Soldier's Companion Battle Report:
"Seize The Bridge!" - Played Sept. 24th, 1999

Scenario:         "Seize the Bridge!"
Options:          Initiative fix, all scenario options
Belligerents:     Martians - Gerry Harris
                            British - Chris Jones
Battle Field:   Standard Scenario Setup

Setup:        The martians decided to place their  two best companies (1st Oenotrian, 27th Crocean) on the British side of the bridge, along with the two light artillery pieces.  The third infantry company and cavalry were kept in reserve on the Martian side of the canal.
                    The British entered the rifle company and one colonial infantry company on the first turn.  The Rifles were in open order forming a skirmish line.

The Battle:
                    The British rifle company moved into the woods near the crossroads, protecting the flank of the colonial infantry, which was still in column formation.

                The company of the 1st Oenotrian, cream of the Oenotrian forces, was located on a hill just above the small forest, and, abandoning all reason, charged the rifle company.  The Rifles, gallant Britons to the man, stood firm and  returned with a volley of fire, breaking up the uncoming savage horde.

            The cowardly Martians were sent scurrying back to the cover of the wooded hill behind them.   This allowed our gallant British heroes to bring forth more of their column in safety.  Meanwhile, an aerial transport carrying a company of troops passed overhead, on its way to land on the far side of the canal in a surprise drop!  Note the vague shapes of cowering, purple-clad Martians below the tail of the gunboat.

            The transport landed on the far side of the canal, near the Oenotrians heavy gun emplacement.  There was little defense of the gunnery position, and the British commander's intention was for his airborne force to charge and seize the heavy gun before it could be swung about to hit his men.  Here you see the brave, short-lived airborne troops disembarking from their aerial conveyance.  Note the gun emplacement in the foreground.

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