Contact me:

Feel free to e-mail me! I love getting mail! But if you want to say something about 
one of my sites, please don't forget to tell me which one you're talking about 
because I have made many web sites. ^_^

Mail me:

Oh! And here's a list of my web sites: ^_^
T.R.A.G.I.C. (The Gateway to all these sites)

Misc anime & Video games
  • Bishounen no Universe Anime/videogames: my collection of pretty boys!
  • Soot's Adoption Service Anime and video game characters out for adoption
  • Temple of Sephiroth PS: Final Fantasy VII
  • Magus' Castle SNES: Chrono Trigger
  • Rocket Gang HQ Anime/GB: Pokemon (English and Swedish versions)
  • Sakura Barrow Anime/Manga: Tokyo Babylon
  • In memory of Gremio PS: Genso Suikoden
    Sailor Moon
  • Dark Kingdom Playground Images, info, fanart, fanfics (English and Swedish versions)
  • Circus Images, info, fanart
  • Fiore's Garden Images, info
  • Music Haven MP3s from anime, video games and more *currently not working*
  • Black Star About me
  • Slytherin's Dungeon Books: Harry Potter (English and Swedish versions)
  • FanDreams (English and Swedish versions)

    Bishounen no Universe T.R.A.G.I.C.
    *Mail me*