Genn's Digimon Quotes

Every attempt has been made to ensure that these quotes are ACCURATE. I've also tried to put episode data and the like in as well. Enjoy. If there are any YOU liked but can't find here, feel free to send it to me at

NON-DIGIMON QUOTE: The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do. -Holt

"What if you get like dead or something?" TK in "Prophecy."

"That's not why I did it (digivolve). It's because I'm just a nice guy and besides Joe would have fallen on his head. I didn't have anything better to do anyways." Gomamon in "Ikkakukon's Harpoon Torpedo."

"Forgiveness! I never asked for your forgiveness! we'll talk about forgiveness when I wipe you out of existence!" Beelzemon to Gallantmon. (donated by glaeven)

"I can't figure out what's wrong with Ken. I'd want to be friends with me." Davis

"Yes, Izzy is quite intelligent, if it weren't for that intelligence, he'd be...well...Tai."

"We'll keep one eye on the Digi-World and one eye on our world, and the last eye on each other." Tai

"The person who destroys the most Spires gets a date with me. By the way, Kari's the only one who's eligible." Davis.

"Davis! Wait up! Humph. I guess his feet are faster than his brains." TK

"I hope my first litter doesn't act like this." Gatomon

"It smells like Davis!" ChibiV/ "Are you saying I stink?" Davis

"Don't worry about us, what could possibly go wrong? We've got Davis with us!" -Vmon

"Let's see a little get up and Gomamon!" Goma to Joe in "Crest of Friendship."

"Now that's the spirit Joe, you've become a real man lately."Goma/So you're saying I wasn't a real man before huh? Are you man enough not to laugh when I tickle you?" Joe. Goma and Joe from "Crest of F"

"Once upon a time there were these Digi-Destined, then Piedmon destroyed them all. The end." Piedmon in "CoF"

"Don't you understand Matt? You've got to stop comparing yourself to Tai, you're not him. It's like icecream. He's Vanilla and you're Rocky Road but only one of you is TK's brother and it's not him." Gabumon in "CoF"

"Now that's when I realized I was never really alone. People like me, they really really like me!" Matt in "CoF"

"Gee Matt, you look different. Did you cut your hair or something?" TK/"No, I just haven't been using as much gel." Matt TK and Matt in "CoF"

"This is scarier than the movies!" TK in "Battle for the Earth."

"We like it when you guys get mushy." Patamon about Matt and TK in "Out on the Town."

"A "C"??? Forget about Myotismon, this is a real disaster!" Gomamon in "Flower Power."

"Oh, it's just a bird. A large bird, I grant you. A large angry bird..." Phantomon about Birdrammon.

"If you save us, we'll give you anything you want! Even candy!" Gabumon calling for help in "Prophecy."

*Myo knocks WereGarurumon off a building* "Ooh, that had to hurt." Myotismon. Submitted by the Myotismon Freak.

"Did you really think you could beat me with germaniums?" Myo to Lillymon. Submitted by the Myotismon Freak.

"Hey! You're going the wrong way!" Matt as Garurumon gets knocked in the wrong direction.

"Meeko, Tai's room is messier than your litter box." Kari (ep. 34)

"Why don't you pick on someone 1/10th your size?" Gatomon (ep.34)

"Besides we got truth and justice and all that other good stuff on our side." Sora (ep.35)

"Poor Agumon, you're always getting beat up." Kari (ep.36)

"Now that you know I can name's Tentomon. Pleased to make your acquaintance." **Izzy's adopted parents faint.** Tentomon (ep.36)

"I'm more than good. I'm exceptional!" Tentomon (ep. 37)

"I am really getting sick of that laugh." Sora, about Myo's laughter in ep.37.

"You just picked on the wrong guy's little sister, Mr. Fang-Face." Tai (ep.37)

"You can thank me later, after you take over the world boss." Demidevimon (ep.37)

"I'm calling collect!" Matt (Ep. 3)

"I don't remember anything like this on the camp brochure." Izzy (ep.1)

"Another alien plot right?" Matt to Izzy

"Beat me? Cha right. Maybe in your dreams kiddo." Matt to T.K. about videogames (ep.6)

"This guy reminds me of a gym teacher I once had." Matt about Pixiemon (Ep. 18)

"Moving right along, folks. Keep it moving. Our next stop on the tour will be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please." Matt to group (Ep. 4)

"Let's waterski home..." Matt

"Great, you're a genius." Matt to Tai (Ep. 30)

"Trick of Treat. You're the treat!" Bakemon (ep. 11)

"What planet did I just dial?" Matt (Ep. 2)

"Yell a little louder will ya? There are a few people who aren't staring at us!" Matt to Tsunomon (Ep. 30)

"Could you yell a little quiter please?" Joe (Ep.19)

"Don't think this means you get to stay up any later T.K." Matt to TK after he finds his Crest.

