Rare Pokemon

Welcome to the Official Pokemon Adoption Center. There's so many pokemon you can adopt. Adopt as much as you like..... just copy and paste the Pokemon fragment at the bottom of the Pokemon you want to adopt and then you can paste it at your page... and your done. All I ask is if you had the time, would you please vote for me at the bottom of the page. Enjoy your new Pokemon.

Adopt These Pokemon

#151 Adopt Mew

I've adopted a Mew at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adoptmew.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Mew at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

#152 Adopt Togepi

I've adopted a Togepi at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adopttogepi.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Togepi at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

#153 Adopt Pikablu

I've adopted a Pikablu at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adoptpikablu.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Pikablu at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

#154 Adopt Houou

I've adopted a Houou at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adopthouou.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Houou at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

#155 Adopt Buru

I've adopted a Buru at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adoptburu.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Buru at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

#156 Adopt Elekid

I've adopted a Elekid at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!

<A HREF="http://pkeadopt.cjb.net"><IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Corridor/8851/adoptelekid.gif" ALT="I've adopted a Elekid at the Official Pokemon Adoption Center, Get yours today!"></A>

Parents Fill-Out Form

Did you adopt a Pokemon from this Official Pokemon Adoption Center complete this form if you did.......

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