Saigo Ha
Techniques of the Minamoto
and Aizu Clans
When you hear teachers speak
about jujitsu, you always hear them stress what they refer to as principals
However, few ever really
elaborate as to just what these principals really are . Now, for the first
time we will list the 100 principals of Daito-Ryu. ( Since the Japanese
samurai were all members of the Shinto religion, and that religion held
reverence for units of ten, they chose the number 100, or ten units of
ten, to catogorize these basic principals . )
It should be pointed-out
that these original principals were listed in abstract terms due to the
fact that science at that time was very limited . ( phrases like " centering
your ki " would have really meant to alighn your center of gravity through
equilibrium . )
Auditory System & Semi - Circular
Canals. ( this refers to disensitizing your inner ear in order
to more easily take blows to the head )
Central Nervous System.
(This refers to understanding how the nervous system effects movement )
Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex.
( This is one of the factors in determining the development of joint locks
Gamma Motor System
Golgi Tendon Apparatus ( This
is what Prof.Wally Jay refrers to as the tender triceps, involving pressure
to the tendon linking the triceps muscle to the elbow joint )
Golgi Tendon Apparatus (
Potential limitations
Human Body Organization
Covering/ Support & Movement
Body Maintenance ( This refers
to proper training and diet which effects technical skills under stress)
Link-System & Movement (
This is how the joints are connected and how the body moved )
Horizontal & Vertical Axis
( This is part of leverage in relation to techniques )
Linear & Rotary Motion(
This relates to leverage in relation to centrifugal force )
Four Types of Force.
Center Of Gravity
Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential
Elastic Potential Energy
Force Arms
The Lever Systems
Three Classes Of Levers
Mechanical Force Advantage
Wheel & Wheel-like Arrangements
M.A. On Wheel-Like Arrangements.
Pulley-like Arrangements
Slow & Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers
Muscular Endurance
Three Energy Systems
Range Of Motion.
Dissecting Median Triangulation
Elastic Muscle Elongation
Static/Dynamic Elongation.
Static/Dynamic Equilibrium
Linear/Rotary Equilibrium
Linear/Rotary Stability
Linear Force
Rotary Force
Stable/Unstable & Neutral Equilibrium.
Applying & Receiving Force
The Push-Pull Principal
Lifting and the C.G. Alignment
Balance Control
Effects of Gravity
Laws Of Inertia
"Resistance then Persistence " principal
Opposing Acceleration
Radial Acceleration
Impulse For Absorbing Shock
Movement Patterns
Closed & Opened Skills
Discrete & Continuous Skills
Angular Speed
Rotational Inertia
Angular Acceleration
Center Of Gravity & Axis Of Rotation.
Stabilizing Factors
Behavior Modification
Avoidance Tendencies
Peripheral Vision
Progressive Relaxation
Breathing Skills
Sequential Muscle Contractions
Anchoring Potentials
Adaptation & Options.
Environmental Adaptations
Dissipation Of Force
Utilization Of Mass
Potential Determinations
Interactions Of Principals To Meet
Resolution To Meet Immediate Needs
These are the Basic Principles/ Laws which govern
the Daito-Ryu Aiki Budo System. (They also apply to EVERY MARTIAL ART and
to everything which occurs within this universe.) and are extremely useful
for long term retention of techniques and skills .
( If you understand these principles, then you will
better understand WHY techniques are successful under fire and how to better
teach your techniques for long-lasting results .)
Originally these principles were explained
in much more colorful terminology due to the era under which Daito-Ryu
was created, but, the Shen Family, being modern-day scientists, broke them
down into more clinical terminology. You can learn
in detail about each of these principles through materials at the libraries
or schools. ( There is nothing magical or secret about the principles listed
here !)
They are necessary if you,
as a teacher, really seek faster learning and longer retention of techniques
by your students. ( by understanding how a technique works, you remember
it much longer than if you merely imitate it through the rote or imitation
teaching system .)
Note : These principles cover
all aspects of physical and psychological behavior modification. They can
be useful for instilling correct social attitudes or negative ones and
the instructor must carefully weigh the pros & cons of his / her use
of these in the training syllabus. ( Take the time to research these carefully
"BEFORE" introducing them into your system.)
Daito-Ryu was developed by
the most intelligent class of Fuedal Japanese citizens ! They were generals,
shoguns, and scholars who put their minds together to create the most scientific
fighting system ever devised by man.
These 100 basic principles are just
another step in that on - going process of evolution and improvement started
by the first founding fathers of Daito-Ryu . ( The 100 principles raise
this great art one-step higher in it's growing process )
We often hear "aiki" teachers telling
their students about the importance of "principles":, but, how many understand
these very basic physis, anatomy, psychology and kineseology concepts ?
If you don't understand simple anatomy,
how can you ever understand why your opponant reacts in a specific manner
when force is applied to his joints ?
If you don't understand about gravity,
the center of gravity, and leverage, how can you understand the simplest
throws ? ( let alone teach it effectively ?)
If you don't understand such simple
things as "avoidence tendency" or evironmental stimuli with cause and effect,
how can you explain or teach that " killer instinct" or the proper preparation
of a person for an upcoming stressful situation ?
The 100 principles of "Daito-Ryu"
are not some magical or mystical thing that is beyond explanation ! They
are the keys which seperates a true "master" from a student. ( You hear
of such things as "ki" or "Chi", yet, these unique things are easily understood
by anyone who knows these principles.)
The bottom-line is very simple !
Everything which occurs in this universe ( be it the eruption of a violent
volcano or the successful use of martial arts techniques for self defence
) is the direct result of the greatest law of the universe :
The law of "CAUSE & EFFECT " and
the 100 principles govern the effects which these actions cause.
Before going any farther, please
use your greatest weapon in your quest for achieving true mastery of "Daito-Ryu"
Don't look for magic, mystical or
exotic things as your key to this mastery, but look at the LAWS which GOD
gave us and govern everything that happens in the universe.
Go to a library, videostore or bookstore
and expand your mind ! Take these 100 principles and learn about them.
( They are the true "keys" to "Daito-Ryu" .)
Dr.John J.Williams
Guuji Interi Shintoism
9th dan Daito-Ryu
7th dan Shito-Ryu karatedo
Menkyo Kaiden
Kyoju Dairii
Saigo Ha Takeda-Ryu AikiBudo
Fighting art of the Minamoto and Aizu samurai