DANfan's Story Time!!!!!!

Well, Welcome to DANfan's Storytime!!! My Stories are for your Enjoyment to read about!!!! I love Fanfiction, Especially ones Dealing with Video Games. So, in Honor of the Street Fighter Series I bring to you the Fanfiction Explosion of DANfan's Storytime!!!!

Read about the Story of The X-Men as they learn what Ki Power is all about when Ryu and Ken fight against the Fiercest Foe of the X-Universe, the Apocalypse!!!

STORY STATUS: Chapter 5 Completed.

Apocalypse is Back!!! and this time it's up to the Avengers and the World Warriors to Stop his Evil Plan of Domination By Plaging the world with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!!!!

STORY STATUS: Not Available.

The Onslaught is upon us!!!! It's a Clash of Many Worlds as Onslaught uses his Power to Rip though Time and Space as Unusual Characters Aid in the Fight to Destroy the Onslaught once and For all!!!! Onslaught Almost Destroyed the World.... Can He Do that to Others?

STORY STATUS Not Available

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