Druids of Karchan


"I will always defend and never pretend..."

DoK Constitution

We, the Great and Grand Druids of the Druids of Karchan do hereby state our official Constitution, which will hold all Members, active or not, bound to the rules contained herein. The purpose of the DoK is to use our powers for the goals of:

-Aiding our Allies;

-Defending Nature;

-Remaining a noble and honorable Guild respected throughout Karchan;

-Defending and protecting all players on Karchan; and

-Helping those new to the land learn its commands and rules.

Members of the DoK are not to use their powers to enforce the laws of Karchan, but should consider it their moral obligation to do so.


Each Rank has different levels of power and position. They are as follows, in order of decreasing Rank:

-Great Druid of the DoK (1 Member)

-Grand Druid of the DoK (1 Member)

-Public Relations Officer (PRO) (1 Member)

-High Druids (5 Members)

1 for each of: ShapeChanging, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.

-Arch Druids (15 Members)

3 for each of above.

-Diarmadhi (unliminted)

-Faradhi (unlimited)

-Druids (unlimited)

-Initiates (unlimited)

-Initiates-in-Waiting (unlimited)

Description of Ranks

Great Druid

The Great Druid leads the DoK. He/She has the final say over everything that the Guild does. The Great Druid is the Member with the utmost leadership ability and who has mastered every Circle of elemental magic. The Great Druid, along with the two Grand Druids are responsible for overseeing the Guild, making command decisions, initiating new Members and promoting them to the Rank of Druid.

Grand Druid

The Grand Druid is the most trusted friend of the Great Druid. He/She has similar duties and responsibilities to the Great Druid and should be considered the Second-in-Command of the Guild. He/She gets asked about all command decisions and thus his/her opinion is very important and valuable to The Great One. The Grand Druid oversees the Guild while the Great Druid is not in the Land and reports what he/she sees. One day, perhaps, the Grand Druid will rise to the Rank of Great Druid...only time will tell.

Public Relations Officer (PRO)

The PRO is the Third-in-Command of the DoK and can also be called the Chief Operations Officer. The PRO is responsible for making public announcements to the Members, either on Karchan, via e-mail, or both. He/She is responsible for Guild morale, sheduling meetings, and sheduling group activities. He/She tries to attend Karchan as often as possible to speak with Members and to see how they are doing and to get suggestions for improvements to the Guild.

High Druids

These are Members who have been deemed worthy of a chance to teach younger Members about the Guild and about one of the five Circles of elemental magic. It is their responsibility to decide who shall enter their Circle as an Arch Druid. They must also coordinate with the PRO for Circle meetings as well as Circle activities. They get the final say in who joins their Circle, either by promotion or by switching. They must also devise tests for potential Members into their Circle.

Arch Druids

These Members are Druids who have decided to begin learning about the mysterious forces of elemental magic. As they may only pick one Circle, they must decide which one they will choose to pursue. One step up from Druids, these Members have demonstrated and followed all the Rules of the DoK and of Karchan, as well as having displayed an excellent sense of elemental magic and magical talent. It is required to have passed that Circle's test to attain this Rank.

Diarmadhi (Night-Walkers)

The next step in nature magic training is that of the Night-Walker Phase. During this phase, the Member learns how to use darkness and the night to cast spells and send messages across the land. The most difficult part of this phase is learning about the darkness carried within. For those who make it past this Rank, they will be more powerful threefold. They can weave magic during the day, they can weave magic during the night, and most importantly, they have laid their pasts behind them.

Faradhi (Light-Walkers)

A step up from the Druids, these are Members who have expressed an interest in learning about druidic magic. On this first step on their journey, they learn how to use sunlight to cast simple spells, send messages, and how to master and make the most use of their inner light.


These Members are the back bone of the Guild. Often seen among people, these Druids help the citizens of Karchan when they require assistance. Lacking elemental magic, these Members must instead use their wits and prowness to defeat a foe.


These are freshly initiated Members who have yet to show magical promise, but have expressed interest in the Guild. They will eventually become Druids but may decide to familiarize themselves with the Guild and it's rules before asking for their Promotion Test. The most studious Members of the Guild, the Initiates struggle to remember the Rules of the Guild and the Rules of Karchan as they may be tested upon their knowledge at some time in the future...


