July 2004


There is a new Kyou Kara Maou Section with character profiles, episode guide, download guide, misc. info!

I am still working on it right now, thank you for coming by!


Also, I plan to put Aishiteruze Baby up, maybe other new anime too!

Plus, I'll update my older anime pages to give them newer looks.   This time, I hope I'll be able to update more often!

For those who have been asking, this website has been at this location since 1996.  

Yes, the 10-Year Anniversary will be coming up so soon!!

I'm so happy that this website has been here so long. (^-^)v

THANK YOU Yahoo! for not deleting my site.

THANK YOU those who help produce, create, market, fan sub, and commercialize anime.

THANK YOU for enriching my life these past years.

Even if I forgot to update my webpage, I NEVER forgot anime! =)

I hope there are at least some people who have seen my website since 1992 and still come back to check for updates.

Lastly, THANK YOU SO MUCH people who come look at my website from all over the world.

I am happy to provide you a webpage to look at.