Page Information

This is just a lot of boring info, so.. If you do not like boring stuff then go back to my page.

These Pages are made by me and were made with Microsoft Front Page 2.0. My site is posted on the internet by Geocities. This is just a Personal Home Page. I do not get any money off of these pages. This is some information about each page:

Main Home Page - All images on this page were either made by me or used from an animation page, exept for teh animated Taco Dog, which is from Taco Bell, not me. I did animate the taco dog though. The guestbook is from Tripod.

Survey - Everything on this page is made by me, exept for the pictures.

Chat Room - None of the images on this page are made by me. The chat room is from Multi Chat.

Make Your Own Page - This is all made by me.

Animation Pages - I did not make any of these images on these pages. I got all the images from animation pages.

Arcade Page - I did not make any of the images on this page exept for the word bryan's. All the games on these pages are just links to other pages. I do not own any of the games, and my page is not an offical page of any of the places I got the games from.

South Park Pages - I did not make any of the images on my south page pages, exept for my Jesus Vs the Devil banner and anything that says Bryan on it. I did not make any of the sounds or animated cursors. South Park is made by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. South Park is also owned by Comedy Central, and my page is in no way a offical South Park Page.

Card Page - I did not make any of the images on this page. I got the images from some peoples south park pages and from a cd. I got the card program from

Movie Page - I did not make any images or movies on this page, exept for the Movie Tickets. The movies are made by Mtv and Bugjuice. My page is in no way one of there offical sites.

Playstation Page - I did not make any of the images on these pages, exept for the Playstation Art Picture and the Gex Picture. Not All the info on my pages about the playstation may be true and should not be used on anything. The Playstation is owned by Sony and my page is not an offical Playstation or Sony page.

I do not take any responsibility for people taking the stuff off my pages and doing whatever they want with them. I also do not take any responsibility for anything that is on any of the linked pages. That is the information about my pages. I will take off any pictures or movies if requested by the owners of the sites I got them from. If you have any questions about any of this stuff please e-mail me. Thank You. This is the end of my info page.