These are the newest Members who have entered the DoK. They have expressed interest in the Guild and spend their time learning about the Guild and it's ways. They also spend time deciding whether or not to pursue an office in the DoK, or to move elsewhere.

Honorary Titles

Ambassador of the DoK

This Rank is granted to the Member who has done extraordinary things for the Guild and/or for the Ranking Druids. This position is appointed solely by the Great Druid. The Member retains his/her normal Rank in the DoK, but has the authority approximately equal to that of a High Druid. He/she closely coordinates with the Ranking Druids and in particular with the PRO. The Ambassador will be expected to make negotiations with people on Karchan as instructed by the Ranking Druids, but must inform the Ranking Druids before agreeing or disagreeing to anything the other party(ies) propose.

The Peacekeeper of Karchan, DoK

This Member has demonstrated his/her dedication to preserving the peace on Karchan. A Member who earns this title must have been recommended by other Guilds as well as possibly other DoK Members.


Inner Circle - refers to all the High Druids, the PRO of the DoK, the Grand Druid of the DoK, and the Great Druid of the DoK.

Ranking Druids - refers to the PRO, Grand Druid, and Great Druid of the DoK.

I-in-W - refers to the "Initiates-in-Waiting" Rank.


Promotions to the Rank of Druid are handled solely by the Great Druid, Grand Druid, or the PRO. Promotions to the Arch Druid Ranks are handled by the High Druid Leader of that Circle. If you cannot contact your Circle Leader the Great Druid, Grand Druid, or PRO may do it. Keep in mind that it is the Member's responsibility to be informed and not to ask to get into a Circle that is full. Promotions to Circle Leaders will be the next most senior Arch Druid in that particular Circle. Promotions to the Rank of Grand Druid or the PRO must be voted upon with at least 3/4 current Members in favor (excluding Member wishing to attain the position). Promotion to Great Druid requires at least 3/4 of all Members AND one of either the Grand Druid OR the PRO. If a Member should fail the test, they will remain in their previous Rank and Circle (if applicable). They may not retest for a period of one week.

Switching Circles

Any Member who feels that they wish to change Circles may do so provided that the Circle is not full. Please be advised that you will have to qualify for the position by passing that Circle's test in order to transfer. If you fail, you will maintain your Rank and Circle. Again, you may not retest for one week.


New Members are only allowed to join if they have contacted either the Great Druid, the Grand Druid, or the PRO. This does not necessarily have to be done in the game. It may be done via e-mail (see Members list). The Initiate must convince their recruiter of their dedication and suitability for entrance into the DoK. New Members are required to have an e-mail account and to inform their recruiter of what it is. They don't have to, but have the option of requesting the e-mail being posted on the Members page. It is also recommended that the Initiate become familiar with the basic ideals and precepts of the DoK. CURRENT MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE: You WILL be expected to know the DoK webpage address so you can direct potential Initiates to it. (see: Amendments III and V)

Druid Gatherings (Moots)

The three Ranking Druids share the responsibility for initiating newcomers to the Guild. They also share the responsibility and the right to summon a Moot. A Moot is a gathering of the entire Guild, usually held at the solstices and equinoxes. By custom, Moots are called four times a year at the above set dates. A Moot on a nonset date means that there is something so deeply amiss that the Guild must meet and decide on a matter immediately.

These gatherings enable the Guild to gossip and socialize, to exchange information on the state of Karchan, and to fight druidic challenges before an audience. The climax of any Moot is the High Council of the Moot; the Inner Circle Members meet in a secret location to discuss the state of Karchan and make plans to rally the Guild against a particular problem, if necessary. Sometimes an ambassador from another Guild attends the Moot. These ambassadors bring news and greetings and sometimes requests for help. After the High Council, the Great Druid (or Grand Druid) addresses all the Members, answers questions, and takes advice.

