Welcome to the homepage for The Crystal Nucleus Sailor Moon Ring. Here, you can add your site to the queue, copy and paste the HTML fragment to your page, email me, or visit my website. Also, every so often I log into the webring server and open the directory to all the pages in the queue, and review each one to whether or not they get to be in the ring, so you do not need to email me telling me that you want to be added to the ring or that you have entered yourself in the queue. What is the queue?? The queue is the mid-step between being in the ring, and well, not being in the ring. When you are in the queue, the HTML fragment on your page will not link to the other pages in the ring, because I don't know if it should be added or not yet. I review the pages in the queue, one by one, and add them if they should be, and email the manager of the site, if things need to be changed. For example, the things I look for are:
My webring fragment either on your main page or your rings' page.
If you have a rings' page, an easy-to-find link to it.
No hentai-ness! That means material that would only be suitable to audiences over 18. I want all sites, to be suitable for all audiences.
Enough to it, that people will find it worthwhile. One page of stuff, really short, will not cut it. It just depends on how much you have on each page. If you're not sure, go ahead and add yourself, and I'll decide, because what you find to be what you think I won't think is enough, I might really think it is
You can enter the ring below.
Want to join the ring?
First, enter yourself into the queue:
Next, add this HTML fragmentto your page, or rings page. (Click on "HTML fragment" to view it) You must have the fragment on your page before I will add you.
Replace all "YOURID"s with your actual id#. Replace the "YOURNAME" with your actual name or handle, and "YOURMAIL" with your actual E-mail address.
When done, it should look like this: