Katana's Shinji Ikari Page




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Welcome to my homepage - dedicated to everyone's favourite anime character: Shinji Ikari!

Did I say everyone's favourite? My apologies. In fact, I've seen more pages about Maya than Shinji! Hopefully, this page will change things a little.

All right! I know it's not finished - hardly even started - but I want to begin convincing Neon Genesis fans that Shinji is actually a great guy (for reasons other than that he's totally adorable) as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, feel free (read: please do) to send me any pictures (especially of Shinji) or links you'd like me to put in (Neon Genesis-based)...

Oh, and more importantly, to give your opinion of my Shinji-kun, and this page.

I am contactable (!) by e-mail or ICQ (16163826)

Aha! My poll: (enjoy!)

Shinji Ikari Poll

What is your opinion of Shinji?

UPDATES - I admit it... I haven't updated this page for so long... Why? Because I've been doing CATs and studying for exams (which are also CATs, but no need to go into that). However, as my last exam is on the 15th November, major updates will be coming shortly. (Hooray! Soon I'll be able to devote all my time to Shinji-kun... *grin*) Anyway, since there's nothing new, here are my OLD updates, for those who haven't visited for a long long time:

I now have a working guestbook, thanks to Bravenet (if you want a guestbook, or anything else, go there!), so could you all sign the guestbook... If you've signed it before, contact me, and I'll transfer your old entry across. Alternatively, you could sign again (which I would prefer, but I don't mind if you can't be bothered). If you've had problems with my guestbook in the past, don't be discouraged... this one actually WORKS.

Oh, and I gave in to temptation *grin* and added a forum... Please talk about Neon Genesis stuff, though not necessarily Shinji... If you want to talk about other things, go somewhere else.
Oh... here it is...: 
See you there!

This is my first award, presented to my site by... well, /^Rei^\, of course (she has wings!)

If you want to know why...

...ask her...

...or look around my site!

(The latter is preferable, though you can do both, if you wish...)

   award.jpg (9484 bytes)

Meet my Angel: Ramiel
Isn't he kawaii? No?! Well that's your opinion, I guess...

Sorry!    Shinji's Theme... Isn't it cool? Go here for more music

Note: this is where I put the disclaimer and so on and so forth, but I can't be bothered.
Instead, I'll just mention that the ~*~ thing on the list of contents is a flower. :)