To call a Moot, any of the Ranking Druids sends messages across the land to inform all Druids of an impending Moot. The Moot is scheduled to begin two weeks after the Summoner dispatches the announcements, giving the Druids enough time to settle their businesses and arrive. All Druids SHOULD attend, but if they cannot, they MUST explain their absence to the caller of the Moot.

All Moots are to occur in "The Grove of Nature" unless otherwise specified in the message. The Moot is considered over when the Summoner dissolves it.

The Ban

Either the Great or Grand Druid can impose a strong, nonviolent sanction upon those who have offended the Guild. All DoK Members must shun anyone placed under Ban; No Member shall aid, speak to, or associate with the target of the Ban.

The Great or Grand Druids have the right to pronounce a Ban on any Druid in the DoK. A Ban may also cover non-DoK Members who have aroused the DoK's displeasure. To pronounce a Ban, the Great or Grand Druids simply send messages out announcing who the target is, and what they have done. The subject of the Ban then DOES have the right to answer the accusations if they see fit. The Ban lasts until the Great or Grand Druid cancels it. NOTE: To the DoK Members who know other characters in real life, a Ban DOES NOT extend outside Karchan.


The Great Druid, Grand Druids, and High Druids have the right to select Initiates, Druids , Faradhi, or Diarmadhi as their servants. These chosen Members are called Acolytes.

Acolytes are restricted to serving only one Inner Circle Member at a time. The appointing Member must determine which candidates will best serve him/her.

An Inner Circle Member usually approaches the chosen Member quietly and offers an Acolyte position. The Initiate/Druid/Faradhi/Diarmadhi then decides whether or not to accept the post. While serving as an Acolyte holds honor, it also entails a loss of freedom, therefore the reputation of the Member has a BIG role to play on the decision.

An Acolyte swears an oath of service: to be loyal and obedient, to listen and learn, to keep no secrets from one's master, but to guard the master's secrets. Acolytes who break this oath face the wrath of their master as well as that of the Great Druid. In addition, unless the Acolyte can prove that the master's orders violated the Laws of the DoK and/or the Laws of Karchan, he/she is usually subjected to a Ban.

ADVANTAGES: The Member wins the patronage, and perhaps the friendship, of a powerful Druid. The position enhances the Acolyte's prestige in the eyes of the Guild. Further, Acolytes injured or wronged by an enemy can expect support from their master.

DISADVANTAGES: Acolyte is always at the beck and call of the master and therefore loses personal freedom. An Acolyte fulfils the duties of a retainer, acts as an emissary and representative for his/her master.

An Acolyte's term of service lasts until the master's Rank changes, or until the Acolyte's Rank changes. In the latter case, the Acolyte leaves service, and their master seeks a replacement (if desired).


1) When vacancies happen in the representation of any Circle, the executive authority (either the Circle Leader or the Grand Druids, or the Great Druid) shall inform the next highest ranking Member of that Circle that they have been promoted to represent that Circle. If there is no next highest ranking Member for that Circle, that Circle shall be represented by the Great Druid until such time as a Member does join that Circle and can be promoted.


1) The Members of the Druids of Karchan shall have the right to impeach any ranking Officer (either the High Druids, Grand Druids, or the Great Druid) provided that AT LEAST 2/3 of all the current Members agree, AND the support of 1 of the current High Druids, AND 1 of the current Grand Druids concur.

2) In such an Impeachment, every Member shall have 1 vote only.

3) Judgement in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor or trust under the DoK and our Allies. The Party convicted will nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgement and punishment, as according to the Laws of the DoK, AND (if applicable) the Laws of Karchan.


The traditions of the DoK prohibit the Inner Circle (High Druids, Grand Druids, and Great Druid) from including more than 8 Members. If a Member gains enough experience to achieve an Inner Circle position but finds no vacancy, the only way to advance involves ceremonial combat: the druidic challenge. This ritual combat also applies to Druids seeking advance into the Arch Druid ranks.

The challenge remains one of the oldest Druidic traditions. It purges the weak and complacent, ensuring that the highest ranks of the Guild remain filled with strong and cunning Members. The masters of the Guild are not politicians, but men and women of action. They believe that the challenge, by bringing ambition into the open, allows them to bypass some of the worst excesses of hypocrisy and behind-the-scenes power plays found in other religions.