"Does that mean I don't have to brush my teeth anymore?" TK/ "We have bigger things to worry about now TK." Izzy/ " us all a favor and please keep brushing." Matt (Ep. 19)

"Great. Did anyone bring a helicopter?" Matt (Ep. 1)

"Has anyone noticed we talk alot about food?" Matt (Ep. 4)

"I don't know what it is, but I'm sure I'm allergic to it." Joe (Ep. 4)

"All this computer talk is making my head spinny!" T.K. (Ep.19)

"Does this spot make my ears look big?" Patamon in FOX commercial.

"If I followed you home would your Mom let you keep me?" Gabumon in FOX commercial.

"Nah, I never eat on an empty stomach." Joe (Ep. 4)

"I've analyzed the weather patterns, taking barometric measurements and researched the temperature." Izzy/ "And what did you find?" Tai/ "That it is very very VERY hot." Izzy (Ep. 4)

"Look it's a powderpuff with wings!" Mimi about Pixiemon (Ep. 18)

"Just when I think this place is da bomb, it all goes creepy on me again." TK in Ep. 12

"Just one more thing..."Izzy/ "How come I want to throw up every time you say one more thing?" Tai (Ep. 20)

"Computer guys just can't DO something T.K. That would be too easy. They have to spend all day telling you HOW they're going to do it." Matt to T.K. (Ep.19)

"He's right we just don't have any guts." Palmon/ "Aww...Don't we get points for enthusiasm?" Gomamon (Ep. 18)

"Everyone makes mistakes. Remember disco?" Demidevimon

"Quit standing there clapping like a trained seal." Etemon to Gazimon

"Never get between a Digimon and it's dinner." Biyomon (Ep. 11)

"This is depressing. Even as a computer program I still have allergies." Joe (Ep.19)

"Open it up, it's probably just spam." Tai to Izzy (Ep. 19)

"I'm allergic to cooking." Joe to Matt (Ep. 23)

"Maybe if your brain was a big as your hair you'd be a little smarter." Sora to Tai (Ep. 19)

"Don't forget to tip your waitress." Etemon

"Matt. Help me out here. I don't know what to when girls get all emotional." Tai/ "Just leave her alone Tai, she'll be OK." Matt/ "Wow. Matt sounds like a real grown-up." Agu/ "Yes, now if he'd just cut his hair." Gabumon (Episode 26)

"Come back here and fight like a Mon!" Tai (Ep. 20)

"I know where north is!" Tentomon/ "Well? Which way is it?" Izzy/ "It's the opposite of south!" Tentomon (Ep. 2)

"That's Matt. He's too cool. I mean, just look at that haircut." Tai about Matt (Ep. 1)

"You may actually have a sense of humor!...Well maybe not." Gomamon to Joe (Ep. 7)

"That is IT! I want to see the camp psychiatrist!" Mimi

"I knew I should have gone to cheerleading camp!" Mimi

"Perhaps my definition of wierd is different from yours." Izzy

"They got...bigger..." Tai describing the digivolve. (Ep. 1)

"Very curious. Does Joe always behave like this?" Izzy/ "Every. Single. Day." Tai (Ep. 2)

"To leave a message, press 1 now. To leave a fingerprint, press 2 now. $15 for the next 3 minutes." Telephone (Ep.2)

"AH! What are you. Have you had your rabies shots?" Tai to Koro (Ep. 1)

"Koromon? Is that short for little talking head?" Tai/ "Hmm...nope. It means brave little warrior..." Koromon (Ep. 1)

"No need to be afraid of me. I'm your friend, I'm your friend, I'm your friend." Koro to Tai (while bouncing up and down) Ep. 1.

"After careful deliberation, I have decided that it would be rude to let this cuisine go to waste. So...DIG IN GUYS!" Izzy (Ep. 17)

"You have to learn from your mistakes and I should know, I've made plenty of them." Tai to Tai (Ep. 18)

"Who says it ever gets dark here?" Matt/ "That phenomenon would be unnatural." Izzy/ "And you call this natural?" Joe (Ep. 2)

"Trust me, I'm the floating glowing guy." Gennai in Ep. 17

"This is like, totally no fair!" TK in "Digibaby Boom."

