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The Art of Asking and Denying
from aliendoom

The Art of Asking...

Being an experienced Yahoo! onlooker, I'm now proud to present the most classic approaches people use when "asking" for a game, plus the deeper meaning behind them. Here goes:

  • "Hi all and gl"... Used when entering a room. It actually means "what the hell are you all doing here trying to steal my up"!!!

  • "I just came to say hello and gl"... Used when wanting to show that one actually isn't eyeing a game, when in reality he's saying "you better remember that I came by and give me an up later, otherwise I'll humiliate ya in the lobby".

  • "You have time for a quick one?"... LOL, a true classic. When someone says this, he doesn't mean he wants to play a one pointer, no, he's simply trying to make his mongering seem smooth. Hehe

  • "Hi, how are u doing?"... 99% of the time followed by "can I have a game?"

  • "Wow a full room"... Meaning "damn I come to get an up and all these morons are here too".

  • "How have you been lately?"... Meaning "I don't give a flying pig how you doing, just invite me and give me my damn up".

  • "Can I play the winner?"... Hehe, used ONLY in cases where both players are ups!

  • "Nice rung!"... Compliment used to imply "hey I want some o'that rung too dude"!


The Art of Denying...

Classic denying methods used by ladder pros:

  • "Sorry I have a few promised"... Meaning "actually I ain't got any promised, but I'd rather shoot my knee than play you".

  • "Leaving after this"... Meaning "leaving the room to avoid you".

  • "Try later I can't now"... clearly meaning "try all year I still won't play ya".

  • "I have some ppl in line sorry"... Hehe, yeah right.

  • "Will play you soon"... Soon = Eternity.

  • "I'm playing 3gomez next, sorry"... Problem is 3gomez doesn't exist.

  • "Sorry I have lag now, try later"... No comments.


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