The challenge operates under prearranged rules: Members who violate the letter of the rules will fail to advance in Rank, just as if they had suffered defeat. Always a one-on-one battle, noone else may participate.

First, the two Members must agree on the time of the duel-if they can't agree, it will take place at the next Moot.

Second, all challenges need a witness-a Member whose Rank equals or exceeds the challenger's. This individual MUST witness the terms of the challenge and make sure the combatants obey the rules.

Third, the terms by which the battle will be fought are to be set out by mutual agreement, with the witness in attendance. Once agreed upon, the terms may not change. If neither side can agree on terms, the witness selects them and proclaims the duel an all-out battle until one Druid surrenders or becomes incapacitated. (Eri's note: Members who excercise this rule WILL be expected to have typed "whimpy terribly hurt" before proceeding. This will ensure that neither Member dies. Don't type the " marks.)

Terms to discuss are primarily: Where? Allow weapons?

The challenge may then begin with the witness's invocation, asking Nature (or other Deity (ies) to watch over the duel.Once the invocation is complete, the combatants enter the area from opposite sides, and the challenge begins. Members who defeat foes through cheating WILL face severe consequences as determined by the Great or Grand Druid.

Circle Leaders (High Druids)

1) Each Circle Leader shall be the judge of elections, promotions, and qualifications of their Circle's Members, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent Members of their Circle, in such a manner, and under such penalties as the Circle may provide.

2) Each Circle Leader may determine the rules of their proceedings, punish their Members for disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence of 2/3 of the Circle OR the consent of either the Great or Grand Druid expel a Member from their Circle. This DOES NOT constitute Impeachment unless otherwise stated.

3) Circle Leaders are also required to devise Promotion Tests for Druids seeking entry into their Circle, AND to inform the Great Druid, Grand Druid, or the PRO of the nature of the test. Leaders may also be required and prepared to report on the status of their respective Circles.


1) The Members of the DoK shall be entitled to all priveleges and immunities granted to a Guild within Karchan. All Members may also receive diplomatic rights with any Guild or Party declared an Ally of the DoK.

Powers Forbidden to the Circles

1) No Circle shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation with any Guild of Karchan or any party in Karchan without the consent of the Ranking Druids.

2) No Circle shall engage in war unless attacked or unless approved of by the Great Druid of the DoK.

Ranking Druids

1) Ultimate executive power resides with the Great Druid of the DoK. Together, orders issued by both the Grand Druid of the DoK, AND the PRO of the DoK carry equal weighting to those given by the Great Druid.

2) In the case of Impeachment of the Great Druid from office, or his/her resignation, that same office shall be granted to the Grand Druid. In the event of same to both the Great and Grand Druids, the Members of the DoK have the right to vote as to whom shall fulfil the rank of Great Druid. Failing this, the PRO shall be considered promoted to the Rank of Great Druid of the DoK.

3) Whenever a vacancy in the office of the Grand Druid of the DoK, the Great Druid shall promote the PRO to said position, unless contradicted by the Grand Druid's explicit wishes.

4) Before any Ranking Druid can enter into office, he or she shall take the following oath and affirmation: "I do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of (Great Druid, Grand Druid, or Public Relations Officer) of the Druids of Karchan, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend all items contained within the Constitution of the DoK."

The Great Druid of the DoK

1) The Great Druid of the DoK shall have the power to fill up any vacancies that may occur in the Circle hierarchy as detailed above in VACANCIES.

2) The Great Druid shall have the ability to make treaties with other Guilds and/or Parties in Karchan, as well as have the right to declare Enemies of the Guild as required. These declarations shall be considered law until such time as the Great Druid removes the order. Members shall be informed on Karchan, as well as by e-mail in the event either an Ally or Enemy of the Guild is declared by the Great Druid. (see also: BAN)

3) In the event of a Circle failing to follow orders or having disagreements with other Members, and/or other Circles, the Great Druid has the right to convene the Circle(s) or Parties involved or suspend their DoK Ranks until such time as the issue is resolved.