"Who needs a doorbell with such noisy visitors?" Gennai (Ep. 28)

"It's all my fault, right Sora?" Tai "" Sora (Ep. 16)

"What? Who voted me leader?"/ Tai "We all believe in you Tai. Remember when you disappeared we all fell apart and when you came back you brought us all back together. You can do it Tai." Matt. (Ep. 28)

"If I had a Black Gear sticking out of my back, I'd be crazy too, poor guy." Matt (ep. 4)

"How did we get here? Did we slide through the floppy drive?" Matt to Izzy

"I want to use my Crest to digivolve me. Not into a Digimon. Y'Know make me smarter or stronger. Maybe learn something new about myself, that sorta thing." Matt to Izz (ep. 18)

"I'm not exploring anymore. I say we stay right where we are." Joe /"Yeah, lets wait for that giant bug to come get us." Matt (Ep. 2)

"No question, man. You are the dude of doodles." Matt to Tai (Ep. 3)

"You must look funny without your fur Gabumon...and you caught my cold too." Matt to Gabby (ep. 9)

"I'm just warning you Matt, my furs gonna get wet, and I'm going to stink!" Gabby to Matt (Ep. 3)

"What's a little stinky fur compared to a friend like that?" Gabby to himself (ep.3)

"He he he...Naked Digimon." Gabby to self. (ep. 9)

"POLICE! Help! My cat's stuck in a tree in Odaiba and I got to get there right away!" Tai/ "If the police do stop they'll probably lock him up for disturbing the peace." Izzy/...(Matt tries) "Oh yeah? Well at least my cat's not stuck in a tree!" Matt to Tai (ep. 30)

"You kids need a lift?" Taxi/ "Yes" Izzy/ "Got any money?" Taxi/ "No..." Izzy as door slams. (ep.30)

"Here's a thought...this is why they call them sweatsocks." Matt (ep.4)

"Gabumon, go and lay over with T.K." Matt/ "Why Matt?" G/ "Because your fur is making me sweat, what else. Now go!" Matt/ "You want me to keep T.K. warm." G/ "Hey! I didn't say that!" Matt/ "You just don't want to admit it." G/ "Whatever." Matt./ "Thanks Matt." T.K. **BLUSH** (Ep. 3)

"What a beautiful sound." Gabby about Matt's music./ "Hmmph. Right. Maybe to a Saint Bernard with a horn on his head." Tai. (Ep. 3)

"Hey! If we can find a place that delivers let's order pizza!" Matt (ep. 2)

"Don't forget to wash your hands, or claws, or whatever they are." Tai to Agu (Ep. 22)

"Oh really, you call THAT a hand?" Joe to Bukamon (Ep. 1)

"Hey! Who are you calling a thing? I'm no stuffed animal. The name's Bukamon." Buka to Joe (ep.1)

"You know, you really should consider renting yourself out as a football." Demidevimon to Patamon (ep. 22)

"Ya `fraid so. He called you some other things too but I don't wanna repeat them." Demidevimon to T.K. (ep. 22)

"Tentomon to Izzymon? Do you read me?" Tento-Izzy (ep. 5)

"Ooo..Oww..Hot. I'm dancing like I've never danced before!" Tento (ep.5)

"Now that you both have holes in your heads, maybe now your brains can get enough oxygen." Sora to Tai and Agu (ep. 5)

"Just another day in paradise." Sora

"Sometimes when the weak and small band together in the name of good, they can defeat a larger evil. Then again, somethimes they don't stand a chance." Gomamon about his Marching Fishes attack. (ep. 11)

"That is the LAST time I eat camp food." Tai (ep. 1)

"Oh. Allow me to introduce myself. My friends call me Motimon...everyone does actually." Motimon (ep.1)

"For creatures with such long legs, you boys are awfully slow." Motimon running from Kuwagamon (ep.1)

"It is I Motimon! Anyone want lunch?" Moti (ep.1)


"I'm Tai and these are my friends from camp:" Tai "The self-proclaimed cool one over there is Matt." T

"No autographs please." Matt

"Nice place you got here, except for the bugs." Sora

"I'd shake hands...if you had any." Joe

"Do you have internet access?" Izzy

"T.K. Call me T.K. and I'm not as small as I look." T.K.


"We're not just Digimon we're way more than that! We're...kinda cute." Agu

"And very loyal." Tsunomon

"With beautiful hair." Yokomon

"Or maybe no hair at all!" Motimon

"We can be funny. Hah!" Bukamon

"And adorable." Tokomon