The JAPAN RING was featured in MANGAJIN No. 68 (late August)
This Japan
Ring site is owned by Nekochan. |
What is a Webring? |
Here are the steps that need to be followed to join the Japan Ring. Please follow them closely!
1. Save a copy of the Japan Ring graphic below or choose a logo graphic from here:
2. Register URL for Japan Ring:
Fill out the below form to register your site and write down the Site ID number you are assigned. This will put your page in the Japan Ring 'Queue', where it will remain until someone adds you to the link. This does not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done later. (The password allows you to later add others to the ring. Please do not forget it! If you have any problems, e-mail
3. Add the following HTML fragment to your homepage:
Copy the following HTML fragment into the page you've registered with the Japan Ring queue. Be sure to change all blanks _____ to your own site id number/email address. Use the Japan Ring logo you downloaded above as the "japanring.jpg" graphic, or be sure to change the HTML if you choose another logo. All of the Japan Ring logos are here.
This Japan Ring site is owned by __________.
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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.
4. Request that your site be added to the ring
Once in the queue you will need to download the HTML code and logo graphic (=step 1 and step 3) to add to your page which shows you to be an "official" Japan Ring site, and which links your page to the next site in the ring.
Once a member, please mail changes of your url for the ring to me so that the ring can be updated.
Thank you for your interest in the Japan Ring! Please feel free to submit any comments, question, ideas.
This Japan
Ring site is owned by Nekochan. |
Free Home Page Visitor # since 8/96
Copyright 1998,
*See | Web Design
| for all credits.