Gillian Industries XX%(XX%) 30%(50%) 60%(45%) 120%(100%) 35 10 2
When you use a sniper aimed shot you automaticaly gain the benifit of laser targeting and telescopic sight.
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size D Shot Guns
Pump action Shot Gun XX%(%) XX%(XX%) 80%(30%) 90%(50%) 60 2
Semi auto Shot Gun XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 80%(28%) 90%(47%) 55 2
Auto Shot Gun XX%(XX%) 50%(40%) 80%(25%) 80%(45%) 50 2
Shot Guns receive five times the range penalties and do not benefit from laser targeters and telescopic sights.
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size B Laser Pistols
Laser Pistol Mk. I XX%(XX%) 28%(25%) 40%(20%) 68%(55%) 46 1000 1
Laser Pistol Mk. III XX%(XX%) 35%(20%) 50%(15%) 80%(50%) 20 2000 1
Laser Pistol Mk. V XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 50%(20%) 80%(60%) 55 500 1
You can't reload a laser weapon, because they are not clip fed they must be charged over night.
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size D Laser Rifles
Laser Rifle Mk. I XX%(XX%) 46%(34%) 65%(25%) 100%(50%) 60 1000 2
Laser Rifle Mk. IV XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 75%(30%) 130%(60%) 70 500 2
Laser Rifle Mk. VI 25%(40%) 50%(30%) 65%(20%) 100%(45%) 50 2000 2
You can't reload a laser weapon, because they are not clip fed they must be charged over night.
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size H Heavy Laser Weapons
Heavy Laser Mk. I XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 50%(33%) 84%(75%) 85 200 2
Heavy Laser Mk. II XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 60%(40%) 100%(83%) 110 100 2
Heavy Laser Mk. III XX%(XX%) 20%(50%) 45%(30%) 80%(70%) 70 500 2
You can't reload a laser weapon, because they are not clip fed they must be charged over night.
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size H - J Man Portable Cannon
Thunder HC (Size I) XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 60%(33%) 90%(80%) X 6 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 65 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 60 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 70 -- --
Thor HC (Size H) XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(30%) 110%(70%) X 12 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 55 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 50 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 60 -- --
Mk. 5 light Cannon (Size J) XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 70%(45%) 110%(90%) X 4 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 90 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 80 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 120 -- --
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size H - J Man Portable Auto Cannon
Mk. 5 AC (Size I) 25%(55%) 32%(40%) 56%(33%) 82%(80%) X 20 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 50 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 55 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 60 -- --
Buzz Saw AC (Size H) 15%(30%) 25%(25%) 40%(20%) 60%(70%) X 100 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 30 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 35 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 40 -- --
Widow Maker AC (Size J) 30%(60%) 40%(50%) 60%(40%) 85%(80%) X 14 2
Armor Piercing (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 60 -- --
High Explosive (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 65 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 70 -- --
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size H Man Portable Rocket Launchers
Rocket Launcher XX%(XX%) XX%(XX%) 55%(45%) 115%(75%) X 1 2
Arrow (AP) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 80 -- --
Warhammer (HE) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 150 -- --
Incendiary ( I ) ---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- 120 -- --
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Size F Grenade Launchers
Air Powered GL XX%(%) XX%(%) 50%(45%) 90%(80%) X 6 2
Explosive Charge GL XX%(%) XX%(%) 65%(40%) 110%(75%) X 1 2
Alien Technology Weapons
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
Old Alien Weapons
Plasma Pistol (Size B) XX%(XX%) 50%(30%) 65%(30%) 85%(60%) 52 12 1
Plasma Rifle (Size D) XX%(XX%) 55%(36%) 86%(30%) 100%(60%) 80 20 2
Heavy Plasma (Size H) XX%(XX%) 50%(35%) 75%(30%) 110%(60%) 115 35 2
Type: Auto Burst Snap Aimed D C H
New Alien Weapons
Fusion Pistol (Size B) 15%(50%) 50%(30%) 70%(30%) 90%(55%) 70 20 1
Fusion Rifle (Size D) 30%(50%) 55%(35%) 90%(30%) 105%(55%) 100 50 2
Fusion Cannon (Size H) 25%(50%) 50%(35%) 80%(30%) 115%(55%) 180 70 2
Hand Explosives: Size Damage Type Radius Diameter
Hand Grenade A 80 High Explosive 1 3
Phosphorus Grenade A 90 Incendiary 2 5
Porcupine Grenade A 80 Armor Piercing 3 7
Proximity Grenade A 80 High Explosive 3 7
Smoke Grenade A X Smoke 7 15
New Alien Grenade A 110 High Explosive 9 19
Old Alien Grenade A 90 High Explosive 7 15
High Explosive B 150 High Explosive 2 5
Land Mine B 200 High Explosive 1 3
bursts 3 rounds
Auto 7 rounds
snap / aimed 1 round
Armor Strength Enc. Stop AV Front Left Right Rear Under
Built Resistant Fatigues +0 0 3 6 12 8 8 5 2
Kevlar Fatigues +0 0 5 8 16 10 10 7 4
Alloy Reinforced Fatigues +0 2 8 10 20 15 15 10 5
Light Body Armor +0 4 15 25 50 40 40 30 30
Medium Body Armor +0 8 25 35 75 60 60 50 45
Heavy Body Armor +0 12 35 50 100 80 80 70 60
Light Power Armor +40 4 25 55 110 90 90 80 70
Medium Power Armor +45 8 35 65 130 105 105 90 80
Heavy Power Armor +50 12 45 80 160 125 125 110 95
Light Flying Armor +25 4 15 50 100 80 80 70 60
Medium Flying Armor +30 8 20 60 125 100 100 85 75
Heavy Flying Armor +35 12 30 75 150 120 120 105 90
Any damage recieved is reduced by armor if the damage recieved is greater than the armors AV (armor value) the damage that exceeds the AV is dealt to the character and the differance between the stopping value and the AV is subtracted from the armor total for that side (ie. front right etc...) and also 10% of that value is reduced from the armors AV. once the armor value for a side is reduced to zero that side is useless for protection and any damage that reduces the total for that side to less than zero the excess is dealt as damage.
Aliens Health Armor Reflexes Etc...
Sectoid 60 0
%(%) %(%) %(%) %(%)
%(%) %(%) %(%) %(%)
%(%) %(%) %(%) %(%)
%(%) %(%) %(%) %(%)