Reeny's Crystal Palace

Welcome to Reeny's Crystal Palace!!! Enjoy your stay!!! Hope you like your visit!!! Sign the Palace Guestbook!!!

Welcome to my Crystal Palace!!! Feel free to use anything, anything at all!!! Like some pictures, and want to use em for your page or personal use, go ahead!!! My page is here purely for your enjoyment, and I am not one of those mean peoples who say "don't take this, don't take that!!!"

The gray cat running around is Diana, my cat! You can adopt her and other cats like her at my adoption center! If you have aol then you can locate me by clicking here.

**Look soon for Black Lady's Dark Crystal Palace** A web page like this dedicated to the villans of Sailor Moon

Mail me if you need anything, find broken links, comments, sugestions, flames, anything at all!!!

Puff the Magic Dragon says you are the click me to get your own dragon counter magical person to visit my magical Palace!

Image Gallery Profiles od the senshis Vote for your favorite senshi!!!
Links to Sailor Moon/Anime Web Pages Use one of my banners to link me from your page! Click Me to go to Crystal Tokyo Chat room
Click me to see the awards I've! Things I've adopted See the web rings I'm in
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Sign my guestbook!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Please sign it!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!! Sign my guestbook!!!

Please sign my guestbook! ::gets on her knees and starts begging:: Pretty please with pink sugar on top!!!

I am a member of the Sailor Princess Club

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Hope ya enjoyed it!!! i luv ya, buh bye!!! Au Revoir!!! Adios!!! Asta la vista, baby!!! Chow!!! and in english again, Bye bye!!!

Well, thank you for visiting and come again!!!

© 1997