WWF WrestleMania 2000 Secrets
These are some of the secrets in WM2K and how to perform them, or find them.

Smoking Skull Belt in Create-a-Belt
To get the Smoking Skull Belt you have to complete a Road to WrestleMania with Steve Austin. Just make sure to win the Royal Rumble and your main event match at WM.
Control Managers during Singles Matches
You can control the manager or wrestler that occompanies other wrestlers during single matches. Press the Z Trigger and one of the yellow C Buttons on controller 3 or 4 and you'll be controlling the person outside.
Do opponent's Taunt
You can do your opponent's taunt by simply moving the Analog Stick either Up and Down or Left and Right
Do opponent's Special

To do your opponent's Special simply wait untill you have a Special, then go for a Long Grapple and hit your A and B buttons at the same time. This also works for the Back Special.
Do opponent's Submission Hold
To do your opponent's submission hold simply wait untill you have a Special, then walk towards their head or legs (depending on wich move of theirs you want to do) and press A and B at the same time.
Do opponent's Turnbuckle Move
To do your opponent's Turnbuckle Move, simply wait untill you have a Special and when your opponent is in the turnbuckle do a Long Grapple and then hit your A and B Buttons. If that wrestler has a Turnbuckle Special, you'll usually do that move as the stolen one.
Trick your opponent and Stay Down
You can trick your opponent by staying down longer by holding your Analog Stick. This trick is good when they are going for a top rope move. Hold your Analog Stick untill they jump off the top rope and then let it go and you'll start getting up.

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