Playstation Letters

This page is to show what other gamers think and let you e-mail them.
If you would like to send a letter go down to the bottom of the page and read the directions.

Name: John Rogalski
Favorite type of games: RPG's
Favorite games: FF7, FF tactics, Wild Arms, Gran Tourismo w/analog controllers, Saga Frontier, Breath of Fire 3, and Bushido Blade as well as any other Squaresoft games.
Comments: Cool page. It kicks ass!

Name: Joćo Henrique da Silva ( Brazilian Boy )
Favorite types of games: All
Favorite games:Road Rash 3D, Resident Evil 1, 2, Mortal Kombat Trilogy , Grand Turismo !!
Comments: Hello, Your page is very cool !!

Name: Bryan
Favorite types of games: All
Favorite games: FF7, Twisted Metal 2, Road Rash 3D, Resident Evil 1,2.
Comments: Hello, I made this page so that people like me could tell what playstation games others like and so people can e-mail other playstation owners.


In your playstation letter write your name, e-mail address, favorite type of game, favorite games, comments.

For the subject of the letter write Playstation Letter