A T-1000 Terminator in 2045 Tokyo
    A Moldiver spamfic by HKMiller
        9 October 2001

Inspired by an FFML thread: into which anime series would a sudden
Terminator appearance make an interesting story?  Most of the
respondents had more serious stories in mind than this.
And, yes, I did enjoy 'Bambi vs. Godzilla'; why do you ask?

Major characters created by Hiroyuki Kitazume.
No disrespect is intended by my unlicensed usage.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mirai Ozora was shopping.  Not that this was unusual; what was
unusual was that she'd dragooned both her brothers into coming
along.  Hiroshi, her older brother, was whining and uncomfortable,
and seemed to be having trouble keeping his eyes off the lingerie;
Nozomu, her younger brother, was grinning ear-to-ear as he used
his datapad's newest feature (which he'd just finished adding this
very morning) to peep into changing rooms.  Mirai "ooh'd" and
"aah'd" over the newest fashions in the women's clothing section
of her favorite department store, fantasizing about Mr. Misaki's
reaction to seeing her in each.

"Oh, Mirai-chan, shopping again?  I thought your credit card was
canceled?" asked an unexpected voice.  Sure enough, it was her
overendowed rival, Mao Shirase.  Mirai grew nervous and glanced to
make sure neither of her brothers had heard the comment.

"I got another one," Mirai lied, then ostentatiously picked the
most expensive dress on the rack and carried it into a nearby
dressing room.

Suddenly a hole opened in the air in the middle of the store and a
metallic intruder stepped out.  It momentarily surveyed its
surroundings, including the dozens of women perusing the aisles of
clothes.  It picked the nearest woman, who happened to be Mao, up
by the neck and asked "What are this world's defenses?"

"Mo..."  Mao tried to gasp out while choking.

"Moldiver," answered Nozomu loudly, pitching his voice towards
Mirai's dressing room while grinning to himself.  He also
nudged Hiroshi, who hadn't been paying attention.

"METAMORFORCE!" added Mirai from within her changing booth.
Unfortunately, Mirai had forgotten that she was now wearing an
expensive dress for which she hadn't paid; it ripped itself to
pieces as she transformed.

Hiroshi dived into another changing booth and started tearing his
clothes off.  Hiroshi's misfortunate was to pick a room currently
occupied.  The incumbent, clad only in her underwear, decided this
would be a good time to scream.

Meanwhile, the intruder, a model T-1000 terminator confident of
its supremacy over any conventional weaponry, found itself
bursting upward through the ceiling before it could react, and its
grip on the woman it had been threatening pried loose.  A rather
unthreatening-looking white- and pink-clad flying woman held the
terminator by one shoulder.  The terminator tried a few blows,
only to find the girl completely impervious to everything he

Back in the store, Hiroshi hurriedly left his first changing booth
and dove into another, empty this time.  Nozomu, again grinning to
himself, carefully looked around to make sure he was unobserved,
then stepped through the inter-dimensional portal.

Mirai, assuming the strange intruder could fly, threw it into the
air and then attempted a flying kick.  Unfortunately, the intruder
flowed around her kick like mercury, then clung to her in panic.

Hiroshi, finally transformed into Captain Tokyo, flew upwards
through the hole Mirai had made, only to find Mao falling towards
him.  He caught her, returned to the floor of the store, and set
her down.  Dozens of women applauded, and Hiroshi spent a few
minutes preening and posing heroically.

Meanwhile, Mirai fought the terminator high in the air, wondering
what it was and whether she dared use enough force to kill it.
Finally she was joined Hiroshi's over-muscled alter-ego.

"Mirai, what are you doing?  That thing shouldn't have taken you
this long."

"But I might accidentally kill it!"

Hiroshi glanced at the instruments in his helmet.  "It's just a
robot; go ahead and destroy it."

"Okay!" Mirai replied chirpily.  Finding the terminator still
clinging to her, but herself still unable to grasp it, she just
took off straight up at high speed.  Hiroshi shrugged to himself
and followed, half-heartedly, observing. 

- - - - - - - - - -
On the other side of the portal, Nozomu found himself confronting
a large autonomous computer named Skynet.  Giving it a quick
story to distract it, Nozomu downloaded the complete schematics
for the generator of the inter-dimensional portal.  Deciding he
could spare another few minutes, he wrote and uploaded a computer
virus which would erase all record of his home dimension's
coordinates.  Nozomu and snuck back through the dimensional portal
just before it collapsed.

- - - - - - - - - -
Well outside the Earth's atmosphere, Mirai tried again to grasp
the terminator, without success.  It still clung to her, flowing
over her outer dimensional shield.  Frustrated, she took off

About eight minutes later, Mirai hovered close enough to the sun
for her purposes.  The terminator's mind boggled at the technology
required to do what its body had just experienced.  How can a
biological organism survive such acceleration?  This completely
transcends all laws of physics known to us, it thought.

Mirai tried to throw the terminator into the sun, but found it
still clinging to her hand in sheer panic.  She shrugged again,
and just dove in herself, still carrying the terminator.
'Impossible....' was the terminator's last thought.

Ten minutes later, Mirai stepped out of the dressing room back in
the department store.  Hiroshi was explaining something to a
skeptical-looking policeman, while Nozomu fiddled with something
on his datapad, still grinning to himself.  Mirai looked over his
shoulder.  "Inter-dimensional transfer portal?  Nozomu, don't
make something dangerous like that!"

Mao was talking to a reporter, telling him about how she'd just
been rescued by Captain Tokyo and describing the feel of his
strong arms around her body.

Mirai sighed to herself and went back to shopping, spending money
she didn't have and wondering how she would pay for the dress
she'd already shredded.

- - - - - - - - - -

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    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/dojo/5058

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