Just click on the picture to have and to hold........
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And if you plan to use these pictures on YOUR homepage, please give credit the source, ALL HAIL BRAK.
Thank you. And enough of the formalities.
Here it is!
A banner for the sites.
Feel free to use this when you make links to this page!

Oh boy.
I just heard the news.
I know not how to tell you people, but.....
Cartoon Planet's been cut back
It's only gonna be on Friday Nights at 11:30 (PM EST),
Saturday mornings at 8 (AM EST)
I don't know what to do!
I feel jipped!
Somebody tell me this is a joke!
Do you love Brak?
Download this picture and
Show your support!
Brak doesn't want to be unemployed!
Space Ghost and Zorak still have Space Ghost Coast to Coast
But Brak only has guest shots on Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Show Brak that you want to keep him on the air!
And... If you have a webpage, put the picture up!
And feel free to link it back to the main "ALL HAIL BRAK" page.
Not to mention you should send a nice E-mail to
CARTOON.PLANET@TURNER.COM to show your support.
Thank you!
I think I'm lost! I live up there! I think I want to go back to BRAK!!!!

That's disgusting! Zorak spit copier toner all over the place! Ewwww! Look! Another page! Get the boss man on the horn! Why does BRAK!!!!! get ANOTHER page? Everybody loves Brak!
Got a problem? I'm listening. Visit my bestest buddy Zorak with
Zorak's Helpful Hints.
Why does he have his own homepage?
Why? Because we loathe you....
Got MORE problems? I'm STILL listening.
Another page of joy? Zorak?.
How do you do it?
Are you in the mood for an out of season
Twelve Days of Christmas?
Or would you prefer some out of season
New Years Resolutions!
C'mon kiddies. Keep in touch!
If you're interested in contacting Brak, Space Ghost, or Zorak,
feel free to send some electronic letter things!
If you've got comments on the page itself drop a line
Here are the names of some people, that wrote me letters!
Click here to return to my lovely friend....
@ Tokyo
Brak's Homepage ©
Citizens have crashed here since March 7, 1998.

Space Ghost Coast to Coast and Cartoon Planet are the property of Cartoon Network.
Space Ghost is the property of Hanna Barbera
The appearance, style, format and all of the html coding is © Brak's Homepage,
And cannot be used without written permission.