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I hear there was a festival in
Everest for the Cyber Wedding of reallybeautiful
aka taylor (real name kim by the way)
and plutonas. (These pretendy weddings
are starting to be an epidemic!) lovnrckts aka mark
played the best man and sugammm aka wendy
gave the bride away. And ette2_69 aka Ronnie
again played the preacher. Next time let's make a musical
out of it! We need a new twist. I understand the
life span of these cyber Marriages is about
24 nanoseconds. Kinda like that of a Tse Tse fly! TID BITS! Star_venus aka bob said in lobby that he would be back in five minutes. That his wife wanted a little and he was going to give her a lot! He can do that in five minutes?? No wonder corvette_man aka dick was calling him star_penis in ladderfacts! Plutonas announced that he is leaving everest for nine months! (Its not what you think! Dont go bugging taylor!). Hes going out to sea for a while. (I thought he worked in a muffler factory? It must have been too exhausting!) LOL Speaking of plutonas who is the_old_plutonas_died?? Congrats to bbrobb aka top_ten_cheat aka big_daddy_sandler!! He and his wife had a brand new baby boy!! He will be passing out cigars in the lobby! Magic_rose_00 aka wendy and at_the_shore aka mary_francis were giving away free wins. When asked why? They said, to see what it felt like. Then they both said they hated it and wont do it again. The fly_on_the_wall believes them. buzzzzzzz My what good girls they are?? lol Welcome back to Everest to magicman aka jim. Hope your recovery from a broken back is swift! I got a letter from acha14 regarding my story about her and zooecium aka joe in my last issue. She says some of the facts are actually inaccurate. (Tanya! Stating incorrect facts??? Oh my gosh!) lol Her name for instance is not rosanna it's rossana! Further more she does not have relatives in South Africa. She does however have relatives in South America. And she does visit them every year. That aside she said I did get the rest of the story straight. She and joe did meet and are very happy! The missive I got from joe was short and to the point! lol He said how often it seems one errs when pointing out the errs of others! Boredy66 posted a farewell to merlin_the_wizard in her club side walk cafe. Careful, you might cut yourself on the icy edge she had in wishing her co-founder well! Brrrrrrrrr Grannys naughty number! It looks like ette2 is giving up 69 forever! My what one wont do for their grand kids! LOL Belechere aka dianna said It's funny how you listen and care what a 7 year old thinks about your name (ette2_69) but enjoyed how it was received in everest! Be careful of belechere ette I hear she is pmsing, she is out of estrogen and has a gun! OMG!! lol ONE YEAR AGO THIS MONTH! Accretiacat aka steve opened a can of clios! Black_orchids cyber sex scandal said she didnt have cyber sex to get rungs. She does it because she likes it! Bbrob was mad because he wasnt voted the rudest player. Belecheres temper flared .. Said she was sick of the heavy flirting going on to get up games. (Isnt she the one that coined the phrase rung slut?) Well there ya are folks.. Chaos, panic and disorder! My work is done here.. lol AN OPEN LETTER FROM CAT11AUTUM! Hi Tanya, Just wondered if I could possibly get u to add a quick general thank you note. I have been ill for 3 years now fighting cancer and just went through major surgery. I am so thrilled by the telephone calls, flowers, emails and IMs I received from all over the world. Would like to send a big thank you to everyone. Wendy (sugammm), Chris (talcuales), and Maryfrancis (at_the_shore) took the time to notify everyone on my friends list, (which I might add is a long one), and in the lobby of Everest to update them on my condition following my surgery. They did this on a daily basis until I got out of the hospital on Tuesday. So many people talk negative about the Internet that cross our path but I say for certainty that as I took the journey on September 1 (Friday) towards ultimate good health.. That many took the journey with me. Toohot2handle, and Debbie_texas deserve more thanks than I have paper to write it on. Just thought you might be interested in helping me thank them in a more public forum. Thank you Tanya and keep up the good work. I enjoy your column very very much. Best regards. Cat11autum HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to siamak_ehdaie August 27, mdbrain September 3, iowa_hawk September 8, merlin_the_wizard September 9, movinon44 September 10, lp_custom September 11, browneyes_smiling September 20, and corvette_man September 22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to insideabottle October 5, crispy1007 October 7, debdeb_96 October 12, reallyunlucky October 22, and Ohio_U_Courtstreetshufflers October 27. THATS ALL I HAVE TO TANTALIZE YOU WITH THIS TIME!
Tanya loves tattle tales! Please send any tidbits of
news and gossip to me at
(all names annonymous of course!) so we can keep this
page going. Thank you