4) The Great Druid alone shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers. Unless the PRO or Grand Druid has been assigned to above.

5) The Great Druid shall commission all Members and Officers of the DoK either in Karchan or via e-mail. Appearance on this page's Member list is also considered Endorsement by the Great Druid.


1) The trial of all crimes, except Impeachment, shall be by judge and jury. The Judge of the trial shall be appointed by the Great Druid of the DoK unless he or she is directly involved in the proceedings. In such cases, the Judge shall be appointed by the next unaffected Ranking Druid. The Jury shall be composed of a 1:1 ratio between the accused choice and the Ranking Druids' choice. These MAY be made from people outside the DoK.

Treason (sorry for putting this bit in, but there has ALREADY been one case)

1) Treason against the DoK, shall consist only in warring against them, or in aiding the Enemies of the Guild. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the SAME act, or by confession.

2) The Ranking Druids in discussion with the Circle Leaders and all Members of the DoK, shall have the power to declare the punishment of treason.


1) Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

a) Freedom of conscience and religion;

b) Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression;

c) Freedom of peaceful assembly; and

d) Freedom of association.

The above apply to ALL citizens of Karchan, not just the DoK.

2) All citizens of Karchan have the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of justice.

3) Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual punishment.

4) All people of Karchan and/or DoK Members are equal before and under the laws of the DoK and of Karchan, and have the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without descrimination based on race, origin, religion, sex, or age.


Any Amendment to this document must be backed up by the current Great Druid AND one of either the Grand Druid or the PRO, and at least 3/4 of the other Members. An Amendment may also be passed if the Great and Grand Druid, AS WELL AS the PRO approve. If that is the case, the Members shall be informed of the change via e-mail. Any Amendment affixed to this document will become a part of it for eternity unless counter-acted by another contrary Amendment.

Here unto we shall scribe our names as proof that this Constitution is backed by Members from each section of the Druids of Karchan, and is henceforth to be the official document of the Guild:

Eri, The Great Druid of the DoK

Tyve, The Grand Druid of the DoK

Karr, The Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the DoK

Presley, High Druid of ShapeChanging

Cicada, Arch Druid of the Air

GlassWalker, Druid of the DoK

Caitian, Druid of the DoK

Amendment I

The DoK shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people the peacefully assemble, and the right to petition the Ranking Druids or the Guild for redress of grievances.

Amendment II

Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, the rules, rights, and freedoms referred to in it are guaranteed equally to male and female persons.

Amendment III Recruiting Procedures

In Amendment to the section entitled "Recruiting" of this Constitution, we (the Ranking Druids) amend the following. From henceforth, ALL DoK MEMBERS MAY RECRUIT NEW INITIATES provided that they:

a) Provide the PRO with the recruit's name;

b) Provide the PRO with the recruit's e-mail address; and

c) Inform the PRO if the recruit would like his e-mail listed on the DoK Members page.

NOTE: It is the RECRUITER's responsibility to contact the PRO, NOT the Initiate's.

-Conditions for Membership as an Initiate remain as stated in "Recruiting."

NOTE: The recruiter must direct the Initiate to the webpage and allow him/her time to decide (if necessary).

*Any recruit formerly enrolled in another Guild of Karchan must have QUIT that Guild AND received confirmation before being recruited.*

Confirmation of Initiate Status

After being recruited and having satisfied the requirements above, the Initiate-in-Waiting is entitled to put "Initiate of the DoK" in their titles. Initiate status will be confirmed when:

a) Any of the Ranking Druids express congradulations on Karchan's Public Board; or

b) The Initiate appears on the DoK Member page; and/or

c) Any of the Ranking Druids confirm them by e-mail and tell them how to add the Bear Paw graphic to their titles.

The recruiter is responsible for informing the Initiate of the above.

We hope this clarifies any misconceptions, Eri, Tyve, and Karr.

