Looking for somewhere to work? Not busy about anything? Want to be part of The Official Pokemon Islands Adoption .... here's your chance...... if you find the job you want and you have icq....sign up for a staff.....
Sign This Form:
Here are the jobs available....
1: Parents Section: If you know how to do tables like the one on the Parents section of this page and you want to take care of it... please sign up for it....
2: Computer Artist: If you like drawing fanart and you want your artwork in some headings and all pages please sign up for this job....
3: Fake Pokemon Artist: If you like creating Fake Pokemon, well this is the job for you.... the Fake Pokemon you create and give to me will be listed for Adoption.....
4: HTML knowledge: I need a person that can do a great layout for this page..... like a Co-Webmaster.... I want to redo this adoption center and I need someone to help me with this page.....
That's it for the moment.......
Thank You if you sign up...