Additional Edges and Hinderances

Some Edges and Hinderances which I came up with.
I'll post more if they ever eventuate.


Common Sense (3)
Ya seem to be blessed with less than your usual share of posse stupidity.
The Marshall should warn you when you're about to do something that's just plain dumb.


Thrillseeker (3)
Danger really is your middle name. You live for the thrill of speed and the rush of adrenaline. You'll do or try anything if it looks like it could be dangerous.

You love explosions. The noise, the flash, the smell, the feel of the earth shaking, but mostly the noise and light. If explosives can be used to accomplish something you'll use them in preference to anything else if you can get away with it. This hinderance precludes the taking of demolitions, so remember, "one day, milkshake, BOOM!"

* Since I couldn't be bothered thinking up a decent name for it I have named it after the guy from an episode of the tick my players always quote when they're playing with dynamite. The Mad Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight or somesuch...


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