Tigers United

Name Nick Grade Name Nick Grade
TAS in effect

There are 30 links in this page!!

Seniors RULE!
Class of '98 WE MONG
Alex Chen N/A 12 Han Lin smokez alu
Geo Chen N/A 12 Steve Tsang N/A alu
Bob Chang [Vedder] 12 James Wang Prince alu
John Chiang Kane 12 Jerry Wang Kruzin alu
Rakesh Gajwani N/A 12 Andrew Wu wuboy alu
Nina Hou N/A 12 Charles Yeh Falc alu
Peter Huang PT 12 Marc Yeh marijuna alu
Daniel Im HiTe 12 - - - - -
Catherine Ku N/A 12 Charlie Hsu N/A ex
William Lee N/A 12 Tiff Ku hixie ex
Allister Liao Morph 12 - - - - -
Kohn Liu KohnMan 12 TAS Chemistry N/A fac
Dinesh Parvani N/A 12 TAS Wind Ensemble N/A fac
Aditi Puri N/A 12 Key
Ben Rosamond N/A 12 alu := Alumnus
ex := Ex-Student
fac := Faculty
Kevin Wang kev 12
William Wang Blaster 12
Albert Wei Alby 12
Sandy Wen N/A 12

Want to know the reason why I created this page? Because the official TAS homepage is under construction, we students need a substitute website that can unite the Tiger Spirit. Also, since I am such a good HTML programmer (as if), I thought creating a page about TAS is easy and cool. So here you go, The United Tigers of TAS. However, I have used up all my "brain juice" on this particular matter. If you have new and kewl ideas of other things that I can add to this page, please email me.

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