Amendment IV Initiates-in-Waiting

As of January 18, 1999, a new Rank into the DoK has taken effect. This new Rank shall from henceforth be known as "Initiates-in-Waiting of the DoK" and shall be Rank-wise lower than Initiates and will be described as listed above. Let the record show that the Constitution was modified to incorporate the I-in-W in such sections as: "Ranks of the DoK" and "Descriptions of Ranks."

Amendment V Recruiting Modifications

With the formation of the new Rank, new Recruiting Procedures were required. They shall be as follows:

-ANY DoK Member (excluding I-in-W and Initiates) shall be able to both recruit Members into the Ranks of "Initiate-in-Waiting" or promote said Members into the Ranks of "Initiates of the DoK."

To recruit into Initiate-in-Waiting

-The recruiter will provide the I-in-W with the location of the DoK main webpage and instruct them to study it carefully for their Initiation Test. Also, the I-in-W must be directed to the New Members page.

-The recruiter will then inform the PRO about the I-in-W's name ONLY.

NOTE: There is no time limit for Initiates-in-Waiting.

NOTE: Well-prepared I-in-W may be directly promoted to Initiate of the DoK.

-At this time, the I-in-W may put "Initiate-in-Waiting of the DoK" into their title.

-If at any time, the I-in-W decides not to pursue entry into the DoK, they MUST contact the PRO immediately.

*NOTE: Any recruit formerly enrolled in another Guild of Karchan must have QUIT that Guild AND received confirmation before being recruited.*

-Conditions for I-in-W remain as stated for Intitiates in "Recruiting."

-This Rank shall take the place of the decision time mentioned in Amendment III.

To promote I-in-W to Initiates of the DoK

-The recruiter will ask the I-in-W a question based on the information located on the main webpage. They will have three chances to answer correctly.

-If the I-in-W passes the test, the tester will provide the PRO with the information required as per Amendment III.

-The tester will then inform the Initiate as to how their promotion will be confirmed. (as per Amendment III).

-The Initiate may then put "Initiate of the DoK" into their titles until contacted by the Ranking Druids.

-If the I-in-W fails all three times, they may retest immediately provided that they do not ask the same DoK Member.

Amendment VI Faradhi and Diarmadhi Ranks and Promotions

As of February 7, 1999, two new Ranks have been entered into the DoK. These are the Faradhi and Diarmadhi Ranks. Let the record show that the Constitution was modified to incorporate these new Ranks in such sections as: "Ranks of the DoK," "Description of Ranks," and "Acolytes."

To promote from Druid to Faradhi

The Member shall be tested by any of the Ranking Druids. Preferably contact the PRO or the Grand Druid. The question will be given to you either by e-mail or on Karchan. Depending on the specific question, you may have three days or as much as a week to answer the question.

To promote from Faradhi to Diarmadhi

The Member shall be tested by any Arch Druid or any Inner Circle Member on Karchan if convenient for both Members. The form of the test shall be by spell-duel with at least three witnesses present. The winner is determined by witness vote. (ERI'S NOTE: Members please be advised. Use some common sense and role-play in spell duels. That is, if you are a Faradhi use Light Magic. Circle of Fire use Fire Magic and be weak against Water Magic etc.)

To promote from Diarmadhi to Arch Druid

Promotions to Arch Druid remain unchanged. That is, the Member must pass the test given by that Circle's High Druid (or other Ranking Druid if position vacant).

Amendment VII Honorary Titles

Let the record show that as of February 8, 1999, the DoK recognizes two new Titles. These are the Ranks of "Ambassador of the DoK" and "Peacekeeper of Karchan, DoK." The Constitution changed to accomodate these new positions. Be advised however that these do not constitute a Ranks in the DoK, but rather special honors. For more information, see the "Honorary Titles" section above.

Amendment VIII Martial Law

In the event of war or a hostile scenario occuring on Karchan, the Ranking Druids reserve the right to temporarily suspend all rights and priveleges granted within this Consitution until such time as the crisis is declared over.

This rule shall only take effect provided that ALL Inner Circle Members agree. Likewise, the emergency shall be declared over only if all Inner Circle Members agree. During this time, all DoK Members will be expected to fully comply with any orders given by any Inner Circle Members. As well, there will be no Challenges, Promotions, or Recruiting during the time of crisis.

