Mimi Tachikawa


"I haven't washed a floor since...Never!"


STYLE: Big hat and lotsa pink.


ALWAYS HAS: Her hat and her bag.

EPISODES ABOUT HER: 6, 10, 17, 25

LIKES: Shopping, clothes, and luxury.

DISLIKES: Getting dirty, doing work, walking alot.

MISSES: Going to the beach and drinking cola.

FAVORITE FOOD: Eggs with maple syrup and cherries.

GOOD AT: Being truthful and speaking her mind.

NOT GOOD AT: Being tough and adaptable.

FAMILY: Has a baby brother.

HISTORY: Lived near Highton View Terrace.

VOICE ACTOR: Philece Sampler

Mimi is the exact opposite of Sora. Mimi is the ultimate girly-girl. Mimi is always putting emphasis on appearance (even at the worst times), and she's always complaining. Be it her feet hurt or because she's tired after five minutes of walking, Mimi will be complaining. Although she might appear to be self-centered, she's really not selfish at all. Sometimes Mimi will just get so caught up in herself that it seems as if she's selfish. Mimi truely does care about everyone and everything she says is sincere. This truthfulness has earned her the Crest of Sincerity. It is also her self-centeredness that makes her rather oblivious to what's going on. Most of the time she doesn't have a clue to what's happening. Her eccentric and childish behaviour don't help her cause either.

Back home, it's obvious that Mimi has been daddy's little girl and has not to had to work a day in her life. This all changes once she arrives in the Digi-World. There, she has none of the luxuries that she had at home and must work hard just to survive. Mimi has trouble adjusting to the heavy work load, but she tries to do what she can. But Mimi isn't at all just an innocent girl. She can be a real heartbreaker. Many is the times that she's turned down Digimon who want dates with her. (Shukamon and Chuumon, Numemon to name a few) And when she does it she's not all that subtle and gentle about it either. To add to that, when Mimi really wants something, all she has to do is turn on her cute and girly charm. Simple as that.

Mimi's Digipartner is Palmon. Together these two girls make an awesome team. While Mimi helps Palmon with beauty tips, Palmon keeps an eye out for Mimi and teaches her all sorts of things about the Digi-World. They've developed a close girl pal to girl pal relationship and act as though they've known each other for years.

Mimi was captured along with Myotismon in "City Under Siege" when Myotismon was rounding up all the children in search of the Eighth Child. They managed to escape however when Palmon digivolved into Lillymon. Nonetheless, Lillymon was gravely injured by Myotismon and had to be healed by Wizardmon in "Wizardmon's Gift."

Upon their return to the Digi-World, Mimi watched in horror as many of their friends died trying to help the Digi-Destined. Pixiemon, Sukamon, Whamon, they all fell before the Dark Masters' power. In "Playing Games," Tai makes Mimi cry when he says they should keep going and not stop to take time to remember their friends. Somehow this turns into a Matt-Tai fight. At the end of "Ultimate Clash," Joe and Mimi separate from the group and start having some adventures of their own. First they discover Metal Etemon who menaces them for awhile and then goes to Puppetmon's mansion. Then Mimi finds and helps Ogremon, turning him into a friend. Then they meet SabreLeomon who helps them defeat MetalEtemon, but dies in the process. Joining up with Otanamon and a Gekomon, Mimi and Joe reunite with Meramon and they all head to the Primary Village only to find it completely destroyed. Hearing harmonica music, they run over expecting Matt, but instead find Elecmon who joins them in their battle against the Dark Masters. Seeing the harmonica as proof, Joe leaves Mimi and heads across the ocean to bring Matt back to the others.

Mimi's appearance in Series02. From a Japanese CD cover.

Tanemon > Palmon > Togemon > Lillymon

Palmon is Mimi's Digimon. She teaches Mimi the importance of taking care of others and helps draw her out of her self-centeredness. She has a sweet disposition and likes to be helpful.

ATTACKS: Tanemon: Bubble Blast, Palmon: Poison Ivy, Togemon: Needle Spray, Lillymon: Flower Cannon

SPECULATION: Is Mimi's Dad blind, light-sensitive, or color-blind? He is always seen wearing his sunglasses - even indoors! E-mail me with your thoughts. ~Pres.