The Anime Dojo
The Anime Dojo

maintained by: Ranma Nibunnoichi


-- ATTENTION: The Anime Dojo is no longer Hosted, and this page will probably be no longer be updated. The date for the Tournament is also delayed for an unknown amount of time.

Welcome to the Anime Dojo, a SEMI - role playing on-line private room in the WBS made for all you who have a urge to fight or spar with worthy opponents from all the around the Anime universe. However, this is not just an a pointless PR where people kick each other's butts for no reason. There is a plot to this RPG, plus some rules and guidelines so everyone can have fun. Please read the following before coming to the PR. (only takes aboout 5 min)
*If you've been in RPs, you probably know the appropriate behaviors of a good RPG, but if you are new to relatively new to role playing, and would like to be part of this RPG, then you should read all materials in this page so you can role play well.


Basically, this RPG is about the 1st ever Uchuo no Tenkaichi Budokai (Universal Number 1 around-the-world Martial Arts Tournament). Anyone from any Anime who wish to fight can compete. The location of the battlefield itself is in the "Dimensional Nexus of all Anime universes." Characters from any Anime can come here via special warp holes that connect their universe with the intersection, and a character can visit other universes from the intersection by jumping into the right warp hole. Each Anime universe (Ranma ½, Dragonball, Sailormoon, Fatal Fury, etc) has its own warp hole.

The Rules and guidelines of this RPG Contains standard Rping rules, & rules that apply mainly to this RPG so the room can run smoothly and be fun.

Settings This tells you what specific place you can be in this RPG and any special rules regarding it, such as the Tendo Dojo (from Ranma ½ ) and Capsule Corp (from DBZ)

Characters and Handles a short page regarding handles, made-up characters, villains, and the orginal cast of the Anime Dojo

Plot Contains a summary of each week's session's events up to April of 1998.

Now what? So you've decided to join? Well, read this last bit, and be there the next session!

The Battle Stadium Guide This tells you everything you'll need to fight in the Battle Stadium. Please read this very carefully.

If you are interested in going to the anime dojo after reading all of the above, simply come on in with your character! New players are always welcome. With everyone's cooperation, the Anime Dojo can be fun for everyone. Enjoy your time there!

This non-profit page is copyrighted Ranma Nibunnoichi 1997-1998. All other copyrighted material are properties of their respective authors and organizations. This page is hosted by Geocities.