Amendment IX Promotions to High Druid

Promotions to High Druid Rank shall take place either by receiving the test from any of the Ranking Druids or by challenging the current High Druid of that Circle.

In the questioning by the Ranking Druids, the Arch Druid will have a choice of two of three questions to answer. Their reply will be due one week and a day after being sent. Thus, a Arch Druid requesting promotion should check their mail frequently in order to have sufficient time to answer the questions.

NOTE: If the Arch Druid should fail either Part I or II of the test, they are considered to have failed the test. They have two more tries with the other two Ranking Druids that they have not asked yet. If they fail all three tests, they may not retest for one month before they can repeat the test again. If the Arch Druid passed Part I but not Part II, the next test may be only the part failed with a reduced time limit. (This is solely under the tester's discretion.)

Amendment X Druidic Oath

All DoK Members, regardless of Rank, must take the following Oath and Affirmation EACH time they are promoted. This Oath applies to Initiates as well. Ranking Druids are also required to complete this Oath as well as the Oath required during their swearing in of Office.

The Oath is to be given by any Member, therefore please be familiar with this Oath as you will need it to initiate new Members.

"Do you _______ promise to preserve the balance of Karchan, to follow the druidic ethos, to respect the freedom of all people including those beyond the DoK, to act as a guardian of Nature, and to live true to the druidic order and keep its secrets safe for as long as you shall live?"

Amendment XI Time Spent Per Rank

The minimum time DoK Members MUST spend in each Rank before promoting is two weeks. This excludes Initiates-in-Waiting.

Amendment XII Spell Dueling Rules


  • There MUST be at least three witnesses not including the tester and the Member wanting Promotion.
  • Witnesses may be anyone on Karchan at the time. They MUST contact the Ranking Druids personally OR someone may record the duel and send it to the Ranking Druids.
  • The witnesses MUST be present at the beginning and end of the duel. There must be no lapses during their observation. (unless more than three present)
  • There is to be no physical fighting between the players during the duel.
  • There will be no time-altering spells.
  • There is to be no talking or deliberation of witnesses during the duel. Witnesses may talk but only to ask questions of the combatants. When voting comes, witnesses MUST tell their votes to the tester. DO NOT SAY FREELY! (see GRADING below)
  • Attacks are not to be "presumptive." Avoid certainty words such as: "escape impossible" and "sure death." It is up to the other player to either break out or concede defeat.
  • The spell duel will continue until one player concedes defeat. This MUST be at least a minimum of five attack/defense rounds for each combatant.
  • Attack/defense ratio must be a 1:1 ratio. Each character must attack and defend once (and only once) each turn.
  • Each spell used must be original and cannot be reused. Similar spells may be used, but depending on witnesses, may result in point loss in Originality. (see GRADING below)
  • A reminder: Faradhi may use light magic, Diarmadhi may use light and dark magic (but prefer dark), Arch and High Druids may use the powers of their Circle as well as light and dark magic. Ranking Druids may use any power granted to any Rank in the DoK.


  • Grades are awarded out of ten (highest).
  • Marks are awarded (out of ten) and averaged into a final score for each of the following: Attacks, Defense, and Originality.
  • Only grade the one being tested, NOT the tester.
  • Witnesses MUST tell the FINAL average to the tester.
  • Tester MAY NOT tell the one being tested the results. This is up to the Ranking Druids.

Amendment XIII

As of April 30, 1999. A new subsidiary Rank is formed in the DoK. This group consists of the Founding Ranking Druids of the DoK. They are to be called the Founders of the DoK and are to be treated as Advisors and in terms of Rank are equal to a High Druid. They DO NOT however have the authority to use that Rank. They may only advise.

Amendment XIV

As of April 30, 1999, DoK Member Phantasmo has been appointed as Great Druid of the DoK. Granted herein lies the ability to choose his cabinet for the Ranks of Grand Druid and PRO.

1998 Druids of Karchan
Design (C) 1998 20ga Corrugated Box Web Mastery Ltd
20ga Corrugated BoxWeb Mastery Ltd