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Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:25:05 -0700
(NAME) Naoto Suzuki I've got this web site through my friend. He showed me your photos through his web site since it is linked with yours. Certainly it was an encouragement for opeining my own home page which may be in the future can be linked with yours. Here I am! then, I found a very educational subject. Thanks for your tip in your Web Design. Hope I can digest 70 % of the messages that page. Well I try to show your photos to my wife, telling her there are women who are beautiful and intelligent. Where are your photos? Will you let me know? Bye now, (Omoshiroi) More help on making Web pages ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: This is one of Nekochan's favorite visitor's comments (arigatoo for such a wonderful saying right before my birthday!! taihen ureshii!!) Nekochan's photo album is here. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 03:07:01 -0800
(NAME) Jason "Ryoga" Gatewood I'm Moving to the atlanta area really soon, and I visit every month. i will be attending the ATL Institute of art, and GA tech. I have learned some japanese, and am iterested in learning all I can, and being immersed in the culture. My dream job is to be a production Assistant with NHK. My friends call me ryoga sometimes because of the canine teeth that I have are really sharp and pronounced. But I don't get lost often. I would really appreciate some feed back. I live in St louis, but I'll be in ATL in about a month, and be moving for good in July. I'd really appreciate some help on my quest. (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Well we hope you'll join the Atlanta Nichibei Club when you come. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 04:25:01 -0800
(NAME) 大場淳一(Oba, Junichi) Howdy. Just saw your site. Very impressive and charming (well, your photos too). It's refreshing to see what somebody else is doing on his/her site. Kind of motivating or inspiring. Mine is so-so, as I don't have much time, due to my MBA study and job (working from home as freelance translator -- see my biz page (/~ajetc/) one level above my personal pages.As you know, tweaking Web pages is like a never ending thing... By the way, I recommend you to change your Japanese phrases: 1)アトランタ・ジャパン・ウェッブ・タウンや日米クラブに 対するコメントはありませんでしょうか? 2)何があったらアトランタ・ジャパン・ウェッブ・タウンや 日米クラブがもっと面白くなると思いますか? Well, just my courtesy to you all... Your smile has just made me do like this .. (actually this is how I make living now, ... you know.) There is a Japan-US society around my community, Dallas/FortWorth area, but the site was not this interesting (at least the last time I visited... not it may be changed). Oh, finally, just in case, I came to know your site via your mail notice back to Nao Honda as I am a member of the network thing. Well, gotta go. I will come back again.... ja matane... Junichi (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Thanks for all the suggestions Junichi-san (and the other one of Nekochan's favorite visitor comments-arigatoo!!...^^;;). Mata kite ne! Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 21:11:17 -0800
(NAME) Yuki Matsuda This is a great page!! (Omoshiroi) 伝言板。 ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Mijikai comment ne Yuki chan - genki?? Mata email okutte cho! Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 20:55:51 -0800
(NAME) Lynn Cullivan Your readers might be interested in the bi-weekly newsletter O-Hayo Sensei, available free by e-mail, and on the WWW. For job candidates, O-Hayo Sensei researches and lists currently available teaching (and other English- and education-related) positions across Japan. For schools and institutions, O-Hayo Sensei offers free "Position Wanted" listings -- a no-cost way to dramatically broaden the scope of any search committee, and recruit the best qualified candidates from around the world. O-Hayo Sensei also offers low-cost classified advertising: US$50 per ad up to 100 words published in two e-mail issues posted on the WWW for one month containing URL links to WWW sites or e-mail addresses (on request, O-Hayo Sensei will also create and host a text-only WWW page at no additional charge). We hope you'll preview the current issue at: And then follow the instructions to request the complete current issue free via e-mail (about a 40K text file). Thank you. (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Well I don't know about advertising, but I'm sure some of my readers would be interested in your publication, so I put a link up for you here. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 08:55:15 -0800
