"When I was only four days old you came to live with me and gave me all the love you hold quite unreservedly. Oh Teddy Bear I still love thee as much as I did then, Though now we both are forty three......" Like the poem above, every Teddy is filled with love and waiting to share this beary special love with you. It doesn't matter how young or old you are or where you live in the world, these Teddy Bears just want to spend their life with you. You can tell them your inner most secrets 'cause Teddy Bears will never tell.....You can cry on their shoulders when things are bad 'cause Teddy Bears never say "I told you so".....You can share your happiness with them 'cause Teddy Bears just love to see you smile..... and best of all Teddy Bears are never too busy when it is time for a cuddle with you! So if your heart is big enough to spare a little love, please adopt a Teddy Bear who needs a special home. Please place him where everyone can see that you have opened your heart and your homepage to a special friend in need and in return he will give you that beary special love only Teddy Bears can.... for a beary long....long......long time.
*Here's Something Very Important For Those Adopting Teddy Bears* Because there are always Teddy Bears waiting to be adopted we ask that you use the banner below to link back to the adoption page so that your Teddy Bear can help one of his friends to find a special home too. As all of the Teddy Bears waiting to be adopted hold a special place in my heart, I would really appreciate the url of your homepage (I will link back to your page) so that I may stay in touch with them once they have been adopted. Thanks. *s* Okay, let's go and see which Teddy Bears
are waiting to be
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