Ranma & Akane's Dojo

Updated on 4/16/01

Welcome to my anime home page. This page will deal with the popular anime series called Ranma 1/2.

The Ranma series is mainly about an arranged marriage between Ranma(Groom) and Akane(Bride). The two of them reject this idea but to make matters worse, Ranma is cursed. When Ranma gets wet with cold water, he becomes a she. Ranma can turn back into a guy if he gets splashed with hot water but there are a lot of funny situations that occur when he becomes a girl.

Ranma Boy/Girl

Characters (Click here for basic descriptions of characters)

Image Gallery (Various pics from the web)

DoCo Gallery (Various pics of DoCo from the web)

Ranma Scans (Scans from my Ranma playing cards)

I just wanted to thank everyone on the anime turnpike because none of the images on my page are my own. The only images that are mine are the Ranma scans. I would like to thank specific places from where I got my images but I don't remember where each one is from. Once again, thanks all.....Arrigato

Email me at rchiuz@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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