(NAME) John Schuetze (John30inDC@aol.com) Dear Julie, Just stopped by again to see how your website has been coming along and like "Wow!" it is way kewl there.... :) Just in case you don't remember, we probably met once or twice back in Nagoya---I wrote you several months ago on this website and you wrote me back. I actually found your meishi that you had given me when we met in Nagoya. Anyways, keep at it, you're doing great...still working for Matsushita or was it Mitsubishi? I just started working for a company that'll be sending me abroad to install system software and train staff overseas--a lot of traveling which I like. We have over 200 countries to go to and one of these days Japan will be on the list. Well, that's it for now...take care and look forward to hearing from you if you get the chance. ---John 31st of December, 1996 12:27pm EDT (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: It was nice to 'chat' about Nagoya (it's a small world after all). Drop us a line if you're ever planning to be in Atlanta (our club meets once a month). Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 05:12:52 -0800
(NAME) Mogura-chan (hwyortiz@aol.com) Hey, Julie. This is Hiroko. Finally I found you here! I didn't remember URL of your homepage, and It took me a while to locate you I have a question. Is there anyway I can use MS Exchange and Netscape at home? Ohenji omachi shite imasu. Jaa, osooji ganbatte ne. Yoroshiku! Hiroko (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: MOGURA chan da!! Kyoo (4/20) yatto osooji yatta yo. HOHOHOHO.....Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:10:59 -0700
(NAME) 熊谷正司 こんにてちわ。日本の熊谷正司です。 きょう、JAPAN LINK の、ご案内をいただき、またすぐは加入しようとしていますが、いまいち、入会要領と、趣 が、わかりません。 忙しいところを、まことにすみませんが、すみませんが、もう少し詳しく、日本語で、おしえてください。 http://www.angelfire.com/pages0/kumagai (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: 最近JAVAの伝言板はうまく行けましたでしょうか?また行きますね。 Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 13:24:56 -0700
(NAME) John Schuetze Julie--- Pardon me for writing back so quick but just wanted to say it was good to hear from you -- I figure you probably check here more often than you do your aol account by what you said! If you lived on Hassho-Dori (I remember it well--used to scoot on my Honda DJ1 up and down all the time!) did you live near Meidai or down near Yagoto? I used to go to a restaurant near there with some of my private students--it was called Asakuma (chain steak restaurant). What I miss most about Nagoya is only having one bookstore in the whole city (yeah right!--I'm kidding)--I spent too much time AND YEN at Maruzen... So you're involved in promoting that DiamondWeb thingee... I think that's the way to go as all good websurfers want to be able to switch back and forth between websites and Seinfeld. Well I better stop this letter and actually do some work here (I'm at my office..heh..heh..:) ) Take care! John (the most popular name for pet dogs in Japan) :) --which is why my next pet will be named Hiroyuki... (Omoshiroi) Neko-chan stories. ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Nekochan wa Nagoya no hanashi wa daisuki!!. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 13:57:51 -0700
(NAME) John Schuetze Dear Julie, October 17th, 1996 Hi--just came across your web page while surfing a cybertsunami and just HAD to write! I think maybe we might've been in contact a long time ago (on AOL???) as your name somehow seems familar :). I also lived in Nagoya (from 10/90 to 4/95) and lived in Aratamabashi (the sound end of Mizuho-ku, just before Minami-ku) and loved it there. Whereabouts did you live there? I have a good friend, Mieko, who also went to Nanzan (I used to go to their matsuri every year!) and now she's studying for her Master's here at the University of Maryland very close to where I live! It's a small world sometimes... I keep up with Nagoya through the web---did you know that the Chubu Weekly made a web page for itself sometime back? However they haven't been updating it it seems... Fortunately, I have KanjiTalk on my Mac so I'm able to surf true Japanese-style and can get all the pages with Kanji as they're meant to be seen. Kudos on a great web site! Ja, watashi ni otegami okutte kudasai--tanoshimi shite imasu! Ja mata nee, John Schuetze Silver Spring, Maryland Email: John30inDC@aol.com (Omoshiroi) Neko-chan stories. ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Links o tsukemashita. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 07:57:51 -0700
(NAME) Pat Canivan aka CatAnna (comments) Your free sample BGs are gorgeous! If I ever decide to change the background on my site, I know where to come :-) (Omoshiroi) I like it now and will come again! ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Thanks for your comment. The graphics section has been completely updated. Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 03:12:46 -0700
(NAME) masashi kuamgai (comments) 猫ちゃんこんにちわ..BOBの、ホームページより、飛んできました。今度、私のホームページにいらしてください。美しい、秋田美人や、新潟美人がいるので、ご覧ください。ゲストブックに記入もお忘れなく。 Have a good day and see you again.. (Omoshiroi) 今のはいい。また来る。 ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: いつも色々とお世話になってありがとう! Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 07:45:18 -0700
(NAME) Makoto chan (comments) omoshiro katta yo--- kondo ga tanoshimi da (Omoshiroi) Restaurants and nightlife. ------------------------------------------- (4/20/97) Response: Hisashiburi ne Jiiko kun. Genki ni shiteru?? Yoroshiku~ (^_^) |
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