
The story that almost became "Faux Existence".  With Lurker's permission, here is the story I ended up writing,
which is now a seperate work.  Owing to it's origin, it has plot-point similarities, but I hope you'll enjoy it
as it stands.   Be sure to let me know what you think!

**Received Votes for "Best Mini-Series -- Monthly" for May of '99!**
Arigato gozaimasu!

Volume One
Seven years have gone by, and life is idyllic -- until Takara Miyoko suddenly finds faces popping up from her past that threaten to destroy her future, and hurt an innocent girl.  How will she protect what she has worked so hard to build, without causing even more harm?
Part One (ASCII Text, 39k)
Part Two (ASCII Text, 47k)
Part Three (ASCII Text, 30k)
Part Four (ASCII Text, 34k)
Part Five (ASCII Text, 32k)
Part Six (ASCII Text, 29k)
Part Seven (ASCII Text, 31k)

Volume Two
Just when her life seemed to be getting back to normal, Miyoko discovers that she's not the only one with a past; but what will that discovery cost her?

Part One (ASCII Text, 26k)
Part Two (ASCII Text, 31k)
Part Three (ASCII Text, 25k)
Part Four (ASCII Text, 36k)
Part Five (ASCII Text, 31k)
Part Six (ASCII Text, 28k)
Part Seven (ASCII Text, 40k)

Friends and Lovers -- A "Secrets" Prequel
The story of Miyoko and Yoriko's fateful first meeting -- and of how sometimes, the heart really does know better than the head.

Part One (ASCII Text, 22k)
Part Two (ASCII Text, 18k)
Part Three (ASCII Text, 17k)
Part Four (ASCII Text, 18k)
Part Five (ASCII Text, 17k)


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